Author | Thread |
09/08/2011 09:40:34 PM |
Came back to favorite this because I liked it so much during the challenge!
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09/05/2011 02:43:56 PM |
Never throw that tray away. It's a ribbon magnet. |
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09/05/2011 06:25:56 AM |
I'm way behind on my congrats!! Congrats on the blue -- such a sherpety photo!! :) |
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09/02/2011 11:54:24 PM |
I have to come back and say I never knew their were lego block candies ... I have no life :( |
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09/02/2011 06:26:25 PM |
This candy jumps off the page. I feel like I can (and wish I could) reach in and scoop some up right now. Great job Karen!
Edited for typo.
Message edited by author 2011-09-02 21:06:17. |
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09/02/2011 03:05:16 AM |
Besides giving me a strong craving to go and find some candy .. you gave my eyes a wonderful treat .. congrats on the blue, you did Shez proud. |
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09/01/2011 02:15:34 PM |
Congrats Karen.....wonderful tribute to Sherpet!!! |
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09/01/2011 01:26:55 PM |
Karen, this is perfect! Congratulations! |
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09/01/2011 05:25:16 AM |
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09/01/2011 02:11:40 AM |
Congratulations! Wonderful image... |
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08/31/2011 11:18:55 PM |
Congrats on the blue, very well deserved! |
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08/31/2011 10:37:34 PM |
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08/31/2011 04:25:20 PM |
Gave this a 9... as I did the other ribbon winners... Great work. |
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08/31/2011 04:07:44 PM |
Congrats Karen. Another great one! Guess that tray was worth it's money :) |
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08/31/2011 03:23:10 PM |
Congrats! Job well done; such a happy image. |
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08/31/2011 02:58:41 PM |
Congrats on ANOTHER Blue Karen! Great creative take on the challenge. That box is a real good luck piece - I wonder where I can find one? :-D |
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08/31/2011 01:48:03 PM |
Congrats on the blue ribbon! Such a fun shot and you nailed the challenge! |
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08/31/2011 12:30:26 PM |
Congrats on the blue. This was my favorite on the challenge ;) |
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08/31/2011 09:30:11 AM |
Congratulation, Karen! Just a fantastic image! |
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08/31/2011 08:02:03 AM |
congratulations on the blue, very well derserved |
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08/31/2011 07:28:59 AM |
I didn't vote but this would have scored high. Very nice. Well done! |
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08/31/2011 05:13:58 AM |
Great stuff,Congratulations. |
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08/31/2011 03:59:43 AM |
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08/31/2011 03:32:09 AM |
Surely a colorful and sharp image, even if much more in KarenNfld style. |
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08/31/2011 03:06:01 AM |
I couldn't look at this. Kept making me hungry :-) Congrats on the blue! |
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08/31/2011 02:26:13 AM |
Congrast on your blue, Karen, this was my top pick, too. |
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08/31/2011 01:19:26 AM |
Congratulations, Karen. Great image, and yummy, too! |
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08/31/2011 12:49:37 AM |
Congrats, new this was a winner! |
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08/31/2011 12:38:31 AM |
Congratulations on the blue - great shot! |
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08/31/2011 12:22:37 AM |
well done, Karen. Lovely image and lovely tribute. |
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08/31/2011 12:20:26 AM |
Congratulations Karen! Great shot and a fine tribute, except now I feel a toothache coming on ;) |
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08/31/2011 12:17:33 AM |
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08/31/2011 12:16:35 AM |
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08/31/2011 12:11:07 AM |
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08/31/2011 12:10:55 AM |
Great colours, textures, shapes. I'm missing coconut rings now! |
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08/31/2011 12:10:41 AM |
Way to go! What an excellent idea. Too bad WPL didn't start a bit earlier two of our team with ribbons! lest hope for a few repeats in the weeks to come. Congrats on the blue. |
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08/31/2011 12:03:33 AM |
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on the BLUE
And YES YOU DESERVED IT FOR SURE.........from shez re sherpet
Message edited by author 2011-08-31 00:08:20. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
08/30/2011 09:05:04 AM |
Diabetic Nightmare... great photo for the challenge though. |
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08/30/2011 05:20:31 AM |
love this, think its a winner..10 |
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08/30/2011 02:34:29 AM |
Beautiful colors! I love it :) |
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08/29/2011 11:06:36 PM |
Using similar thinks like SWEETS, and arranging them into this patterned format is very similar tosome of my Sherpet images...WELL THOUGHT OUT and DNE as anything like this takes a long time... I also like how some of the lollies overlap the inner borders re the boxes the lollies are placed in...
THANK YOU for entering this very CLEVER and YUMMY image
from shez with love xox |
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08/29/2011 10:01:46 PM |
Thanks a lot. Now I'm hungry.
Fantastic colors and setup. The one change I would make is to not use skittles in two sections right next to each other, but that's a minor thing. |
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08/29/2011 09:20:50 PM |
Now I'm hungry, useful box that one ;) great entry. |
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08/29/2011 05:08:37 PM |
perfect fit for the challenge |
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08/27/2011 12:34:56 PM |
Very nicely done and fitting for the challenge. |
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08/27/2011 11:49:36 AM |
Definitely looks like Sherpet to me, with the great variety of sweets and colors, and all the squares. |
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08/26/2011 01:21:56 PM |
One of my favorites in the challenge... I love the colors, textures and patterns. My pick for the blue |
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08/26/2011 12:11:34 PM |
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08/26/2011 07:52:15 AM |
Great lighting and detail! 8 |
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08/25/2011 11:17:44 PM |
Licorice ALL Sorts! Can't get them in JAPAN, though if judging by my wife's reaction to LICORICE, it's not surprising.
A very APPETIZING tribute to SHERPET, and should do WELL. |
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08/25/2011 06:48:03 PM |
great job! i gave this a 10- my favorite |
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08/25/2011 05:54:29 PM |
Colourful and sharp DMC. Why the Lego or are those actually sweets too?
Same frame and same rotation as this entry.
Edit to fix thumbnail code.
Message edited by author 2011-08-31 03:57:59. |
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08/25/2011 10:55:02 AM |
here is an outstanding-perfect-sherpet-style-best-technic-winner-shot!
Here is the blue ribbon winner!
I asked myself if this is Karens work? Reminds my to her great work "halloween treats" |
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08/24/2011 09:37:22 PM |
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08/24/2011 02:17:24 PM |
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08/24/2011 12:33:12 PM |
yeap! this has Shez writen all over. the colors and lighting are right on target ;) 10 |
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08/24/2011 11:35:36 AM |
Simply love the colors ... very nice. |
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08/24/2011 10:23:30 AM |
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08/24/2011 08:21:54 AM |
right off the front page! great color placement, looks like someone has been to the penny candy store. |
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08/24/2011 07:35:22 AM |
mmm, so yummy, great idea |
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08/24/2011 06:12:37 AM |
Amazing, amazing, amazing. This will ribbon for sure, or be on the front page. |
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08/24/2011 03:36:41 AM |
i can see this on the front page...
I tried to get one of those boxes for the challenge (the candy has already been bought), but - fortunate for you - couldn't find one anywhere :) |
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08/24/2011 03:26:49 AM |
Yummy!! Really great colourful shot, all the different textures work really well. |
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08/24/2011 02:20:48 AM |
Beautiful, colourful, and very Shez-like. |
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08/24/2011 12:17:35 AM |
Nice job of staying dead on straight. |
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