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2nd PlaceCorne

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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study II (Classic Editing)
Collection: DPC Entries
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7i
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Date: Dec 8, 2002
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 400
Shutter: 4
Galleries: Black and White
Date Uploaded: Dec 8, 2002


Place: 2 out of 67
Avg (all users): 7.6237
Avg (commenters): 8.2564
Avg (participants): 7.8281
Avg (non-participants): 7.1724
Views since voting: 46481
Votes: 93
Comments: 52
Favorites: 24 (view)

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02/23/2008 01:18:33 AM
how did you take that and not get strange reflections, and the lighting so amazing? i tried with a trumpet but i just couldnt do it.
02/01/2006 01:48:43 PM
What a great photograph. How did you manage the lighing on such a photo?
06/13/2004 06:52:05 PM
This picture rocks!
12/22/2002 12:10:37 AM
Originally posted by Rackat:

Originally posted by muckpond:

And I'm also going to kick Rackat's bootie! How dare such a sharply-composed and colorful submission get entered the same week as my "masterpiece"?!?!? LOL.

Well....okay, if you insist. But only if I can set up my tripod and camera and get shots of it...I REALLY need a good submission for the body parts challenge! ~Kate

Gee, Rob, you must have really photogenic feet!
12/21/2002 10:07:22 PM
I know I should try to be real objective when I am critiquing an image but 'Wow' this is a great photo. I am having a very hard time deciding what I don't like about it. Probably the biggest gripe I have is that it is your photo and not mine : ) I usually like color best in my photos but this one really is best in black and white because it keeps the focus squarely on the shapes, forms, and lines that are the essence of this photo. Color could have introduced an unwanted emotion. Besides being in black and white the other thing that stands out is the near perfect execution of the shot. The lines are very clean except for a slight hint of pixelation or stairstepping in one of the lower left shapes. The contrast gives it powerful impact without being exaggerated. The square cropping was very smart because it is neither a portrait nor a landsscape, it is abstract and thus does not need to be a rectangle. All and all, a great photo.

Tim Jensen
12/17/2002 10:04:06 AM
Originally posted by muckpond:

And I'm also going to kick Rackat's bootie! How dare such a sharply-composed and colorful submission get entered the same week as my "masterpiece"?!?!? LOL.

Well....okay, if you insist. But only if I can set up my tripod and camera and get shots of it...I REALLY need a good submission for the body parts challenge! ~Kate
12/16/2002 07:43:02 PM
Thanks, kids! I'm thrilled! And I'm also going to kick Rackat's bootie! How dare such a sharply-composed and colorful submission get entered the same week as my "masterpiece"?!?!? LOL.

Thank you all!! Now add me to your favorite photographers lists, you ingrates!! LOL LOL

12/16/2002 09:40:28 AM
Congrats mucky!!! Great job!
12/16/2002 08:58:48 AM
Congrats Muck! Great finish...waiting for that mp3 still! :P
12/16/2002 07:49:21 AM
congrats, rob :).
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/15/2002 09:31:03 PM
This is great work. Good detail, no harsh lighting. I'd love to hang this on my wall, but i can't see enough of the instrument to keep my interest. Not knowing what the rest of it looks like, I'm not sure if zooming out a little will hurt or help. None the less, great photography - 9 Gotcha
12/15/2002 07:39:19 AM
Excellent detail and lighting. 2nd brass instrument i've seen this week. - Inspzil
12/14/2002 08:47:05 AM
Great choice of black background, and you handled the shiny surface well.
12/13/2002 10:26:47 AM
This is one of my top picks this week. You did a wonderful job in B/W.
12/13/2002 12:35:37 AM
Wow, this photo is just perfect. The black and white is very rich, the metallic sheen is beautiful, but the light is gentle enough to show us every detail. The framing is great, the lines are dynamic but nothing leads the viewer's eye out of the photo, everything brings it back in. There is enough going on to be interesting, but not confusing. Even though it's just a set up photo of an inanimate object, it has reached the level of an artwork, transcending the representational nature of photography. Definitely a 10.
12/12/2002 06:05:20 PM
beautiful focus and lighting
12/12/2002 02:20:58 PM
Very sharp shot! This is a different view. Sorry, I don't get your title. Which instrument is this? (a tuba? or french horn?) This deserves a score bump, raising from 7 to 8. Swash
12/12/2002 01:31:34 PM
One of my favorite instruments! (I was trumpet major in college, and played this as my "secondary"). You have done an excellent job of capturing the texture of the horn and lighting it well without having a lot of blown out spots. The contrasts between the curves and straight tubes is also effective. Nicely done, on of my favorites this week. 10
12/12/2002 01:15:17 PM
Beautifully done! I like the use of B&W here, and the composition is great.
12/12/2002 11:21:15 AM
Very clean photo. Extremely sharp and contrasty. I like it a lot. Good choice of B/W, incidentally. 9
12/12/2002 04:05:43 AM
Great close up. Im really glad you went with B&W for this shot.
12/11/2002 12:34:54 PM
This is a good photo. Perfect in b&w. The focus is also perfect and the composition is good. Nice cropping. I was not sure when I commented this last time. But I am now and have changed the score from 7 to 8. Very interesting details made it an 8.
12/11/2002 07:57:51 AM
Such strong lines! I love this photograph. I think that the use of B&W just adds another element of clarity. Great job!
12/11/2002 07:31:08 AM
Nice use of B&W. However, the angle & crop of the shot doesn't seem to help lead the eye along the pipes (especially in the upper left), making it feel a little confused. That said, the eye is drawn to three circular features (valves?). I'll be curious to see if you have any alternate versions of this shot, as I do like the subject matter that you chose.
12/10/2002 11:32:34 PM
Fantastic shot, perfectly in focus. Great job. Most people probably don't even know this is a musical instrument. Well done.
12/10/2002 11:26:07 PM
great use of black and white
12/10/2002 10:11:03 PM
great picture! great lighting, tone, contrast, and composition. i like the way you kept the reflections down. 10 goodtempo
12/10/2002 09:56:52 PM
I originally gave this a lower score than what I'm bumping it to. You have a technically flawless photo. Interesting shapes and great balance of light and dark. You're sharpening is perfect and there is no noise. Great job.
12/10/2002 09:51:05 PM
One of my favorites of the week! This is a beautiful piece of work. Your lighting is superb, as is the composition, and I love it on the black background. Good choice! - 10
12/10/2002 09:28:27 PM
Beautifully complex. Nice idea to use black and white.
12/10/2002 08:56:40 PM
Beatiful black and white, great composition, my eyes just glide along all the curves. Excellent abstract, would have been a 9 if I could vote. Kudos!
12/10/2002 08:36:40 PM
Makes me want to explore. Can't tell if this is B&W, or just a silver horn. Good decision to put the lines at an angle. Adds a lot of interest.
12/10/2002 06:33:08 PM
Great shot. All of the repeating forms, the black and white, good composition, and the clarity of the shot all make for a terrific photo. It doesn't have a lot of emotional impact for me, but I still think it is a great photo. 9. lhall
12/10/2002 01:14:18 PM
You have chosen a great B&W subject and background. The tonal gradations are great, and you've done a great job controling reflections. Outside of being technically great, this image for me personally does litle emotionally. A great image, nevertheless, congratulations!
12/10/2002 11:53:21 AM
Great job!
12/10/2002 02:29:24 AM
Very nice shot. I like the abstract look and the detail in this. Good job.
12/09/2002 11:32:34 PM
Nice curves and textures. I love the use of b/w here. Good subject and the lighting is great.
12/09/2002 10:10:10 PM
Nice composition. The angle of the pipes is well done. Did you try this shot with a sepia tone instead of black and white? I think that could have looked good as well. Overall well done.
12/09/2002 09:57:29 PM
Excellent lighting and composition, a very crisp picture. Good Luck
12/09/2002 09:16:34 PM
This has to be Setzer ... I dunno just guessing. Anyhow, this is really a great shot. I love the geometry of it all that the breat B&W tones. Jacko. 10
12/09/2002 07:28:34 PM
excellent detail shot. love the light and and black and white.
12/09/2002 05:56:09 PM
Good clarity. Good lighting. Not too much glare on the metal. The one distraction is the overly white section in the lower left corner that doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the shot.
12/09/2002 01:40:28 PM
This is lovely. 10
12/09/2002 01:14:22 PM
Lovely smooth perfectly toned black and white. Not easy to photograph a shiny subject like that, but I think you did well.
12/09/2002 12:17:17 PM
My favorite in this challenge... excellent work and kudos on choosing black and white :) = 10 - setzler
12/09/2002 11:33:20 AM
I really like this. The black and white adds to the tradition feel of the photograph and it looks great.
12/09/2002 11:28:42 AM
Beautiful curved lines and shine. A great B/W.
12/09/2002 10:55:43 AM
Pretty in b&w. I also like the focus, subject and composition. Nice job.
12/09/2002 10:54:08 AM
B&W works very well on this picture. Excellente focus.
12/09/2002 08:22:12 AM
I love the b/w choice. It makes the silver stand out nicely. Really great photo ! Shiiizzzam
12/09/2002 01:31:45 AM
Great composition and lighting! Nice detail and DOF also. 9.0
12/09/2002 01:03:17 AM
Beautiful! You have done a great job with the lighting on this. Nothing too bright, nothing too dark. I love your focus and clarity. You give us great detail in this shot. I had the pleasure of playing french horn (among lots of other instruments) and enjoy seeing photos of instruments. angle and framing/cropping are great. I like how the subject fills the entire photo. Great job. Good luck in the challenge.

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