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Reflecting on the road ahead
2nd PlaceReflecting on the road ahead

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Blurry Mess (Basic Editing)
Collection: landscapes
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 II USM
Location: natirar
Date: Mar 7, 2008
Date Uploaded: Mar 8, 2008

I accept this ribbon on behalf of Team Suck, Posthumous and all the blurtastic voyagers of dpc, without whom this challenge topic would never have come about.

Thank you for all the kind comments.

For those wondering about how the effect was accomplished, just turn off your windshield wipers during a downpour (when you're pulled over!)

Place: 2 out of 292
Avg (all users): 6.7632
Avg (commenters): 8.2963
Avg (participants): 6.6893
Avg (non-participants): 6.8240
Views since voting: 8403
Views during voting: 413
Votes: 228
Comments: 72
Favorites: 22 (view)

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11/04/2012 03:47:30 AM
this is really gorgeous, I've suggested another one of these challenges.
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08/19/2010 09:49:28 PM
This is so incredibly beautiful!
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01/23/2010 02:28:47 PM
The fewer the notes the greater the resonance.
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04/02/2008 08:26:50 PM
Eerie...does anyone else see the skull in the bottom middle of the image????
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03/26/2008 12:47:05 PM
This looks like a goregous impressionist rendition of a fine painting. I am SO going to do this during the next big rain. Love it!
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03/24/2008 03:24:38 PM
Really really really nice shot, just like a painting. colors are also coming on so nice. Would have scored a 10 on me in any other competition as well, pity though i did not vote in this challenge!!! Congratulations
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03/23/2008 11:40:03 AM
I like it a lot! Nicely seen, and nicely done. Congrats on the ribbon!
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03/22/2008 03:37:21 PM
Colleen, this is one of my favorite photos ever taken on this site. I think it is absolutely stunning, remarks I don't make lightly. I think this was hands-down the blue-ribbon deserving photo in this contest.
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03/22/2008 08:03:39 AM
Very pretty - congrats on the ribbon ...
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03/21/2008 09:44:12 AM
ahh, the ever popular wipers-off technique...must try it sometime! Glad I was one of your 9s!
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03/20/2008 03:28:15 PM
Should've been first!
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03/20/2008 12:51:19 AM
I didn't vote in the challenge and only made one comment (on yours) and I did look at every image in the challenge at full size (not just thumbs). I was really taken by this shot right away and the ribbon is well deserved!! When an image keeps me looking at it for a long time then in my mind that is a great image. WTG!!
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03/19/2008 08:59:06 PM
For those asking about how the effect was accomplished, just turn off your windshield wipers during a downpour (when you're pulled over!)

That's just wrong. Seriously, this is beautiful. Congartulations!
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03/19/2008 06:31:57 PM
Great job with this technique. Colors and blur are perfect. Congratulations.
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03/19/2008 12:08:19 PM
YAY COLEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO! the embodiment of water, so much water you can't breathe, but breathe you must. mmmm.
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03/19/2008 10:43:26 AM
Beautiful! Congrats on the ribbon.
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03/19/2008 10:18:43 AM
Wow! You did GOOOOOOD!!!!!! A beautiful impressionistic piece of artistic beauty! CONGRATULATIONS!

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03/19/2008 10:16:42 AM
Wahoo. Congrats. Lovely photo and superb composition. Here the blur really lends itself well to the subject at hand. Well scene and well done.
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03/19/2008 09:25:45 AM
I didn't know you could enter a painting..lovely!
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03/19/2008 08:25:23 AM
You represent TS very well :) It's beautiful! Congrats on the ribbon and your 3rd PB!
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03/19/2008 08:05:21 AM
This is brilliant.
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03/19/2008 07:35:41 AM
Woohoo! Congrats!
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03/19/2008 07:29:39 AM
Congratulations and all that, but how'd you do it? How'd you do it?!
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03/19/2008 06:51:08 AM
well done/congratulations
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03/19/2008 06:29:45 AM
Congratulations. One of my favourites.
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03/19/2008 06:19:11 AM
Congrats on your ribbon, wonderful image
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03/19/2008 05:35:53 AM
sorry i dont see NO mess NO disorganization

Message edited by author 2008-03-19 06:37:57.
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03/19/2008 04:40:13 AM
This was my fav in this challenge. Very nice!
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03/19/2008 04:32:25 AM
Congrats, Colleen!! Way to represent us!
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03/19/2008 04:31:17 AM
Massive congrats, very south of France. I actually think the strongest side of this is not so much the blur but the impression of wetness - it drips. No, it doesn't, but it sure looks wet.
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03/19/2008 03:57:34 AM
Works well, congrats on your red!
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03/19/2008 01:44:52 AM
Congratulation on your red ribbon!
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03/19/2008 01:44:52 AM
Congratulation on your red ribbon!
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03/19/2008 01:44:16 AM
Stunning! Congratulations on your red.
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03/19/2008 12:34:26 AM
What a beauty. Congrats!
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03/19/2008 12:33:40 AM
Nice work. Congrats on the red!
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03/19/2008 12:27:17 AM
Fantastic! Gorgeous! Congratulations on the ribbon.
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03/19/2008 12:24:43 AM
Very creative take on the challenge - good eye - good looking out, as they say. :) Congrats!
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03/19/2008 12:22:40 AM
Very well done, love the effect, Grats :D

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03/19/2008 12:16:40 AM
beautiful, we need one of these challenges every month.
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03/19/2008 12:08:46 AM
So sorry it took me til now to come back and comment. Brilliant shot. Was one of my top picks for the challenge. This just has a great feel to it. Great colors, cool flow. COngrats!
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03/19/2008 12:07:15 AM
Woohoo! Congrats bigtime. Looks like a painting.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/18/2008 10:36:25 PM
Great feel of a rainy day, the blurriness is the point of this shot. Nice arrangement of elements in your composition. Another of my 10s for this challenge.
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03/18/2008 07:00:39 PM
Guessing this was done with petroleum jelly or cling film? Beautifully impressionistic (is that actually a word?) Love the softness of it, although it's possibly not messy enough for some.
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03/18/2008 05:55:29 PM
Very Van Gough-ish (in colors and mood). Actually I like it better than some of his work, lol.
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03/18/2008 09:27:30 AM
There's a skull in the reflection!!! This is more ordered than some I've seen, but a wonderful image.
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03/18/2008 08:50:48 AM
Nice photo... you've created a piece of art. A beautiful scene, and the blurriness adds to the viewing pleasure... something very few others were able to do in this challenge.
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03/18/2008 12:31:20 AM
This is a beautiful image, I like it a lot. It is blurry and interesting but not messy enough in my understanding to go higher then 7 in my ranking for this challenge, ... but it goes to my favorites pictures!
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03/16/2008 11:18:19 PM
I absolutely love this and truly hope it does really well in the challenge. This image has an "Impressionism" quality that I have yet to find in any of the other images I have seen to date. You truly have captured the essence of the challenge.
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03/16/2008 10:20:09 AM
Nicely blurred and messy. The little skull face in the road is pretty cool too. 10
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03/15/2008 09:21:17 PM
Absolutely wonderful--love the color, the composition, and the context-setting blur here. 9
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03/15/2008 09:06:11 PM
love this
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03/15/2008 06:47:40 PM
Looks like a painting. I'm curious to see how you achieved this effect. Great colors here.
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03/15/2008 01:31:53 PM
Lovely work - not a great a first impression (not bad, though), but definitely has longevity if you look at it longer than just a glance's worth... I have to give you an extra point as I'm not 100% sure how you achieved this look. My guess is water on a pane of glass (car window, perhaps?) combined with lens blur, of course, & maybe a bit gaussian in post. Regardless, it is a pretty compelling piece of work (the validation helps). My only quibble is the lack of dynamic luminance...

<< 8 >>
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03/15/2008 12:48:02 PM
The trees in this pic look so alive. Cool man!!!
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03/15/2008 11:25:24 AM
This is absolutely STUNNING! Into favorites and a wish list. I hope this ribbons!
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03/15/2008 06:34:07 AM
Beautiful blurry mess!
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03/14/2008 09:09:17 PM
great use of a rainy day, reminds me of Munch. 9
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03/14/2008 01:59:44 PM
Looks a bit creepy. Blurry, though not chaotic at all. I like it, however.
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03/14/2008 12:34:03 PM
Awesome...I love this shot and is a 10 in my book. The blur in this is perfect and the tones wonderful. I can just imagine your excitement when you saw this for the first time on your monitor (or perhaps the LCD!). I would have been so pleased!
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03/14/2008 12:37:30 AM
I really like this on the second look. Bumping up. Good luck.
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03/13/2008 11:08:06 PM
Beautiful, I am curious to know how you shot this. Perhaps through a piece of glass?
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03/13/2008 04:28:36 PM
I like the way the road disappears off round the corner and the colours from the fields work well
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03/13/2008 03:28:44 PM
great shot! winner in my book 10.excellent portrayal of the challenge topic!
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03/13/2008 12:27:32 AM
Ribbon contender!
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03/12/2008 10:44:39 PM
Cool. Looks like a watercolor...no, that IS a water-color. Well done. IMO should go high.
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03/12/2008 10:43:26 PM
looks like a painting! also looks like it could have been taken out of a wet window. the colors are nice
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03/12/2008 08:26:59 PM
This one is pretty nice... has a very impressionistic feel to it like a Monet painting.
edit to add: I raised your score after scoring them all, because I felt you met the "blurry mess" challenge, but still have a compelling image. Also, my wife noticed there is a floating white skull in the middle of the path. Spooky!
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03/12/2008 06:28:02 PM
How did you obtain this effect without post production ?
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03/12/2008 01:33:39 PM
Bumping up for now - back to comment more later.
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03/12/2008 02:29:50 AM
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03/12/2008 01:43:32 AM
WOW!! I just took a peak through this challenge "just to look" and I stopped here for quite some time. At first I saw one face in the "road" then I saw more then I saw a woman standing near the tree in the foreground then.... well I just kept finding faces. Some clear and some skewed; some skull like and some normal everyday faces. Maybe its just me and I'm seeing things but I had to let you know that I love this. It definately meets the challenge in my eyes and if I were voting you'd have a 10. WTG!!
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