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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
03/17/2009 08:47:57 PM |
Interesting commentary piece, nicely captured. |
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03/17/2009 12:15:19 PM |
Nice color choices and DOF, this is emotive. |
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03/17/2009 11:48:17 AM |
Interesting image. Has he fallen asleep? |
03/17/2009 08:56:53 AM |
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03/17/2009 01:15:12 AM |
Nice job. This looks like the tomb of the unknown solders. Nice job. |
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03/16/2009 09:42:56 PM |
seems...crooked, throws me off a little too much |
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03/15/2009 11:52:10 PM |
Nice photo of remembrance. |
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03/15/2009 10:28:23 AM |
the toning/exposure makes the individual stand out, but the high key background makes it a bit hard to view. jmo |
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03/15/2009 08:47:46 AM |
nice sepia tones, which play well into your title, i like how the lines of the stairs and the wall bring your eye to the soldier |
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03/15/2009 07:22:40 AM |
not too hot on the post processing treatment you employed here, |
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03/15/2009 06:04:10 AM |
interesing tones but the composition is not so luckily chosen....
regards ;)
brano |
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03/15/2009 02:46:28 AM |
Nice use for sepia coloring. |
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03/15/2009 12:14:53 AM |
POV is too "head on" to bring out the emotion this shot needs |
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03/14/2009 10:54:54 PM |
Not sure I like the sepia here, but it's a pretty good candid shot. |
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03/14/2009 08:21:41 PM |
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03/14/2009 06:37:30 PM |
You have captured some deep emotion here. Love the sepia. |
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03/14/2009 10:39:40 AM |
while the officer has good tone...the background is very blown out |
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03/14/2009 05:21:13 AM |
nice tones in this, great focus on the guy |
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03/14/2009 04:05:32 AM |
Very somber, well captured |
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03/14/2009 12:22:23 AM |
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03/13/2009 11:43:35 AM |
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03/13/2009 09:39:46 AM |
Looks like a moment of thoughts. Nice color tone. |
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03/13/2009 01:15:38 AM |
A somber moment ... makes me sad and proud at the same time. |
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03/12/2009 11:15:03 PM |
Good solemn shot but looks like the whole picture is sloping to the left a bit. |
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03/12/2009 08:32:55 PM |
sharp and well focused but it doesn't feel to me to work well with the centered composition - he seems almost trapped by it.6 |
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03/12/2009 07:01:03 PM |
great shot, very emotive, don't need to see the face. Tremendous sense o dignity and pride. 8 |
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03/12/2009 02:41:29 PM |
Good shot but the leaning throws me off. |
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03/12/2009 02:00:08 PM |
poignant .... very effective in sepia |
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03/12/2009 10:59:33 AM |
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03/12/2009 09:50:46 AM |
great - wish to see this in BW with some grain |
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03/12/2009 05:11:16 AM |
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03/12/2009 12:34:19 AM |
He stood there, trying hard to remain proud, and strong, but an unexpected memory had broken through his barriers. It had come creeping in from the depths of his soul, where long he had buried it, thinking it so deep that it could never surface.
Yet surface it did, and caused him to sag in his proud stance, and he grabbed for the stock of his rifle to try and steady himself, for his mind swooned and threatened to topple him, and his eyes dropped to the ground and tears welled up uncalled for.
In his mind the cries and screams of the one that he had failed. The haunting memory of the sounds of gun-fire and dying and a sense of helplessness that threatened to tear him apart. The memory of the day that he could not reach the only man that he had ever truly called friend. The memory and guilt of that day that suddenly washed over him.
Yet even as his strength faltered, something deep inside kept him standing, and even as the tears ran down his face, he somehow found it within him to steady himself, to look back up, to stand straight and true.
It was his duty. It was his call. It was why he was here, and he would honor those that were lost, even if that loss had broken his very soul. |
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03/11/2009 11:10:49 PM |
Makes me want to take off my hat, salute, or just stand in silence and think about those whose lives were cut short - a mother losing her son, a young mother her husband, young children their father - that we might live in freedom and safety. It is indeed a poor country that can't be grateful for the sacrifices of those in their military. |
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03/11/2009 08:51:17 PM |
Nice shot, but I do not feel that this image captures the feel of the location. Perhaps a tighter crop on the subject could bring this into a more emotional realm instead of this journalistic realm that it currently resides in. |
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03/11/2009 03:24:08 PM |
a bit over exposed, but very emotional shot. |
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03/11/2009 11:07:55 AM |
Nice photo, tells a story, technically well done. I like it. It might could use some darker darks in the B&w conversion IMO, but very nice. |
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03/11/2009 10:29:17 AM |
The sepia works well here and nice story. |
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03/11/2009 10:26:33 AM |
Good exposure on the soldier. |
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03/11/2009 08:28:11 AM |
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03/11/2009 08:04:11 AM |
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03/11/2009 04:08:07 AM |
Somber and carries great dignity. The presentation - with him centered on the point and in sepia tones - suits this very nicely. |
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03/11/2009 02:46:08 AM |
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