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    Showing 1 - 25 of 338
    A Mother Understands What a Child Does Not SayA Mother Understands What a Child Does Not Say
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 1 users (view dates):
    Day 12Day 12
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 1 users (view dates):
    Lightning Never Strikes Twice in the Same PlaceLightning Never Strikes Twice in the Same Place3rd Place
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 3 users (view dates):
    hihosilver, lttleosito, tanguera
    Night BloomNight Bloom
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 3 users (view dates):
    Ja-9, PatGoltz, candylandstarr
    Goodnight my FriendGoodnight my Friend
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 1 users (view dates):
    Graceful BowGraceful Bow
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 3 users (view dates):
    Brielle, Kavey, Katmystiry
    A Tough DayA Tough Day
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 1 users (view dates):
    DPC Number 500,000DPC Number 500,000
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 2 users (view dates):
    nickyb, langdon
    The SaplingThe Sapling1st Place
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 56 users (view dates):
    Alain, dahlin, whitewolf, cujee, whiteroom, boyd2000, bassbone, GrayGhost, cuspie, Techo, Irfan, Arti-Elvi, tenfrozentoes, Zemm, mash, BlindSoul, hanneke, doxie, toad32, Flotsam, nordic, tviburi, jeffzoet, reza_sakhaeian, tampatech, Toniann220, thewriterside, les0910, A Varya, maelms, kosmikkreeper, plumber711, ramil, midnightride2, lentil, freshh2o, jbsmithana, Trinch, postaltheclown, Imagineer, KaBooM, annasense, L1, andrim, Bud, hughletheren, vadvirag, pitsaman, 3DsArcher, koolaid26, Seanachai, HRoxas, Cam, marbo, RayD70, Kylie
    Country SunriseCountry Sunrise3rd Place
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 23 users (view dates):
    Caltrop, bubbles13, danty, ixilight, keans_d, xXxscarletxXx, shelw128, fall_leaf05, Jutilda, Arcanist, dahkota, Chiaroscuro, Alexys, juggling, Swingtown, LazyDaze, pgatkinson2004, buckshtein, fotodude, petrakka, prbetts, Sweetlips, Sandymaya
    DaybreakDaybreak3rd Place
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 162 users (view dates):
    Batusai, pamelasue, PhotoJeff, ErikV, docjonny, dsterner, Ken, DKMRancidNOFX, cutout, thomasfuller, Ktkins, dmadden, pinetree3, yakatme, MonicaJames, Trumpeteer4, citymars, zeus0826, dv_rock, Kismet, dolphgal, Gauti, sabphoto, littleda, elizadeb, morty, outdoors, DimitryR, Currence, nfessel, slickchik, cutlassdude70, baco99, Fromac, ShannonLee, mikeascalise, staab, brentw09, dreamy, pam90066, poonaka, bvoi, amandalore, cfischl, chackoc, SAhmed1022, brandon1515, sammigurl, Majanka, TNCameron, harchew1, elhessar, MayaM, tenfrozentoes, Makka, ignite, Jugan, BRCPRES, batmaing, Shaman, sajin, alexus1325, pawdrix, jsas, lynnesite, Sailingduck, Rikki, M.O.C., Jammur, justin_hewlett, owen, Shecoya, fall_leaf05, zillahlewis, ttreit, robs, kearock, mesmeraj, akringen, reemas, smilebig4me1x, Cooz, -MK-, sigrun_th, surfdabbler, TobyF, savannahjames, matfitz, Bebe, Strikeslip, bandit, saracat, SJCarter, risu81, duffer_46, mocabela, manurao, tryals15, Spitfire, f-32, Telehubbie, glad2badad, Ecce_Signum, thunderbug, deli, Alexys, kawesttex, edmartin, colyla, aerogurl, cathurynn, OKANG, deron, Nuno, SDW, gloda, FirstAid, fifield, ADGibson, brett2004, petrakka, Arcanist, JohannesFrank, 3DsArcher, Jaycee0521, LazyDaze, suren, GBServis, snackwells, swisskiss, bdobe, cupneverempty, elsapo, StormyWeathers, gruvin, ty_roni, pcarpi, train, davidbedard, Zippy, cghubbell, fotodude, TLL061, GUYinaTIE, Crafty Sue, tfaust, yael27, steve100, buckshtein, RomaniaBoy, andrim, TooCool, andrewlr, aznchic88, marbo, Intelli, dwterry, admart01, LindaLee, Jeileen, greslizzz, eptasdi
    Only the memories remainOnly the memories remain2nd Place
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 15 users (view dates):
    GregoryB, amateurboi, Ken, zeus0826, edmartin, digifotojo, disdatmac, ButterflyGirl, jenesis, leah53, nico_blue, McNolia, robs, Veiolets, staticoy
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 2 users (view dates):
    xalkida, Man_Called_Horse
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 2 users (view dates):
    xalkida, Man_Called_Horse
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 2 users (view dates):
    xalkida, Man_Called_Horse
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 2 users (view dates):
    xalkida, Man_Called_Horse
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 1 users (view dates):
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 1 users (view dates):
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 3 users (view dates):
    xalkida, Man_Called_Horse, snap_fanatic
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 1 users (view dates):
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 1 users (view dates):
    AloftAloft3rd Place
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 159 users (view dates):
    wormtown, dahlin, odriew, SoulJance, danty, Gnomey, jessy_pesce, Rachel34, Axleuk, brownsm, hanneke, junior_z, cuspie, edslone, shoelessaj, Bosborne, Shaurya, tableau, nheilweil, JAGQ, roba, cp5140, Longfist, jasonmanheim, teachnm, mash, no__1__here, TOPXGUN, conarten86, essie, tara2107, arronrod, chimericvisions, jimmyg777, kaeli, Shutterbug21, AuroraChrisma, cools98, hamsandwich, harchew1, vadvirag, mattmac, Elru, Cyndane, jsas, justin_hewlett, ShannonLee, yanko, OdysseyF22, mia67, blue_dragon, undecorated, Shecoya, fall_leaf05, qbicle, steve100, billtvshow, decadentsavant, Delfeye, danamarielouise, TobyF, beautyqn25, inspir8tion, groggyfroggy, harchew, savannahjames, tcrock41, kwnsx, risu81, neophyte, clarmore, admart01, xonkas, theSaj, nfessel, stphw, rmtm333, eirasi, janbruder, taterbug, vasc, Telehubbie, milo655321, tazza, bucket, Mick, Alexys, cathurynn, sasharose, Daemon_Aconis, siquis, nards656, OKANG, okcomputer, NovaTiger, A Varya, carotop111, JamieG, samtrundle, heathernoll, amitr, singe, dpdave, Rook3000, Arcanist, RLSNijhoff, Jaycee0521, gruvin, xtabintun, VisiBlanco, Tuckersmom, kpieper, umyde, Lesya, Zoomdak, arlanbart, elru21, dirtkahuna, Imagineer, dhare, jimmyxj95, Long, s_martin, eptasdi, Geo_Griffin, buckshtein, Peltz, wagnes, DefyTime, techtraum, annasense, giega, RomaniaBoy, Kekiinani, frisca, LucidLotus, Discraft, Sonifo, bdobe, fotodude, HRoxas, Skip, roonie, tyt2000, jmlelii, kdkaboom, sibeling, MrAkamai, peecee, Mambe, KaBooM, Natator, Pidd, wkmen, cghubbell, nicoledb, Maverick, mocabela, L1
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 1 users (view dates):
    Big Brother is WatchingBig Brother is Watching
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 2 users (view dates):
    pawdrix, aznym
    High and DryHigh and Dry1st Place
    by Brad

    Selected as a favorite by 13 users (view dates):
    dontBLINK, robs, Ann, takinou42, ruzter, Kathe, McFrikki, Larryhw, edmartin, shutterbug8, dark0harlequin, neophyte, Scapeshots
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