Author | Thread |
03/03/2012 01:26:42 AM |
I can't believe 3 people gave this a 1. Perhaps they think 1 is the best score? Or maybe they're just jealous haters. |
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03/01/2012 12:38:06 AM |
Congratulations on your big blue ribbon. The photo is esthetically and technically superb, but what I really love is the way it resembles a bride shot, but is not. Perfect title - this lady is free whilst a bride is encumbered. |
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02/29/2012 03:13:48 AM |
Exeptional work Lalli, every single detail in this image is a beauty. Impressive promotion of our beloved country :-) |
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02/27/2012 03:24:09 AM |
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02/25/2012 05:24:59 PM |
Gorgeous shot, I am glad to see that Larus still has some sticking power in DPC. Love your stuff. . . |
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02/25/2012 02:11:31 PM |
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02/24/2012 11:13:11 PM |
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02/24/2012 09:10:06 PM |
stupendously dpc! congrats.
i look at this and say well how free is she with her arm over her boobs protectively
and that's not because i want to see her boobs. |
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02/24/2012 09:03:58 PM |
Gorgeous!!! It looks like something out of "Lord of the Rings" by Peter Jackson. I wouldn't change a thing except give her pointed elfen ears.
Congrats for the beautiful shot!!! |
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02/24/2012 04:06:55 PM |
Congrats this is just beautiful. Love the feel of it:) |
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02/24/2012 03:48:18 PM |
stunning, congrats on the blue |
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02/24/2012 02:41:18 PM |
Lalli, congrats on your ribbon! Striking image. VEL GERT !! |
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02/24/2012 01:26:58 PM |
Just a superb image. Gave it a 10 and glad to see it win. Congratulations!! |
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02/24/2012 11:02:33 AM |
That,s a very interesting view Paul and a lot of it is very true,thanks for your honest opinion.( I gave it 8 myself) |
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02/24/2012 10:20:07 AM |
Originally posted by bigskyeye: ... I'd like to round up the 8 people that gave it between 1 & 3 and hear a reason why, but we know why don't we ... |
I will be the dissenting voice you're looking for I guess, but I know the photographer won̢۪t mind that because he was generous enough to explain with detailed comments his own low votes on quite a few entries in the Best Of 2011 challenge.
I won̢۪t say that this picture is painfully kitsch, because that would be a subjective judgement, or at least a matter of good taste.
I won’t say that it is a cliché because that would also be unfair: if for example the viewer is either new to photography or is a naturally undiscriminating and credulous soul then this may well be seen as an extremely impressive picture.
I won̢۪t say that this depiction of a fellow human being is artless, cheesy, tacky and unsympathetic, because there̢۪s an eager audience for that sort of thing and who am I to spoil their simple and presumably solitary pleasures?
I will say that I gave it a 3 because:
(a) I never give less than 3, and
(b) the picture has left absolutely nothing for me to contribute to it â€Â¦ it’s closed, finished, complete, shut, and leaves nothing to the viewer’s imagination. Nothing at all. There's no opportunity for engagement with it on any level other than the clinical/technical. It’s superficially pretty, but beyond that it’s really quite barren.
I mean no disrespect of course, and I acknowledge that my view is in the minority, but I hope the photographer and his many ardent fans will be pleased to hear even minority views on such an important picture.
Message edited by author 2012-02-24 12:36:50. |
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02/24/2012 10:07:50 AM |
My favorite too, I'd like to round up the 8 people that gave it between 1 & 3 and hear a reason why, but we know why don't we. I gave it an 8 but my 9's & 10's are as few as my 1&3's.
Beautiful image, perfect weather, model, landscape, lighting- congrats |
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02/24/2012 09:20:15 AM |
congrats on the well deserved blue! |
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02/24/2012 08:31:16 AM |
Congratulation on a much deserved win! |
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02/24/2012 08:05:17 AM |
Originally posted by LalliSig: Originally posted by Chinarosepetal: Great lighting and backdrop, but once your brain has seen a girl with an amputated arm it refuses to see it any other way! I think I'd have preferred the model angled round so I could see the complete arm across her breasts. |
No. Thx for the observation, but I do not agree with you. Because of the scene behind her, the surroudings, this was by far the best angle to shoot from, and had she turned, like you suggested, because of the direction of the wind, the chiffon would not be blowing the way it is, her left hand is holding the other end of the material. The only option to get that angle on her, would be for me to move further to the left, and then the clouds would not have aligned like they do, making for a far less interesting photo.
Seeing how common it is to not see entire limbs in people photographs I am surprised to hear that your imagination works that way, had both of her hands been flat down her side of her body, would you have assumed her right arm was missing? |
I meant angle her upper body towards you (other elements staying the same)so she looks less like a paralympic athlete :) (not that there's anything wrong with looking like a PA!) |
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02/24/2012 06:47:55 AM |
Congratulations,wonderful image. |
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02/24/2012 06:45:13 AM |
Ein sú allra besta sem maður hefur séð frá þér Lárus. Og er þá langt til jafnað.
Til hamingju með þetta meistaraverk og verðskuldaðan sigur.
Bkv. Nilli
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02/24/2012 06:34:05 AM |
nice work! how can anyone score this a 1! congratulations.... |
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02/24/2012 06:15:29 AM |
Congratulations! Glad to see you back on the front page. Your "Gods" work in your portfolio is amazing! |
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02/24/2012 03:51:30 AM |
Oh you're back are you......
exceptional work. |
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02/24/2012 03:44:43 AM |
Originally posted by Chinarosepetal: Great lighting and backdrop, but once your brain has seen a girl with an amputated arm it refuses to see it any other way! I think I'd have preferred the model angled round so I could see the complete arm across her breasts. |
No. Thx for the observation, but I do not agree with you. Because of the scene behind her, the surroudings, this was by far the best angle to shoot from, and had she turned, like you suggested, because of the direction of the wind, the chiffon would not be blowing the way it is, her left hand is holding the other end of the material. The only option to get that angle on her, would be for me to move further to the left, and then the clouds would not have aligned like they do, making for a far less interesting photo.
Seeing how common it is to not see entire limbs in people photographs I am surprised to hear that your imagination works that way, had both of her hands been flat down her side of her body, would you have assumed her right arm was missing? |
02/24/2012 03:28:28 AM |
Great lighting and backdrop, but once your brain has seen a girl with an amputated arm it refuses to see it any other way! I think I'd have preferred the model angled round so I could see the complete arm across her breasts. |
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02/24/2012 03:14:08 AM |
Innilega til hamingju með mynd ársins. |
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02/24/2012 01:49:09 AM |
Well done! Congratulations! |
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02/24/2012 01:42:15 AM |
Amazing shot! Congrats on a very well deserved Blue :) |
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02/24/2012 01:27:00 AM |
Glad to see this got the blue. Love the girl, the landscape, the weather conditions, the light... great - it deserves that ribbon! |
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02/24/2012 01:24:56 AM |
Quite the standout in a pack of stunning images. Congrats on the blue! |
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02/24/2012 01:21:39 AM |
Congrats on the Blue. Striking image |
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02/24/2012 01:04:23 AM |
Congrats on the Blue with this stunning image - I don't mind losing to that :-). Well done and lovely to see you submitting here again. |
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02/24/2012 12:44:16 AM |
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02/24/2012 12:43:55 AM |
Fabulous image. Up where it belongs. WD. |
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02/24/2012 12:38:28 AM |
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02/24/2012 12:29:50 AM |
Such a dramatic shot...Fantastic work. I had a feeling this would be winner.
Congrats on the well deserved blue ribbon!
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02/24/2012 12:05:23 AM |
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02/24/2012 12:03:05 AM |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
02/23/2012 11:55:11 PM |
The picture itself doesn't speak to me in the same way that many others I've rated this highly do, but technically this is a really great photo and I can't fault it. 7 |
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02/23/2012 11:41:42 PM |
I love how the fabric mimics the shape of the waves and the clouds. Wonderful forms! 8 |
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02/23/2012 05:37:53 PM |
Icelandic beauty in double forms and shape. Congrats! |
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02/23/2012 04:15:08 PM |
This looks like a Lallisig. I love the hyperfocalness!
I had given this a 9 - bumping to a 10. I know how pleased I'd be with this image if it were mine. |
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02/23/2012 09:13:55 AM |
fantastic lighting. i like the drama in the shot.
very nice.
(voted earlier) |
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02/23/2012 09:03:58 AM |
I bet this is Iceland... I absolutely love this image!
If you're not LalliSig, well this is a great compliment :)
PS. and I didn't see the image on your website yet - now I am sure I was right ^_^ |
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02/23/2012 07:01:18 AM |
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02/23/2012 02:14:59 AM |
A stand out photograph in an outstanding competion. |
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02/22/2012 12:47:22 PM |
GORGEOUS! Beautiful set up. LOVE LOVE LOVE the white, it pops out perfectly. Amazing photograph. And the model is beautiful as well! A favorite! |
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02/22/2012 06:55:54 AM |
I like the contrast of white and dark areas. |
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02/21/2012 04:00:51 PM |
very nice - well done on all levels. My favorite so far - 10
Just came back to say my favorite of the lot! :-) |
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02/21/2012 12:22:54 AM |
Maybe free-zing ;) Very iconic and well done. |
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02/20/2012 03:42:43 PM |
Love how this blends together and how the Blue sky rolls in on her. Amazing shot, this is a 10 for me. |
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02/20/2012 11:25:07 AM |
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02/20/2012 11:10:07 AM |
This is simply stunning. My only 10 and blue ribbon selection. |
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02/19/2012 06:44:46 PM |
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02/19/2012 05:31:01 PM |
Dynamic capture and beautifully processed. A top three contender in IMO. |
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02/19/2012 05:03:03 PM |
Beautiful model, beautiful setting, beautiful light, beautiful breeze |
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02/19/2012 03:07:50 PM |
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02/19/2012 01:26:58 PM |
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02/18/2012 11:09:48 PM |
Very good placement of the model. The storm in the BG could not be better! I am bumping this from an 8 to 9. Great work! |
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02/18/2012 09:24:43 PM |
VERY striking. I love the depth of field here, and the change from blue day to storm. |
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02/18/2012 08:33:28 PM |
Lovely image. Great exposure and subject, she's a little too centered for me but otherwise, this is fantastic. |
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02/18/2012 07:37:44 PM |
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02/18/2012 05:59:10 PM |
Beautiful model and location. Well done with the lighting. (voted earlier) |
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02/18/2012 01:41:41 PM |
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02/18/2012 08:32:52 AM |
Lovely light and a dramatic sky. Quite beautiful. |
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02/17/2012 02:56:51 PM |
amazing shot! love the pose and scenery |
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02/17/2012 10:39:58 AM |
Reminiscent of this guy Lallisig |
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02/16/2012 10:27:04 PM |
This image almost has a fantasy book cover feel to it. Very nice. |
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02/16/2012 06:18:59 PM |
Fantastic! Beautiful lighting, colors, pose, location, everything! Great movement and a beautiful woman. 10 |
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02/16/2012 01:27:44 PM |
Very well done. The details/depth of field are just perfect. The wind/water/cloud movement all goes together just right. |
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02/16/2012 12:42:03 PM |
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02/16/2012 06:58:12 AM |
Incredibly. Easily a 10. If I had a 15 option, you'd receive it. Every element in this photograph is perfect...bravo! |
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02/15/2012 12:27:11 PM |
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02/14/2012 11:41:48 PM |
Fantastic image - light is perfect! (and the model's not bad either) :-) |
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02/14/2012 04:17:14 PM |
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02/14/2012 01:35:30 PM |
Nice to see you participating in this challenge Larus. |
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02/14/2012 02:37:15 AM |
Fairy or Goddess who cares...beautiful shot. |
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02/13/2012 11:22:23 PM |
Beautiful vista, the clouds and white wash are oddly tack sharp. |
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02/13/2012 10:12:39 PM |
i think you just jumped into my first place, from what ive seen so far this has to be in the ribbon hunt.
my only comment is that id like see her moved off the center to the right to see more of what she is looking out into, but that a minor quibble. |
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02/13/2012 10:07:52 PM |
The arm across her bosom is distracting and artificial, IMO. Still a marvelous picture, but the version of complete freedom I think would be more powerful. |
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02/13/2012 09:55:36 PM |
Striking. What extreme weather, although the lighting on the model makes her look superimposed on the scene. |
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02/13/2012 07:09:50 PM |
Great image. Beautiful model, but what I really want to know is how did you organise such a fabulous backdrop. It's amazing! :) |
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02/13/2012 05:43:53 PM |
WOW. Beautiful girl,setting,and the lighting is perfect. Wondering where this location is. Great composition. 10 |
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02/13/2012 06:58:04 AM |
Wonderful! Very professionally done. |
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02/12/2012 06:47:17 AM |
Classic type shot,has me a bit entranced. |
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02/12/2012 03:28:20 AM |
even without the woman this would be a stunning image, or, without the background scene this would be stunning. so you deserve two 10's. sorry i can only give you one. even with all the amazing entries in this challenge i dare say that i expect this on the front page. good luck. |
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02/11/2012 05:54:38 PM |
Zephyr Lily, she blossoms.
White petals whisper upon the wind.
She takes flight
over land, over sea.
Very lovely. The lighting is superb, and I love the motion of the waves, the clouds and the cloth she holds all are rippling in the same direction. When I look upon the shot, I get the strong sense that she is the Goddess of the Wind/air. Just a point of interest; there is another photo in the competition that this could be a companion piece too. It has a lady in red in the desert. I imagine a book of myths and on one page is your Goddess of Air and the next page has the Goddess of Fire. |
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02/10/2012 11:01:22 PM |
What a beautiful setting! (not voting, only commenting) |
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02/10/2012 03:28:10 PM |
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02/10/2012 03:07:44 PM |
Lovely lighting, nicely balanced and nice processing. |
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02/10/2012 10:36:56 AM |
simply beautiful all around, stunning image |
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02/10/2012 06:38:16 AM |
wow.... love it 10 perfect, what i aspire to be doing in a few years, wow. id have this on my wall massive anyday of the week, best image ive seen on here i think. |
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02/10/2012 06:30:09 AM |
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02/10/2012 04:39:40 AM |
Male eye candy aside, this is one tog who knows his/her speedlights. Should be faring well and so far (243/409 votes) hope to see it on the front page. Unique and breathtaking image. |
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