Author | Thread |
12/10/2010 11:44:16 AM |
Beautiful, what a sweet face. |
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06/30/2009 04:44:00 PM |
Well, you don't really need another comment on this one, but I'm gonna do it anyway. This is just the kind of shot I love - a moment, a story, not over edited and just perfectly presented. That look on her face is priceless. Wonderfully seen and shot. |
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01/24/2009 10:13:06 PM |
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01/08/2009 03:09:34 AM |
Congrats, Deb, I thought this would end on the front page. |
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01/06/2009 11:34:31 PM |
hey Deb, belated congratulations! My only nitpick (can't resist, can I? :))is that she is not looking at the carousel, but at something else outside of the frame. Beautiful shot nonetheless.
...oh yes, and happy New Year! |
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01/06/2009 04:28:08 PM |
Congratulations. I love her expression. |
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01/06/2009 02:50:10 PM |
Nice to see you on the front page again ... a very expressive shot. Well done, and congrats on another ribbon! |
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01/05/2009 08:11:11 PM |
Wooooohoooo! I've been away for a week and I come back to find you not only ribboning in one open challenge but inspiring the winner in the other! Once again, you find magic in the mundane, beauty in the banal.
Congrats! |
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01/05/2009 11:04:40 AM |
AWESOME DEB!!! and about time too!
Happy New Year!!!
(((HUGS))) |
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01/04/2009 03:03:13 PM |
Congrats on the ribbon Deb! I read your comments earlier and every time I see the homepage I think about the lighting. You said that there was no way to reconcile the lighting outside and inside and yet I think that makes the shot. The glass is an almost invisible barrier between the girl and the gift she wishes for, and the different tones outside and inside provide even more distance. |
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01/04/2009 08:21:14 AM |
Wow! Ribbons all round for you these days! Great shot again. Love the mood and story, congrats on a great shot and another digital ribbon! |
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01/04/2009 05:38:30 AM |
To look from the other side of those blue eyes, and see as only a child can see, maybe, maybe, then I could be a photographer. Beautiful story well told.
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01/03/2009 01:01:28 PM |
Congratulations on a ribbon Deb! You've captured a beautiful moment...again. May you have many more in this New Year. |
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01/03/2009 11:54:29 AM |
CONGRATULATIONS, Deb!!! What a wonderful photo. Congrats on your ribbon! whooohoooo! |
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01/02/2009 10:46:03 PM |
A hardy congrats on the Yellow. I have been away for about 2 weeks on vacation in Vermont (and no I did not see HeiSch!) and am just now getting back in. A great shot and a well deserved ribbon for you |
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01/02/2009 03:54:22 PM |
Deb, just came back from a mini vacation in VT: CONGRATULATIONS to a great shot and a ribbon!!!
Well deserved after such a long 'draught" :) |
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01/02/2009 12:26:32 PM |
Congratulations Melethia!!!! What an absolutley BRILLIANT shot!
I love the way that you have explained quite softly that you were SHOOTING THROUGH GLASS! *smile* I can't find a way to say this as nicely as you have but, the mere fact that there seems to be some sort of fanaticism towards focus in some in here just completely blows my mind. They are missing out on some really wonderfully meaningful shots by being so hung up on technicals! I'm glad that more than not, others saw the true value in the shot and got past the "technicals, technicals, technicals". :)
Actually, I LOVE the outtake of this little girl with her head bent and the angle that you shot it on. It was such as meaningful, wonderful shot that truly captured her fascination with the carousel. It tells an entire story with her in-depth fascination!!! Absolutely stunning shot!!! But, I also understand, given the comments about "focus" why you didn't use that one in this site. You have a real knack for capturing people and I beg you not to compromise that because of those who are sticklers for technicals. To do that, we may as all just shoot the same thing and see whose technicals on it were best. :(
Keep up your brilliant work, Melethia because there are enough of us who truly see it's beauty!
Congrats again!!! |
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01/02/2009 11:49:52 AM |
Winning a ribbon with a non-dpc image - priceless. Congratulations on this heartwarming bird flipped at the odds. |
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01/01/2009 09:59:51 PM |
Congrats on another ribbon, Deb! With candid street photography, I still go back and forth between manual and auto focus, but some of my best (or luckiest) shots were done with manual focus. Here, anticipating a window shopper, you could have set the focus and probably even the exposure in advance. For kicks, you could have preset everything and used time lapse, one shot per minute, and then seen what you ended up with. Technicals and could-a-been's aside, this is still great! |
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01/01/2009 03:26:52 PM |
Hey Deb!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! You take the best candids and this is soo deserving of a ribbon. Happy New Year! :)
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01/01/2009 09:52:29 AM |
Congratulations!! Well deserved!! |
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01/01/2009 06:42:38 AM |
I love the feel in this picture Mel! The out-takes are beautiful too! Happy New Year!
:-), vikram |
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01/01/2009 06:02:22 AM |
Congrats Deb! This is such a great capture!! |
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01/01/2009 04:55:16 AM |
congrats mel, i love the colors here..
happy new year. |
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12/31/2008 10:57:52 PM |
Congrats Deb! Awesome work! Happy New Year! |
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12/31/2008 10:13:57 PM |
Beautifully portrayed, Deb. A well deserved win. |
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12/31/2008 08:49:21 PM |
Congrats Deb!! What a nice way to end the year. You provided us with SOOOO many wonderful images! Thanks a bunch! Happy New Year!!! |
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12/31/2008 08:23:21 PM |
Yea! Another ribbon! Huge congrats, Deb! And what a lovely, poignant photo. |
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12/31/2008 07:34:31 PM |
Great expression of wonderment, well captured and portrayed. |
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12/31/2008 07:31:48 PM |
i liked this more than the blue ribbon winner of the same challenge simply for the true emotion and expression captured here. wonderful shot! |
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12/31/2008 06:54:33 PM |
Well done, and great placing in a very attractive challenge! (Totally didn't suspect this was yours!) |
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12/31/2008 06:14:28 PM |
Congrats Deb. Well deserved! |
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12/31/2008 05:50:25 PM |
You're starting to become a ribbon hog, Deb. Congrats! |
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12/31/2008 05:19:45 PM |
I've just seen this - wonderfully observed. Congratulations on a very well deserved ribbon! |
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12/31/2008 05:06:10 PM |
Well done Deb! Glad to see you ribbon with an image that just screams Melethia. Beautiful! Happy New Year! |
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12/31/2008 04:40:21 PM |
Congrats Deb! Beautiful image, I love the wistful look on the little girl's face. So happy to see this ribbon! |
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12/31/2008 04:07:15 PM |
Outstanding shot Deb. The colors are great. |
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12/31/2008 03:28:49 PM |
MANY CONGRATS, Deb. Well deserved. I just got back from a nice holiday and was very pleased to see your ribbon. You must have been a very good girl this holiday season!! |
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12/31/2008 03:22:18 PM |
Way to Go!!!! LOVE It! Congratulations and Happy New Year! |
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12/31/2008 03:12:20 PM |
Wonderful candid, Deb. I love the girls expression, it's beautiful. |
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12/31/2008 03:07:39 PM |
Great emphasis using DOF, and this one has eyes, not like the out-takes.
A nice Christmas present for you, too! |
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12/31/2008 02:00:41 PM |
Oh my, CONGRATULATIONS. What a great way to end the year. I had no idea this was your shot, Deb, but it was one of my favorites. The expression on the child's face says all that can be said about 'window shopping'. She is precious. |
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12/31/2008 01:29:55 PM |
Oh, bravo! Closing out 2008 with a ribbon! Sweet shot! |
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12/31/2008 01:15:23 PM |
Congrats on the ribbon Deb!!! :o) |
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12/31/2008 01:07:16 PM |
Deb...CONGRATS to you!!!! Her expression is priceless! Well done! |
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12/31/2008 12:59:48 PM |
Congratulations , Deb, this is wonderful |
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12/31/2008 12:36:04 PM |
Man, every time you ribbon you are taking away a bit of your street cred! ;) |
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12/31/2008 12:23:29 PM |
You sure caught her.
In Norway (and no doubt Germany too) it is said that elves or pixies or some sort of magical little people dance in the shadows at the edge of the forest. A friend told me about how her daughter, on reaching the ripe old age of about seven or eight and breeching the walls of self-awareness, looked out of the car window while driving by the forest edge and said: "They're not there any more."
So thanks for taking us back to the magic.
Re: noise - you're an engineer (whatever that means, as there are several different ways to be an engineer, such that I even had it on my passport as occupation once because it was a usefully generic and imortant-sounding name) so you might be interested in this sort of thing. In the paragraph entitled 'causes of noise' you can see that most of the given causes there are likely to be exacerbated by holding a)the shutter open and b)current switched on in the sensor, for longer. I rest my case (without even having one).
Oh and thanks for your shadow commentary. Congrats on the ribbon. |
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12/31/2008 12:20:06 PM |
Reminds me of Tiny Tim ... Nicely done
Congrats on the yeller Ribbon Deb!
Happy New Year :) |
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12/31/2008 11:54:10 AM |
Congrats on the ribbon. Well deserved. The look of wonder is priceless |
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12/31/2008 11:39:37 AM |
Wow - yay! Congrats, Deb!!! Love this photo - what a great catch. So glad you got a ribbon for it.
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12/31/2008 11:19:40 AM |
Way to go Deb! Woohoo! And you not only ribboned but the Shadows winner is an Ode to Deb too! :-) |
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12/31/2008 11:17:03 AM |
Woot Deb! This was one of my top picks and glad to see it ribbon and even happier to see it was yours, congrats! |
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12/31/2008 11:12:17 AM |
Congrats Deb! Very nice shot. I like the original very much also. Even though it leaves her a bit too centered I like how the adults in the background give a sense of scale to her and the feeling of movement. It adds to the feeling of a captured moment in time during the hustle-bustle of holiday shopping. |
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12/31/2008 11:02:16 AM |
Woohoo, congrats! That is awesome and for such a well deserved shot.
You really got nailing the emotions of people down. |
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12/31/2008 10:50:35 AM |
Nice Deb congrats! Wonderful image! |
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12/31/2008 10:27:32 AM |
Deb, congrats on the ribbon. Wonderful, expressive candid! |
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12/31/2008 10:22:31 AM |
Many congrats on the ribbon Deb, very well deserved for a completely charming candid. |
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12/31/2008 10:18:20 AM |
Well done on your placing! Absolutely LOVE your black and white out take!!! |
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12/31/2008 10:09:17 AM |
Once again you pull it off. I sit at your feet hoping some of the crumbs of knowledge will float down and I'll be able to grab them and learn. Great way to end the year. |
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12/31/2008 10:03:39 AM |
I knew from first sight that this one was going to ribbon. Fantastic scene, Could feel her excitement. Congrats, Deb. |
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12/31/2008 09:57:23 AM |
Congrats Deb. This is great. |
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12/31/2008 09:42:59 AM |
Congrats on a beautiful image, Deb. Oh yeah... and the ribbon, too! :) |
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12/31/2008 09:33:29 AM |
awesome awesome shot Deb.
very powerfull |
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12/31/2008 09:32:02 AM |
nicely done [and scene;)] yelloooooooooow! |
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12/31/2008 09:18:46 AM |
Congrats on your ribbon, I just love her face. |
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12/31/2008 09:04:32 AM |
Woo Hoo! I'd say, "Nanny nanny boo-boo" to anyone who thought she might be a bit soft. I think a yearning little girl thru a window is supposed to be a little soft. It adds to the mood of the photo.
You're awesome, Deb! CONGRATULATIOS! And a Happy New Year to YOU! Way to say good-bye to the old year and Hellllooooo to the New one :)
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12/31/2008 08:59:14 AM |
wonderful capture! I spent hours in front of the Christmas windows here in NYC trying to get a shot like this! |
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12/31/2008 08:33:46 AM |
Congratulations on the ribbon! The expression on her face is perfect.
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12/31/2008 08:20:46 AM |
Love it... love it... love it..... love shez |
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12/31/2008 07:38:19 AM |
Deb, Well done on the yellow ribbon. Lovely image. |
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12/31/2008 06:34:34 AM |
What a wonderful capture Deb - seems you had an exceptional week, congratulations! |
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12/31/2008 05:38:51 AM |
I thought you did a wonderful job in a difficult situation and obviously a lot of other voters did too. Well done! |
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12/31/2008 05:12:52 AM |
Very cute, great expression on her face. Congrats on the ribbon. |
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12/31/2008 04:46:25 AM |
What a wonderful capture, the little girl does indeed look as if she's making a wish. Great work, Deb and big congrats on your ribbon.
(Hugs) |
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12/31/2008 04:33:32 AM |
That's a shot I liked from the beginning. Congratz on the yellow ribbon Melethia. |
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12/31/2008 04:24:28 AM |
Congratulations on the ribbon... |
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12/31/2008 03:40:38 AM |
way to capture this honest moment, a very, very deserving ribbon winner, glad to see it on the front page |
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12/31/2008 03:37:37 AM |
Congratulations Deb - beautiful work as always. |
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12/31/2008 02:58:38 AM |
Super sweeeeet, Deb!! This image is the girl equivalent of the boy in "A Christmas Story" - staring at the Red Ryder BB gun in the store window and you nailed it. Congrats! |
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12/31/2008 02:57:18 AM |
Wonderful! Congrats on your ribbon. |
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12/31/2008 02:27:52 AM |
Congrats!! Really nice... |
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12/31/2008 02:26:30 AM |
Well look at you ! A Blue ribbon in one cha;;enge as an open tribute to your work, and the yellow in the other challenge in your own right !!
Many congrats and what a great way to round off the year . .
Message edited by author 2008-12-31 02:51:00. |
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12/31/2008 02:02:36 AM |
Well done and a well deserved ribbon. That must have been some scene to make her stay still for 1/20". |
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12/31/2008 01:19:01 AM |
And I thought your day29 photo would do well here. Can't be much better than this. Congrats! |
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12/31/2008 01:14:09 AM |
Congratulations on a sweet catch! |
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12/31/2008 01:09:28 AM |
Ending 2008 on a high note, congratulations Deb!! |
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12/31/2008 01:08:36 AM |
hey deb .. CONGRATULATIONS on the yellow .. its such a beautiful image .. the little girl and her fascination are excellently captured .. BRILLIANT .. !!:) |
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12/31/2008 01:00:08 AM |
As usual for you, Deb, delightful work.
Congratulations on the front page view. |
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12/31/2008 12:56:25 AM |
Whooot! Congrats Debs ...... I was so glad to see this beautiful shot on the front page. |
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12/31/2008 12:48:21 AM |
Great way to finish the year Deb...a ribbon! Congrats |
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12/31/2008 12:41:16 AM |
Nicely captured! Congratulations on the ribbon! |
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12/31/2008 12:40:04 AM |
I'm honored to share the front page with you... Congrats! |
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12/31/2008 12:28:29 AM |
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12/31/2008 12:21:03 AM |
Wow...a ribbon and your name in the title of a ribbon winner...has to a first! Congratulations on a ribbon on a very charming photograph!
Message edited by author 2008-12-31 00:21:21. |
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12/31/2008 12:20:59 AM |
well done on the yellow well deserved |
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12/31/2008 12:20:51 AM |
YEAH BABY! Well done - YIPPEE! |
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12/31/2008 12:20:40 AM |
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12/31/2008 12:18:04 AM |
A tribute and a ribbon all in one week. Does it get any better? |
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12/31/2008 12:14:50 AM |
Look at that authentic expression! You can't beat that. |
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12/31/2008 12:12:37 AM |
Congratulations on yor ribbon. It is a beautiful shot. |
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12/31/2008 12:09:48 AM |
I just knew this was your challenge! Congrats on the ribbon! |
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12/31/2008 12:08:26 AM |
Well done! You captured the decisive moment. |
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12/31/2008 12:06:29 AM |
WTG, Deb! How cute. Marvelous DOF. Big congrats on your yellow and I love sharing the front page with you and Mark! Happy New Year! |
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12/31/2008 12:05:55 AM |
Great shot Melethia. Congrats to you on another Ribbon. :-) |
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12/31/2008 12:04:31 AM |
Congrats, Melethia, I should have known this was yours, wonderful shot! |
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12/31/2008 12:03:26 AM |
NICELY done--congratulations :-) |
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12/31/2008 12:03:22 AM |
how adorable! It looks like she is making a wish for Christmas. Congrats on the ribbon! |
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12/31/2008 12:01:39 AM |
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Awesome job. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
12/30/2008 10:48:13 PM |
Great capture of that beautiful little face. |
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12/29/2008 10:43:20 AM |
How sweet! Great composition. |
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12/29/2008 10:30:34 AM |
The look every parent wants to see. |
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12/29/2008 02:49:19 AM |
Wonderful colours and expression on her face. |
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12/28/2008 11:40:20 AM |
I like the angle and the expression. This doesn't affect my vote, but I wonder if a BW would look better. Good shot. |
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12/27/2008 11:35:06 PM |
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12/27/2008 09:45:50 PM |
That's terrific and a good honest candid expression. Nice job. |
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12/27/2008 04:56:55 PM |
to bad you couldn't get this with out the reflections on her face...the expression is priceless... |
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12/26/2008 11:36:53 PM |
Lovely shot. What a wistful expression. |
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12/26/2008 06:12:32 PM |
good colors, the image seems too soft. |
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12/26/2008 12:13:18 PM |
Nice idea, colours and model's expression.
A better composition would make it stronger IMHO. (There is too much of the overpowering, blurry carousel when the appealing thing is the little girl's face). Good luck |
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12/25/2008 08:57:16 PM |
I like the picture but wish more of it was in focus. 6 |
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12/25/2008 03:56:22 PM |
A perfect shot, content-wise. Her expression is priceless. But technically, the inside reflection on the glass is too distracting, the child's face is a little over-exposed, as is the front horsie. I love the feeling of it though. |
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12/25/2008 12:34:46 AM |
classic! if you got that expression with no coaching then thats all the better! /8 |
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12/24/2008 09:56:10 PM |
I know it is hard but either the girl or the toy should be in focus. |
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12/24/2008 03:51:30 AM |
This is great... it looks very natural and less 'staged' than some of the other inside to outside entries. I wish that the girls eyes were more in focus though... 9 |
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12/24/2008 01:33:05 AM |
cute and natural, but the girl isn't sharp enough for me |
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