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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Current challenge topic bitch and moan thread
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Showing posts 601 - 625 of 639, (reverse)
07/31/2018 06:08:51 PM · #601
Originally posted by Ecce_Signum:

Good point, well made :)

Originally posted by Melethia:

Just remember the DPL scores are based on percentages not absolutes, so as long as your crappy score is higher than my crappy score, you still win!

(we never did get that 'like' button did we).

Hey Tobermory Man, good to see you around!
07/31/2018 09:53:26 PM · #602
Originally posted by MeMex2:

Our team too experienced a very weird voting pattern yesterday in "Colored Objects"...Scores fell drastically within a very short time. I am not complaining about low
scores but curious as to why it happened so quickly and was so radical.
Votes seem pathologically low in this challenge. I just keep compensating by voting a few points higher.. it's the "they go low, we go high' syndrome.

I thought it was just me. I have never seen an entry go from over 6 to 5.6 something in so few votes, less than 5 votes.
07/31/2018 09:53:26 PM · #603
Originally posted by MeMex2:

Our team too experienced a very weird voting pattern yesterday in "Colored Objects"...Scores fell drastically within a very short time. I am not complaining about low
scores but curious as to why it happened so quickly and was so radical.
Votes seem pathologically low in this challenge. I just keep compensating by voting a few points higher.. it's the "they go low, we go high' syndrome.

I thought it was just me. I have never seen an entry go from over 6 to 5.6 something in so few votes, less than 5 votes.
07/31/2018 09:55:39 PM · #604
But also remember, that people do go back and adjust their votes throughout the week. I do several passes until I am really happy with what I have given out.
07/31/2018 10:07:20 PM · #605
Read it again. If we aren't determined/terminated by other peeps's opinions, it is always interesting to test the waters. AND maybe inspire a brilliant comment.

Originally posted by jagar:

A rant is a rant is a rant.

I think in general people hold to much importance of how their image is received in a challenge. The only and I mean only opinion we should feel judged by is our own, if we are happy with our photo then that should be enough reward in itself, if it isn’t then we can either move into the conceptual mold of what we think is popular or be very unsatisfied and discontented with how things are going, either way we lose big time. I would much rather have a photo hitting a 4.2 and feel totally satisfied with the shot than be leading the pack with what I consider to be an insipid and sterile take on the challenge. I think what I’m trying to say is that if we were just to stop living by other people’s concepts of what a good photo is and truly try to make it how we like it, there would be no more bitching about scores and challenges.

If you are not satisfied with and are feeling unhappy, upset or put down by the way your photo is doing, then you can be sure of one thing: you’re living by other people’s concepts and are moving in the opposite direction to what should be your art. When you enter or vote on a challenge, just empty your mind of others, of what they would take, of what they might vote, of what the would think of MY photo, of MY score, then relax and enjoy, your the boss here, take it and move freely in your own direction and stop bitching.

Ask yourself why would you feel judged by an another? If it’s insecurity about your own abilities, after all that is the only true answer, then know that this is a competition site so you’ll either feel up or down.
07/31/2018 10:07:33 PM · #606
I noticed one vote disappeared... and judging by how my score went up, it was clearly a troll vote... I’m thinking the SC has been taking appropriate steps.

To be clear, I have no problem with a voter giving my image a 1 if they think it sucks... I do have a problem with someone going through and voting every image a 1 in an attempt in an attempt to either troll or boost their own image...
07/31/2018 11:13:50 PM · #607
Originally posted by Sirashley:

I’m thinking the SC has been taking appropriate steps.

07/31/2018 11:20:51 PM · #608
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Originally posted by Sirashley:

I’m thinking the SC has been taking appropriate steps.


Good for you...

but this should help a bit too...

Stats: You have rated 134 of 138 images (97%) in this challenge.
You have given an average score of 6.2164.
08/01/2018 03:10:32 AM · #609
Originally posted by JulietNN:

But also remember, that people do go back and adjust their votes throughout the week. I do several passes until I am really happy with what I have given out.

I don’t, I pass through and rate the photo on its quality and some consideration to the challenge suitability but a bad photo is still a bad photo even if it nails the subject.

My voting average was poor for it and I tried to be generous as well think it’s just the challenge I only gave 1 x 10 vote
08/01/2018 09:13:35 AM · #610
When the score of my Colorful Objects entry plummeted from 5.4 to 4.7 I just figured it was a market correction, people realizing how crappy an image it was. So imagine my pleasure upon reading this thread and realizing that it was a herd of rogue elephants in the china shop, not the disapprobation of the illuminati. Now I'm all pumped up again, pleased as punch to be comfortably circling 5.
08/01/2018 09:17:40 AM · #611
Elephant, not elephants.
08/01/2018 12:02:30 PM · #612
Originally posted by jagar:

A rant is a rant is a rant.

I think in general people hold to much importance of how their image is received in a challenge. The only and I mean only opinion we should feel judged by is our own, if we are happy with our photo then that should be enough reward in itself, if it isn’t then we can either move into the conceptual mold of what we think is popular or be very unsatisfied and discontented with how things are going, either way we lose big time. I would much rather have a photo hitting a 4.2 and feel totally satisfied with the shot than be leading the pack with what I consider to be an insipid and sterile take on the challenge. I think what I’m trying to say is that if we were just to stop living by other people’s concepts of what a good photo is and truly try to make it how we like it, there would be no more bitching about scores and challenges.

If you are not satisfied with and are feeling unhappy, upset or put down by the way your photo is doing, then you can be sure of one thing: you’re living by other people’s concepts and are moving in the opposite direction to what should be your art. When you enter or vote on a challenge, just empty your mind of others, of what they would take, of what they might vote, of what the would think of MY photo, of MY score, then relax and enjoy, your the boss here, take it and move freely in your own direction and stop bitching.

Ask yourself why would you feel judged by an another? If it’s insecurity about your own abilities, after all that is the only true answer, then know that this is a competition site so you’ll either feel up or down.

In general you might be right, it's your own opinion that matters. And normally I live by that standard. But on DPC it is different, one of the reasons to submit is trying to get a nice score. I don't think there is something wrong with that. And I can live with votes of 5 and even an occasional 4, but the 1's and 2's only serve one purpose: down-voting for whatever reason. And I think many people turn there back to DPC because of this. I think if people get higher average scores they would like it more and keep submitting and coming back to DPC.
So my call is that I think that there should be an obligation to leave a comment when you give a 1, 2 or 3. Not for the comment itself, most likely that will be bullshit, but to pull these people from the anonymity. And if they don't comment, that vote doesn't count. Simple. Of course people will start calling for the same procedure when giving 8's, 9's and 10's. Maybe, but although the effect of these high votes is similar to the effect of low votes on the average scores, it makes people happier and therefore more likely for them to keep on participating.
08/01/2018 12:33:49 PM · #613
Originally posted by Kroburg:

So my call is that I think that there should be an obligation to leave a comment when you give a 1, 2 or 3. Not for the comment itself, most likely that will be bullshit, but to pull these people from the anonymity. And if they don't comment, that vote doesn't count. Simple.

We've tried that -- it didn't really help.
08/01/2018 12:50:12 PM · #614
Same thing happening in Free Study. Ridiculously low score.. it's laughable. Things have really turned around in here. Oh well.
08/01/2018 12:54:17 PM · #615
Originally posted by digifotojo:

Same thing happening in Free Study. Ridiculously low score.. it's laughable. Things have really turned around in here. Oh well.

I think that's part of the trade-off with DPL -- more participation but tougher scoring. But again, DPL is scored on percentile finishes, so the numerical score doesn't really matter very much ...
08/01/2018 01:02:03 PM · #616
Maybe we should have a consent box to tick on all DPC challenges.

Please be aware that by entering challenges, you might feel disappointed by people not loving your photo.
Please be aware that the people not loving your photo might not be loving your photo because they are looking for their own photo to be loved, by not loving yours they think they might get more love for theirs
Please be aware that it’s possible that the people loving your photo are only doing so that you will love theirs.
Please be aware that if you are only looking for your photo to be loved, your photography style could slowly and subtly change to the style of the more successful love seekers, and in doing so there’s a good chance of you sacrificing your own authentic photography style and vision.
Please be aware that if the majority of people entering challenges over a long period of time are only motivated by having their photos praised by others, then it’s more than probable that this site will implode because of a bad distribution of love.

Change it up a bit and the word photo could be replaced by you or life.

Sounds a bit child like and simplistic right, but is it really.

08/01/2018 01:13:31 PM · #617
Originally posted by jagar:

Maybe we should have a consent box to tick on all DPC challenges.

I wish people could have a choice of specifying what kind of comments they want, which would be posted below the title on the voting page, along the lines of these editing-assistance options from a popular poetry site ...

08/01/2018 01:23:32 PM · #618
please remember that life is not what it used to be.
08/01/2018 01:29:47 PM · #619
Originally posted by jagar:

Maybe we should have a consent box to tick on all DPC challenges. Sounds a bit child like and simplistic right, but is it really.

I noticed you got a few low scores last month. Maybe it's the summer doldrums. Also, people do more traveling during the summer months with cameras in tow. The bar has also been raised in here which makes it more of a challenge. So, lots of things to consider.
08/01/2018 01:41:23 PM · #620
Originally posted by tnun:

please remember that life is not what it used to be.

A sign like this used to be posted at a high school where a friend taught ...

08/01/2018 02:32:29 PM · #621
Originally posted by digifotojo:

I noticed you got a few low scores last month. Maybe it's the summer doldrums. Also, people do more traveling during the summer months with cameras in tow. The bar has also been raised in here which makes it more of a challenge. So, lots of things to consider.

Wouldn’t change last months pics for anything, loved taking them, loved the results. Surely no one can say the bar has been raised, my god.
08/01/2018 05:02:25 PM · #622
I would gladly explain all my ones and twos, but many people will not gladly hear my explanation.

Many of them could get the same comment: "this is a boring photo of nothing that's been done before"
08/01/2018 05:26:48 PM · #623
"nothing that's been done before." hmn. it hurts in the head.
08/01/2018 06:15:44 PM · #624
Everyone has their voting system, I don't want to change that. An occasional 1 or 2 doesn't bother me as long as that person is voting other photos they like at 9's and 10's and have a bunch of in between scores. I personally don't give 1's out very often but sometimes I think maybe I should expand my scale, I typically only use 4-8, 1-3 is as rare as me giving a 9-10. In fact I gave my first 10 in years to a photo in this months free study and I think I've only ever given a 1 because it was personally offensive and vulgar.

The people who should be called out and are the true trolls are the ones giving out 1 and 2 to all images or most of the images, in an attempt to lower competitors scores. I think this is very rare, or at least I hope it is.
08/01/2018 06:49:57 PM · #625
@jagar - what I'm referring to re: bar being raised is the quality and content of entries overall which tends to reflect on those of us who don't have access to amazing scenics or the ability to stage a ribbon winning photo composition. It's a categorical thing, occurs primarily in challenges with high volume participation like Free Study or the recent Colorful Objects.

I've stayed out of challenges for several months mainly due to a lack of suitable material. Lately, the challenges have been geared more to staging which is fine. It's just not for me.
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