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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Stopped Motion (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-S70
Location: Great Falls, Maryland
Date: Apr 12, 2002
Aperture: 2.8
Shutter: 1/500
Date Uploaded: Apr 12, 2002


Place: 46 out of 95
Avg (all users): 5.4059
Avg (commenters): 5.8824
Avg (participants): 5.5128
Avg (non-participants): 5.3387
Views since voting: 1204
Votes: 202
Comments: 35
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/21/2002 05:00:00 PM
i wonder what this would look like cropped tighter in?
04/21/2002 11:09:00 AM
Centering and fillling the frame with the splash would've been better off I think.
04/21/2002 12:27:00 AM
Love the Blue in the water.
04/20/2002 10:01:00 AM
Similar to another picture this week but it doesn't geve me the same reaction. Sure you stopped the splash, but it is missing something for me.
04/19/2002 10:09:00 AM
The water thing is overdone. But I do like the background.
04/19/2002 07:57:00 AM
A different crop may have made it more interesting.
04/19/2002 01:28:00 AM
you threw in a rock didn't you? it's a lovely place to photograph.
04/18/2002 01:00:00 PM
those are some crazy rocks! where is this?
04/18/2002 10:09:00 AM
good focus, nice colors. It looks like eastern Washington?
04/18/2002 07:45:00 AM
Cool! Is this a geyser?
04/17/2002 11:27:00 PM
busy bg, otherwise OK
04/17/2002 09:04:00 PM
good job. I would have cropped the upper group of rocks
04/17/2002 05:50:00 PM
I like the colors. Very crisp. Nice shot.
04/17/2002 03:15:00 PM
A tighter crop on the impact area would have helped, as the rocky background has hidden the flying droplets
04/17/2002 11:09:00 AM
this looks like some place interesting like lake powell
04/17/2002 03:59:00 AM
nice composure and well caught and stopped.
04/16/2002 06:02:00 PM
A big splash and nice contrast on the rocks.
04/16/2002 05:44:00 PM
Reminds me of when I was younger and liked to throw rocks in the lake. I like this... the action is close, and there is enough background to "set the mood."
04/16/2002 02:02:00 PM
The frame of the picture sugguests that the surroundings have something to do with the object splashing -- but since we can't see that object, I'm left just wondering what I'm missing.
04/16/2002 05:48:00 AM
It's a nice place, but the whole takes my eyes upward and not to the subject. Zooming in on the circle of splash, I think would have been great.
04/16/2002 03:01:00 AM
a little too much stuff, and not enough splash.
04/16/2002 12:48:00 AM
There doesn't seem to be much focus on the "stopped motion" part of the photo.
04/15/2002 05:46:00 PM
Good and sharp, well exposed. Great idea, you caught it just right! Good job.
04/15/2002 04:01:00 PM
This is a great shot. Was that a fish?
04/15/2002 02:02:00 PM
water.. go figure
04/15/2002 12:46:00 PM
I like this one .. what made the splash?
04/15/2002 11:44:00 AM
Nice splash. My eye is not drawn to it, though. It is drawn to the rocks instead.
04/15/2002 11:32:00 AM
Hmmm. Seem to be alot of water shots...not to say that they're not super cool.
04/15/2002 10:47:00 AM
Doesn't really grab my interest
04/15/2002 10:30:00 AM
Duuuuude.... bummr about your camera! :P This is a cool shot. The only thing difficult with this photo is the contrast between the spash and the background. The scenery is excellent.
04/15/2002 10:14:00 AM
Like that one. Perfect timing for the shot, and a different spin on using water. Would've preferred a portrait format though to echo the shape of the splash.
04/15/2002 09:46:00 AM
Nicely done:) I like the reflection in the water also.
04/15/2002 09:45:00 AM
Good action capture, but my eye keeps going back and forth between subject and the rocks in the background.
04/15/2002 09:34:00 AM
It would have been nicer if you had captured whatever it was that made the splash as it was making it
04/15/2002 08:49:00 AM
The composition is nice and the colors are crisp. Good shot.

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