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A Melancholy Song
A Melancholy Song

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Blue (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: home
Date: Dec 1, 2002
Aperture: 2
ISO: 50
Shutter: 6
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Dec 1, 2002


Place: 9 out of 243
Avg (all users): 6.8450
Avg (commenters): 8.4000
Avg (participants): 6.8235
Avg (non-participants): 6.8762
Views since voting: 4250
Votes: 258
Comments: 45
Favorites: 24 (view)

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09/15/2003 08:40:31 PM
Wow ! Nice lighting and interesting colors,too bad you cut the instrument..But 10 anyway!
01/23/2003 10:55:24 PM
This is great.
12/11/2002 09:40:11 AM

Indi, I've got to be honest...I really didn't like this photo at first glance. I came back to it a few times during the week because it stuck with me and each time my score for it got higher. I guess that's the best compliment that I can give -- that the photo really stuck in my head even when I was not on the site. :)

There are a few issues with the picture, most of which have already been covered in comments from yourself and others. Three things really stand out to me, however. First, the wings blend too much into the background -- at first glance they are even somewhat easy to miss. Stronger lighting on the background might have helped that (and also helped avoid the mandolin shadow). Second, the lighting give a greenish tint to her hair, which is unfortunate because I would think you'd want this to be a more angelic white. Third, the cropping of the mandolin is, unfortunately, very distracting and abrupt.

Overall, though, this is a standout entry. The slight blurriness even works with the photo, giving more of a "softer" feel. I wonder how this would look if you did a blur on the whole picture overall? Not a lot -- just enough to give it more of an ethereal effect. Also, I don't mind that the sheet is not ironed. Again, some blurring may help it have a more soft, wispy, cloudy effect. I don't think a stark white background would benefit this photo.

Excellent work, and a very well thought-out idea. Top 10 finish is nothing to sneeze at -- congratulations!!

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12/09/2002 09:51:39 AM
awesome indi! top 10! love this!
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12/09/2002 09:22:46 AM
Thanks so very much for adding your comments on this shot. I feel that it should have placed much higher, but that is the way it goes on DPC. Keep up the excellent work.
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12/09/2002 06:06:59 AM
Nancy, sad to see that you didn't score higher. I love the lighting. Very interesting how you achieved this.
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12/09/2002 12:39:51 AM
Just a few thoughts on my photo: I knew when I entered it that it had some problems, but I just liked the overall feeling of it better than any of my other choices. My first problem was that I only had the model for an hour which didn't leave a lot of time for set up. I did throw the sheets in the dryer for a few minutes but didn't have time for ironing.
This was my first attempt at "painting with light". I set the focus with the light on and then turned it off and used the remote to take the shot. When the shutter opened, I moved a flashlight over her quickly. She did fairly well at holding still for a 6-year-old, but with the six second exposure there was some movement of her arm & hand.
The composition is "off" because the camera was knocked after I turned the light off, and I didn't realize that it had moved so far until I went to set up for the next shot.
The "hot pixels" are actually glitter that she wanted to wear.
Unfortunately, I did this shoot late Sunday and didn't have time to reshoot for the challenge. I do plan on going back and trying again only this time I will iron the sheet, not let her use glitter, and double check the framing before each shot. I like the lighting effect, but I obviously need some practice with it.
12/09/2002 12:20:08 AM
my favorite this week. a very moody and elegant shot. nicely done. easily better than anything that came in above it, in my opinion.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/08/2002 11:23:23 PM
really a very very nice shot... but using the cute factor is hitting below the belt! :oP
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12/08/2002 09:42:25 PM
I love the mood of this picture.. Great job! 9
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12/08/2002 09:18:37 PM
The softness of this pictures is very good. You could crop it better. I would like to see the whole instrument. Good picture and good use of light. You will be in the top 5.
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12/08/2002 08:38:18 PM
Wow! This looks very professional. The lighting is great. Somehow it looks to me as if you shot the photo underwater. The girl looks a bit out of this world with the wings. You fulfilled the challenge perfectly because the whole look of the photo seems to convey blue. Some parts of the photo seem to be a bit out of focus (guess it's motion blur because she moved a bit) but this does not harm the photo. Actually it adds to the "out of this world" (heavenly?) look. Only nitpick is the cropped end of the instrument (a mandolin?) but even with that this photo is one of my favourites this week. -stephan
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12/08/2002 07:25:52 PM
this is a beautiful picture in every way. i wish i could see the rest of the instrument.
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12/08/2002 03:59:13 PM
the colors are great, the subject is interesting, pretty good composition. makes a very artful picture. love the texturing. 9
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12/08/2002 03:06:41 PM
It's a great pic and I'm absolutely sure, that it'll be one of the first places! It's a pitty that the violin is cut - but I guess you know... 9 - KAOS.
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12/07/2002 02:34:35 PM
This is just one of the better photos. Nice touch with the hair light. I think what was needed is a backdrop light to seperate the Drop cloth with the Angels wings. The perfect place would have ben right behind the Box she is sitting on.
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12/07/2002 11:38:27 AM
Even though the blue-green overall tint does nothing in my opinion to enhanse the image, I am selecting it for one of my top ten picks because of content and form. I suggest, when using cloth in a photo it should be ironed.
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12/06/2002 09:00:36 PM
I like this photo dont know what else to say
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12/06/2002 01:17:35 PM
Beautiful, haunting feeling to this.
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12/06/2002 03:53:16 AM
Beautiful photo. Maybe could have framed it a bit more to the left?
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12/06/2002 03:44:02 AM
Wow, this picture is very nice. Too bad there's some artefacts in it.
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12/05/2002 10:25:03 AM
This is a wonderfully posed shot. The fact that the mandolin's neck is cut off is the only thing I can find I don't like. Its shadow redeems if somewhat, but I would like to see the whole thing. Very good work. Autool
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12/05/2002 10:15:13 AM
Hmm.. Well might be a bad idea with glitter if you don't like hot-pixel comments. ;P Very nice shot though!
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12/05/2002 09:04:39 AM
I love the lighting very much and the girl is sensetional! Just the left cropping otherwise this is perfect.
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12/04/2002 10:27:06 PM
I wish the lighting on the child's face was a bit less harsh, otherwise really really thought this was a great photo.
12/04/2002 09:39:16 PM
This really is a gorgeous picture, the mood of it is portrayed well and I love the title. Just a few comments, I think that the shadows under the eyes are a bit dark for such a delicate subject. Also the DOF could be a bit deeper, for example the hands are a bit soft. One more thing, a quick iron of the sheet would have been good! Overall, its a wonderful picture and I am sure it will do very well! Good Luck
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12/04/2002 09:33:30 PM
My favorite picture this week. The colors are soft and innocent like the model. I wish the whole instrument was in the picture and the right hand was more in focus. Otherwise, perfect. Lnede
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12/04/2002 07:38:12 PM
At first glance, I liked the moody, ethereal feel of this shot. After studying it more, I feel that the blue color cast on the child makes her look ill, and that makes me feel a uncomfortable. For the composition, I think that placing the child more to the right hand side of the frame, with the neck of the instrument, and her legs/feet angling to the left, into the "negative space" of the frame, would have been more effective for me. I still like the overall "feel" of the shot. lhall
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12/03/2002 11:42:00 PM
I probably would have given this a ten if you hadn't lopped off the top of the mandolin. A very cool shot though!
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12/03/2002 09:36:00 PM
Love the lighting, very well done - only small thing is the guitar shadow on the backdrop which spoils it a touch. The wings are very subtly shown but the lighting has made her legs look slightly deformed because of the position and how the shadows fall on the right shin, looks very twisted as a result.

Almost tempted to suggest cropping at about mid-thigh level, as the box/ seat is quite visible too - this could make an excellent square cropped picture ?

The halo effect is very softly done and works well with the blue theme/ colouring. Her right hand seems out of focus or blurred though, and her hair seems to have gone green in the light.

A very good entry - interesting in ways most submissions here just don't achieve.
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12/03/2002 09:09:00 PM
Excellent work---in my top three
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12/03/2002 03:45:00 PM
I love this shot! Too bad about the hot pixels! (doen't effect your score), if anything, this seems a little too set up, but very well executed. 9 Swash
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12/03/2002 01:23:00 PM
This is a great photo. I wish I had the imagination and artistic ability to come up with photos like this. 9 tomlw.
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12/03/2002 08:57:00 AM
great shot, album cover material if I've ever seen it
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12/03/2002 02:44:00 AM
Really nice photo. The blue hues throughout fit the sombre mood perfectly, as does her expression and body language. Great :) Konador
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12/03/2002 12:43:00 AM
This is a very nice picture... though she looks really cold from the lighting! Brrrr... I definely would suggest moving her over a little, to get in the whole mandolin, and maybe softer lighting because the shadow is distracting. Cute picture though. Good luck with it! -Ridergal
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12/02/2002 04:49:00 PM
This is a really beautiful image. This reminds me of photos I saw in my camera course that were cross-processed. Subject is very well lighted, and the emotional impact of the picture is strong - I feel sad as well now :) Good luck!
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12/02/2002 03:42:00 PM
just the smalles shift to the right so that the end of the instrument was not cut off would make this perfect.
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12/02/2002 11:47:00 AM
This is my favorite so far. And will probably be after I finish voting. Beautifully done.
The lighting is excellent. I love the shadows on her face. Only thing I would change is to be able to see the very tip end of the instrument. Still, a 10 from me.
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12/02/2002 08:09:00 AM
great photo... up against some stiff competition this week but hopefully my 10 will help... marksimms
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12/02/2002 03:11:00 AM
this is excellent. great
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12/02/2002 01:41:00 AM
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12/02/2002 01:17:00 AM
ethereal, beautiful moody shot. i really like what you;ve done here. your model is very compelling child. mag99
12/02/2002 12:38:00 AM
this is a lovely composition..the play of pinks and blues artfully done.(10)
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12/02/2002 12:24:00 AM
love the feeling of this photo... innocence, sweet, yet wizened, too... nice work! great idea and execution!
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