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1st PlaceEmergence

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Garbage III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Date: Jan 10, 2012
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2012

[Jan. 17th, 2012 12:26:52 PM]

I got the idea for this photo very quickly. At first, I thought of interpreting extremely literary the challenge description, by "turning garbage into art" and re-creating a famous painting or sculpture using wastes. But after giving it some more thinking, an original creation sounded a bit more interesting.

While the idea was mine, a huge part of the work was done by my wife. She had a day off, and spent it entirely in the basements of our house, designing the horse, building the wooden skeleton, searching for adequate parts and gluing them together. I would have never reached such result by myself. Then in the evening, we brought it to the studio upstairs, and created the pile of junk from where the horse emerges.

I did the shooting session the next day, after having adjusted the lighting and framing:
- A main softbox from the upper/right
- A fill-light softbox from the lower/right
- Another fill-light softbox from the front/left + silver reflector
- A snooted backlight on a black backdrop

Thank you all for the great comments and votes. They are very much appreciated!

Place: 1 out of 102
Avg (all users): 7.4326
Avg (commenters): 8.5600
Avg (participants): 7.1754
Avg (non-participants): 7.5537
Views since voting: 5747
Views during voting: 392
Votes: 178
Comments: 58
Favorites: 13 (view)

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01/20/2012 03:47:21 PM
Sculpture, really, and fine sculpture indeed! Congrats!
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01/19/2012 05:40:02 AM
Originally posted by smardaz:

sometimes i think your photos become more about what you create than how you shoot it......i dunno if thats good or bad, just an observation

That's no news, I claim from day #1 that all I care about is the result. If what I want requires a particular setup that can't be found, I just create it: sounds logical to me.
01/19/2012 05:28:50 AM
sometimes i think your photos become more about what you create than how you shoot it......i dunno if thats good or bad, just an observation

edit for typo

Message edited by author 2012-01-19 05:30:00.
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01/18/2012 04:53:41 PM
congratulations, Christophe! Quite a creation (kudos to your wife!)
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01/18/2012 03:14:55 PM
Outstanding image. You a true artist! Congratulations on your ribbon!
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01/18/2012 02:34:01 PM
Looking at this for a longer time, I like it even more. Beautiful curves and there is some illusion of self-similarity made by seemingly infinite, almost fractal parts, which is so amazing. You should listen to Mariuca, this needs a place outside :).
Of course, it was photographed perfectly too :). Congrats on the blue!
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01/18/2012 02:03:11 PM
Congrats Christophe...just an incredible job!
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01/18/2012 01:47:35 PM
Only Gyaban can get a blue ribbon from bunch of garbage... I wonder if I can request a little pieces of your brain implanted to mine... I totally out of imagination, must be the lack of oxygen or something... I just can't explain it :)

Congrats man, that's an awesome work :)
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01/18/2012 11:29:10 AM
Excellent team work! Love the story behind this creation! Lovely. Congrats on the ribbon. Just be sure you share it with your wife. What great inspiration you both can have when handed some trash =)
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01/18/2012 11:20:40 AM
The team of Christophe and wife prevail again with brilliant creativity and execution! This piece of art now needs to be displayed proudly so all can see and admire. Looking closely at all the components is like exploring an old general store. You never know what you will see next. The hooves, and spoon ears are just the perfect effect. Congrats to you and your wife!
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01/18/2012 10:48:56 AM
You and your wife make a great team Christophe. Congrats to both of you for this fine creation!
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01/18/2012 09:28:37 AM
This is just very impressive. Images with this level of skill involved have been something I've aspired to achieve since getting started with photography.

Message edited by author 2012-01-18 09:29:35.
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01/18/2012 09:00:49 AM
Gorgeous work of art, Christophe! And huge congrats to your lovely wife too, you have her to thank for her knowledge of equine anatomy to put together such an amazing piece. Huge congrats!
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01/18/2012 08:57:12 AM
Now the problem is how to save this little jewel. I suggest keeping it outdoors and letting it be " petrified" by the elements. Great elegance. The title is too recherchee.
I would imagine a different one such as E=MC2
Good work.

Message edited by author 2012-01-18 08:58:15.
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01/18/2012 07:55:00 AM
Love this image, glad it ended up scoring well for you! Keep up the very creative work. And like I said before this belongs in an art museum so tell your lovely wife congrats as well.
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01/18/2012 06:15:46 AM
Congratulations as always. If its not too smelly I hope you keep the sculpture and put it in your house somewhere! Its superb!
It's great that your wife's efforts were rewarded with a blue!
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01/18/2012 06:09:29 AM
Points ahead of everyone else,Congratulations to you both.
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01/18/2012 05:52:15 AM
Creativity at its peak.. Loved your work..
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01/18/2012 05:23:22 AM
Amazing array of garbage, one wonders how you find such a variety. Marvelous work from both of you.
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01/18/2012 05:03:14 AM
Sooo creative and excellent performance! Great job, congratulations to you and your wife!
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01/18/2012 02:44:40 AM
You have quite a teammate in your wife, Christophe!!! And this time I have to agree with you: I think her work won you a ribbon :-)
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01/18/2012 02:39:35 AM
Your efforts are always repaid. I knew it was yours.

Funny how you got 3 votes under 4. I got the same for my dawn of the dead image and it got almost the same overall score and won - kind of funny :)
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01/18/2012 02:33:06 AM
Well, this is ok if you like good setup, composition, lighting, processing and imagination.
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01/18/2012 02:16:01 AM
SUPERB!!!. The idea, the horse and the photo. Everything is just perfect, I just added this to my favorites. Congratulations !!
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01/18/2012 02:15:59 AM
Awesome, great work, both of you.
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01/18/2012 02:14:33 AM
Terrific in conception and execution. Bravo!
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01/18/2012 01:54:32 AM
This is AMAZING - both the idea, the execution of producing the horse (congrats to your wife) as well as the photograph itself - and yet another "1" :-( ... clearly someone hmmm ... doesn't like horses???
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01/18/2012 12:56:01 AM
Great art work! Congratulations!!
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01/18/2012 12:18:35 AM
Congratulations Christophe. Your creative consistency is amazing.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/17/2012 10:34:41 PM
deserves a 12!
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01/17/2012 10:26:26 PM
Wow you really did turn garbage to art! Hopefully after the challenge there will be some more info about this work.
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01/17/2012 08:07:42 PM
Looks like a ribbon.
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01/16/2012 04:51:40 PM
Awesome work. I really like what you did with the lighting here. This should do well in the challenge.
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01/16/2012 05:34:56 AM
Clever idea, quite well executed.
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01/16/2012 03:43:03 AM
This is fabulous. A ribbon for sure.
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01/15/2012 11:21:27 PM
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01/15/2012 09:42:33 PM
Ah, wonderful! My top pick, 10.
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01/15/2012 03:57:32 AM
Wow, very impressive creation, and nicely photographed.
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01/12/2012 11:54:01 AM
Well played
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01/12/2012 11:15:39 AM
That is freakin' awesome. This probably took a Helluva long time to set up! Nice lighting, a nice mix of colours and the most creative use of garbage in the challenge as far as I'm concerned. I hope you ribbon.
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01/12/2012 10:32:26 AM
You're also in for a Blue...dang 10
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01/11/2012 08:53:58 PM
This should be a top 5! Good Picture!
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01/11/2012 08:52:45 PM
You have way too much time on your hands to be producing stuff like this, Nevertheless I kind of like it.
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01/11/2012 08:44:55 PM
Beautiful!!!! Wow, that's a lot of work. Love the "hooves"!!!!
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01/11/2012 08:18:07 PM
Very literal "turn garbage into art", cannot fault the photo, it is really great
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01/11/2012 06:54:34 PM
A lot of work!! Fantastic
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01/11/2012 04:19:34 PM
Wow, That's amazing! Way to go!
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01/11/2012 03:07:03 PM
My eyes started in the big pile and followed the lines up and suddenly the horse popped! Very, very cool moment and photo!
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01/11/2012 02:54:39 PM
Beautiful statue.
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01/11/2012 02:13:38 PM
pretty cool.. would love to know if this was something you had already or if you made it for the challenge ?? ... either way i like it.. lol
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01/11/2012 02:02:56 PM
First impression: not interesting
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01/11/2012 01:59:02 PM
excellent effort and vision... i think this best captures the sense of the challenge
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01/11/2012 12:40:29 PM
Looks way ahead of others ,must be a Christophe.
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01/11/2012 12:04:29 PM
Simply amazing!!!
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01/11/2012 11:42:47 AM
I'm not voting this challenge but I had to comment - I'm pretty sure this is Christophe and just wanted to say this is amazing! So well done on all levels!...just Wow!
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01/11/2012 11:37:24 AM
Interesting concept. Lots of creativity... but the creativity isn't about the picture, it's in the sculpture. Could win a sculpture contest though!
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01/11/2012 03:41:21 AM
looks like a Christoph creation particularly like the vacuum cleaner brushed for hooves, and the low energy bulbs and is that a chesnut pan on its back? lovely gradient on the backdrop, can i have the old wheel i want to make a dome rig for painting with light domes :) hehe. a horses head above the rest ive seen nice idea and a lot of work. 9
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01/11/2012 12:08:14 AM
Yeah... see... THIS is cool!

I love it.
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