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A Study in Brown
A Study in Brown

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Without the Hand of Man (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: San Diego Zoon Wildlife Park
Date: Dec 14, 2002
Aperture: f4.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1 / 320 second
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Dec 15, 2002

A little saturation and a small trim off the bottom, otherwise no post processing. This mom was sitting a few meters from her fawn and watched me fairly carefully...

Place: 35 out of 60
Avg (all users): 5.6706
Avg (commenters): 6.2857
Avg (participants): 5.4340
Avg (non-participants): 6.0625
Views since voting: 1261
Votes: 85
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0

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12/24/2002 03:51:46 PM
To those that asked... This is an endangered African plains deer. I don't know it's name, but she currently lives at the Wild Animal Park (a subsidiary of the San Diego Zoo)... I took this from a tram ride that goes around the enclosure the animals share.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/20/2002 09:53:08 AM
Interesting idea. I actually think the colours are too dull. Black and white might have worked better. I really like the way the elk(?) is nestled among the rocks.
12/19/2002 01:21:43 PM
Awww, what is it? Well taken shot. Is this a zoo? Great focus. Nice framing.
8 Swash
12/19/2002 12:49:20 AM
Certainly blends in . Good composition but you may have wanted to crop or de-saturate the green at the top. DPz
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/18/2002 12:45:37 PM
What kind of animal is that in the first place...? I may have been tempted to sprint in the other direction :) Nice shot.
12/17/2002 07:35:38 PM
I love this shot. What animal is this. He sure is looking you straight in the eyes. Hope you had a long zoom to get this, or are a good runner. The technical points are all there, and I especially like the cropping - that you did not crowd him. This gave us several colors of brown and different textures. Congratulations of a 10.
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12/17/2002 06:04:59 PM
What in the heck is that?? strange looking thing. Anyway, I like the uniformity of color. The brown theme works nicely. the subject is quite interesting indeed, and it appears to be untouched by man. All the foot prints look like animals and everything. Lighting is nice as well. Great shot. Good luck in the challenge.
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12/16/2002 01:48:05 PM
Hum, just nice....really nice shot. I love the composition and the way the eye has to move here. WELL done. Good light.........no, wonderful light.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/16/2002 11:33:31 AM
challenge -- met
composition -- nicely composed using ROT.
technical -- good even lighting. good focus.
overall impression -- the background isn't very exciting to me, therefore i would've tried to crop closer to the main subject, the animal. maybe a portrait format that keeps the little bits of green in the top right corner in the photo.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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