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angry kitty ready for a scratch your eyes
angry kitty ready for a scratch your eyes

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Conflict (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Grand Falls
Date: Feb 24, 2004
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/4 sec.
Galleries: Interior, Animals
Date Uploaded: Feb 24, 2004

Hello folks.

My first attempt for a Brown Ribbon (last place).

ISO 1600, 1/4 sec exposure, running towards the cat, sunny sky white balance, tungsten light source, wacked out Levels and Saturation. No cropping, of course.

This was fun.

This attempt at a Brown Ribbon is not a statement on DPC, just a goal I set myself this year.

Target score: 3.3. 40 1s, 4 10s, and 49 comments.

Place: 202 out of 202
Avg (all users): 2.5979
Avg (commenters): 2.1176
Avg (participants): 2.5814
Avg (non-participants): 2.6050
Views since voting: 6766
Votes: 286
Comments: 117
Favorites: 38 (view)

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08/09/2022 08:31:41 AM

amazing photo!
09/24/2007 02:56:53 AM
I'm serving notice that I intend to use this masterpiece as my inspiration next time a "deja vu" challenge rolls around...
02/03/2007 06:54:16 PM
LMFAO!!! I love especially this line: "ISO 1600, 1/4 sec exposure, running towards the cat,". I can see running towards the cat may very useful part of camera setting :)
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01/28/2007 01:53:43 AM
This is easily the best photo on DPC. It seriously took me 15 minutes to stop my hysterical laugher when I first saw this and read the comments. Simply amazing!
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07/27/2006 02:08:32 AM
LOL. Chalk up another favorite. Funny, funny!
06/22/2005 02:48:42 PM
Whenever I am having a bad moment in life I can always stop by this picture and get a nice little chuckle. Thanks...
03/13/2005 07:33:30 PM
Ah...what a relief..I can never achieve this level of ..it defies a name..wonderful..horrible..ah, this photo will definately induce many therapy sessions..
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03/07/2005 06:52:57 AM
This shot cracks me up every time I look at it. I can't stop laughing for 10 minutes, as the grammar of the title and whacked out colors imprint in my mind. GJ at achieving your goal, and thanks for the laughs :)
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03/03/2005 03:01:05 PM
It's the first time I have seen the image and read the title too.
It is marvelous. Enjoyed reading the first part of photograper's comments. This is too funny .. I can almost see you taking this shot.
:D ... print available too!! hehehe
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11/10/2004 12:57:39 AM
LMFAO... first attempt at a brown and done convincingly Jacko.. A true star you are... even got 2 10's...
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11/08/2004 08:38:25 PM
jack you got hammered , great job
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10/07/2004 07:36:25 AM
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04/09/2004 11:33:20 AM
mr jacko, this is a suck


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03/25/2004 12:32:28 PM
We have something in common. We placed last with a cat pic.
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03/08/2004 10:37:21 AM
Original title: angry kitty ready for a scratch your eyes (intentional abstract; if you give me a 1 you're stupid)

- Looks like it changed when I changed the title for DPCPrints.com.
03/07/2004 08:24:56 AM
I've been sick for two weeks and haven't been here much, but to come to this kind of entertainment is just great :-)) This just rose my spirits :-)) I can't stop chuckling. What a crazy crowd we are... Waaaay to go Jacko!
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03/04/2004 05:11:22 PM
A supremely demented mind is required to do something so bad that it is good.

The two folks giving it a "10" are very smart. They deserve brown-framed prints for their deep, prophetic insight into this instant DPC cult classic.

Is the cat in therapy now?
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03/04/2004 03:57:40 PM
Yep one strange image.... poor cat ... can you imagine trying to keep your cool reputation with a picture like that on the net.
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03/04/2004 12:25:02 PM
Are you sure this is a cat? I think this is you spewing after a long Saturday night of drinking! Congrats on the brown ribbon my man!
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03/04/2004 09:16:50 AM
All that reading BF Skinner has helped with something in your life. Good job ;)
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03/04/2004 12:35:46 AM
LOL, I saw "Jacko" with a 2.59 and dead-last and I thought I was seeing things!! Hahahahaaaaa, congrats on your Brown Ribbon!!!
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03/03/2004 08:21:30 PM
Stop it ! You're scaring meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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03/03/2004 07:20:17 PM
cute pussy :)
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03/03/2004 07:04:51 PM
This has got to be one of the best/worst pics on dpc. :)

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03/03/2004 07:03:02 PM
Hmmm...not sure what to think of this shot.

hmmm...scarey, freaky, and well, looks like a cat on fire or somethin.

You got a brown for this, so I guess i should congratulate you. Congrats, Jacko!

Hey, are you going to sell this? This is going to be worth something someday and I want to be part of that cash flow. :-))

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03/03/2004 01:50:46 PM
wOot! you did it!!

p.s. i actually do like it. ;)

Message edited by author 2004-03-03 13:54:00.
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03/03/2004 12:19:46 PM
You're a bizarre individual... very funny! :) To go the extra mile, you should have spelled "you're" as "your," though!

Message edited by author 2004-03-03 12:20:31.
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03/03/2004 11:51:21 AM
LOL! You totally brightened my day.
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03/03/2004 10:23:59 AM
Hey Jacko,
Hook-line-and-sinker! You knew the title is what would do you in, and we ALL fell for it..I really do think it's hilarious that you figured everyone out. That being said, if you weren't YOU and people didn't like you so much, say if *I* did this, they'd probably want my account closed for making a "mockery of DPC". I still think it rocks, two people gave you 10's...Pedro was kidding, but maybe the other vote was real! Way to go!
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03/03/2004 10:21:28 AM
Greetings on a job well Done mister Jacko ;)
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03/03/2004 09:50:19 AM
Jacko!! You da man!!! Glad I could help you out with my "1" you deserved a lower score, but "1" is as low as the scale goes. Congrats on the brown ribbon. This is going in my faves, right next to the bunny shot.
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03/03/2004 08:54:59 AM
Now you have left us all something to aspire to. Way to go!! It isn't easy to actually creatively end up in last place!
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03/03/2004 08:46:06 AM
And here I was, trying to be nice about it....
NOW I feel stupid!*chuckles*
Congrats! :)

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03/03/2004 08:26:00 AM
Cool! Congratulations!
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03/03/2004 08:16:35 AM
Well sorry Jacko but I gave this a 5!! I liked it - and its easy to get a brown because I have one!! DOH!!

NiCe oNe


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03/03/2004 08:06:34 AM
Congrats on the Brown Jacko! :P
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03/03/2004 07:58:36 AM
Guys, thanks so much for the great votes and the great comments. I had a very entertaining week.

Jacques :)
03/03/2004 07:52:30 AM
Way to exceed your expectations! Congrats on a job well done, Jacko!
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03/03/2004 07:47:56 AM
Man, I love how this turned out for you bro! What a cool experiment. That's what happens when you have a Psych. major with too much time on his hands.

Congrats on adding this "smelly ribbon" to your collection.

Message edited by author 2004-03-03 07:51:06.
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03/03/2004 07:44:18 AM
Reading the comments made me laugh so much, I have to put this one into my favorites. Congrats

Message edited by author 2004-03-03 07:44:32.
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03/03/2004 07:17:52 AM
Right on! On your 1st try too! You rock mon ami!!! :-)

You're a genius by creating conflict with other DPCers. Poke poke poke. Hehehehehe.

You make us Canadians proud! ;-)

Message edited by author 2004-03-03 07:42:15.
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03/03/2004 06:27:51 AM
Congrats! I knew you could do it :)
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03/03/2004 06:21:11 AM
I guess I'm 6x more stupid since I gave you a "6". 58 voting stage comments and getting last place. I think that's a record too. Congrats.
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03/03/2004 05:46:36 AM
Congrats, you reached the brown at first attempt. (I had to wait 44 challenges to get a blue:-)
I like this kind of provocation.
Most important: you had FUN. I believe it.
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03/03/2004 04:04:06 AM
You are one crazy Canadian!
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03/03/2004 02:59:47 AM
I glad you reached your goal, however you cheated. Pissing people off is what got you this ribbon, because unfortuneatly there were many people who (I think) tried and made even worse photographs. But maybe I'm stupid...
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03/03/2004 02:30:05 AM
Well done, you hit the mark and won yourself the Brown Ribbon. I should have given you a 10 to hit your target score.
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03/03/2004 02:14:24 AM
oh damn man! :) LOL!
You did it! Way to go!

Admit, the tittle helped you alot! :)
Without that, you would score much higher! :)

Aplause 4 Jacko!
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03/03/2004 01:51:27 AM
hahahahahahahah. hahaha. haha.
even though i didn't expect you to score high (i gave you a 6), i didn't expect you to hit the BOTTOM. well done.. although for the record, your photo here is not the worst one by far.

i think this entry is an extremely useful piece of evidence in studying the overall psychology of dpchallenge voters and commenters. frankly i'm really disappointed in it.

Message edited by author 2004-03-03 01:52:04.
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03/03/2004 01:27:35 AM
Way to go, Jacko!

(You beat me into giving you a 5...)
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03/03/2004 12:51:06 AM

Congratulations not on your ribbon but on the number of comments you garnered. It must be some sort of record.
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03/03/2004 12:34:21 AM
Exceeded your expectations! Congratulations on your Brown Ribbon!
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03/03/2004 12:22:16 AM

You did it by challenging us to give you a 1, what did you expect. I love the comments you got, you probably laughed all week, you lucky dog. lol Van
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03/03/2004 12:16:18 AM
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03/03/2004 12:14:27 AM
Totally unexpected, you rock man!
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03/03/2004 12:10:26 AM
Very funny!!! :-)
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03/03/2004 12:06:52 AM
woohoo!!! you rock!!! :)
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03/03/2004 12:05:03 AM
Congrats! you sis win your personal brown ribbon. And with this comment did you expect something else?:)
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03/03/2004 12:03:50 AM
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You did it!!!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/02/2004 10:51:20 PM
Very busy composition, great movement. It is conflicting even looking at it.
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03/02/2004 09:44:00 PM
Great capture. Love the colours. Very artsy. Best shot of this challenge. Good luck
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03/02/2004 02:38:13 PM
People don't like being called stupid.
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03/02/2004 11:53:21 AM
That cat looks like a demonspawn.
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03/02/2004 10:24:04 AM
Intentional abstract -- ok given.
Poor colors, poor use of shapes, over-exposed area draws attention, poor balance. poor picture over all... If you're frank in your title, I'll leave a frank comment.

Still a poor picture so you get a sympathy point - 2.
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03/02/2004 07:08:39 AM
I would've given a better score, but you called me stupid. Yeah... think about that for a while while I click on the little "1".
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03/02/2004 01:15:48 AM
I'm stupid!
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03/01/2004 08:32:07 AM
This is complete and utter shite. Your camera should be stuffed where the sun don't shine. You are a disgrace to DPC - 10
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03/01/2004 08:07:21 AM
I'm stupid, I see no challenge here. 1 lol
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03/01/2004 12:18:46 AM
Call me stupid?....1....abstract or not ... but when someone threatens me I dont like it...
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02/29/2004 11:44:20 PM
I gave it a 1. Doesn't appeal to me and not something I would want to own.
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02/29/2004 01:42:01 AM
i'm maybe stupid because i don't like your photo much more you're attitude!!!
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02/28/2004 05:25:29 PM
love the tital...great photo, good luck
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02/28/2004 04:09:22 PM
Wonderful abstract. I love this. The juxtaposition between the red and yellow, along with the soft focus and shallow depth of field make for a truly inspiring abstractificationment of this cat. And he looks really mad. Which is cool because I can tell he's a really warm and caring cat. So the contrast in the colours is epitomized in the contrast in this angry picture vs. his true nature. Like the conflict between man and beast, heaven and earth, homosexuals and church-goers. This picture really says it all to me. Bravo! -10-
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02/28/2004 03:28:35 PM
The angry title already sets me up to not like this photo.
It is a cool creative idea though
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02/28/2004 10:49:05 AM
i'll just have to take my chances...
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02/28/2004 09:56:06 AM
Well let me put you at ease right away, I'm not stupid, didn't give you a 1. An original depiction of the challenge. Colors are bold, I like that, just not sure about the top part of the photo. At the top left there's a really heavy bright yellow "thingy" (for lack of a better word) that is a bit distracting for me.
Score: 5 Good job nonetheless! Good luck!
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02/28/2004 02:50:58 AM
Even with the intentional abstraction there should be a focal point to pull my eye into it. I like your vibrant warm colors. The really bright spot in upper left seems out of place.
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02/27/2004 05:47:08 PM
you're stupid. 1
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02/27/2004 05:26:19 PM
Guess I'm marginally stupid because I gave you a 3. Would have been a 4 if you hadn't made that nasty remark to all voters about giving you a one.
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02/27/2004 02:33:51 PM
Well, I would hope it's intentional. :) The interesting question is, does it work? I do like the colors. It's certainly not the best abstract I've seen, though. And your title's not going to help you, I suspect.
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02/27/2004 01:36:53 PM
I may be stupid, but I am an artist of 49 years.... it doesn't work.. sorry
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02/27/2004 01:13:41 PM
Sorry... guess I'm stupid. I probably would have given it a 2, but I deduct a point for really dumb titles.
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02/27/2004 12:16:43 PM
Very nice. I don't like the thing in the upper right, though, since it detracts from the summetry of the rest of the photo.
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02/27/2004 12:00:57 PM
Maybe the title of your pic was meant as humor, but telling people they are stupid if they vote a certain way probably won't get you many high scores :) As for the picture, it's a very interesting take on this week's assignment.
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02/27/2004 02:37:14 AM
Just because you are abusive will not get you a high score
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02/27/2004 02:07:53 AM
Your title certainly caused conflict
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02/27/2004 12:52:02 AM
As I see it, the conflict is not in the image! So I've rated the title a 1.
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02/27/2004 12:37:25 AM
Danm tempting to give you a one with that title, even if you don't deserve it.
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02/27/2004 12:16:36 AM
hahaha!! The title is the best part. Ok, if I give you a 10 does that make me a genious? I'll give ya 5, because I know I'm not a genious + 1 for amusing me + 1 for such an amazing abstract photo : )
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02/26/2004 09:48:17 PM
well i guess im stupid bc ur just askin for it, and gettin a 1
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02/26/2004 09:45:44 PM
I guess I'm stupid, but you have bad grammar. "a scratch your eyes"?
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02/26/2004 08:17:20 PM
Gee, I wouldn't want to be called stupid. 2
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02/26/2004 07:30:19 PM
I can "feel" the anger!! Even better if the distractions can be eliminated in the upper right hand corner and bright spot on upper left hand corner -- the bright light takes my attention
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02/26/2004 03:27:19 PM
I'm stupid!
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02/26/2004 02:50:32 PM
no conflict, digital treatment does nothing to enhance what is otherwise just a cat photo.
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02/26/2004 12:54:06 PM
I guess I'm stupid. You get a one from me only because you shouldn't tell me how to vote in your title and name calling isn't nice. Please don't PM and argue with me.
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02/26/2004 11:58:29 AM
I subtracted a point for your title.
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02/26/2004 11:35:40 AM
looks like I am stupid, does not meet the challenge. abstract or not !!
Score 1
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02/26/2004 08:50:31 AM
I'm really stupid
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02/26/2004 04:57:24 AM
Vey funny, but you just know your asking for a whole heap of 1's.

Angry kitty btw ;)
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02/26/2004 04:45:16 AM
I guess I'm stupid...
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02/26/2004 02:05:20 AM
1 for sure...abstract is one thing, but intentionally blurred it just makes this silly now, and then the title dares me to do something and i do it 1
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02/26/2004 01:31:21 AM
I can't quite make out the image.
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02/26/2004 12:26:08 AM
You made quite a statement in you title alone...I guess you were expecting a lot of ones!
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02/26/2004 12:13:05 AM
I'm conflicted on what score to give. If I give you a 2, I'm just a dummy?
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02/25/2004 06:18:34 PM
long title
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02/25/2004 02:49:02 PM
Love the title! like the color flow
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02/25/2004 02:21:32 PM
stupid is as stupid does.
nice pic, but (for me) does not fit the challenge well - it doesn't say 'conflict' without an explanation. Show the pic to strangers, and say nothing. Ask "What is the first thing that comes to mind?" or even 'What is the conflict in this image?' and let me know if anyone gets it.
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02/25/2004 01:38:09 PM
No, I'm not stupid, this is a crappy shot. Abstract or not, I can see no real redeeming value or anything in this shot. A 1

Okay, after thinking about this overnight and coming back to take second look here is my critique:

Not sure how it meets the challenge, I see no conflict here, I see a cat face that looks like it was zoomed in on while the shot was being taken. I do not see anger or claws or anything that could meet the challenge. If I were like others that would be an automatic one but I'm not but it takes it from a 5 (my starting point on any shot) to a 3, the the lack of focus and definitive object does not appeal to me in any manner, abstract or not, when I think abstract, I still think of definitive lines and shapes, not a blurred out, over processed shot, therefore losing two more points taking this shot to a 1.

And the comment in your title is practically begging people to give you ones. To call people stupid because they might not understand your vision is narrow minded and ignorant, IMHO.

My score of a 1 stands
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02/25/2004 01:30:24 PM
Hmmm....you're not making anyone feel any better about the picture by insulting people.
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02/25/2004 01:29:16 PM
if you think this is conflict you're...
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02/25/2004 11:48:29 AM
the fact that it's abstract isn't what would merit a low score, but the fact that it doesn't show any conflict..you say it's an angry kitty, do I take your word for it? lol. On its own it's a very cool photo and I like it, don't get me wrong [except for the blown out corner]...but it's place isn't in this challenge. Sorry man.
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02/25/2004 10:00:00 AM
i'm not stupid!!! 2.
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02/25/2004 09:11:47 AM
The blue object on the right draws my eye to it more than the subject does.
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02/25/2004 09:04:27 AM
Unless I read the title, I'd have no idea what I was looking at...Sorry
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02/25/2004 04:51:37 AM
Not liking an image has nothing to do with stupidity.
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02/25/2004 12:56:53 AM
This is so AWFUL I puked in my lap. I must be stupid. The only reason you get a 1 is because I can't give out a negative score. I showed it to my cat, she puked too. My kid ran away screaming with his eyes covered. YUCK! I don't dare show this to my wife. You really need to keep this awful stuff to yourself.
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