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 This image was disqualified from the Art of 2011 challenge.
One Man's Freedom
One Man's Freedom

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Art of 2011 (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM for Nikon
Location: Havana, Cuba
Date: Oct 3, 2011
Galleries: Emotive, Street
Date Uploaded: Mar 14, 2012

Although this is Cuba the picture reminds me of a scene from an old French art-house film.

What is art?... More than one successful artist has described it as being 'what you can get away with'.

One man's art is another man's... whatever.

Thanks for all the votes and comments, they're all very much appreciated.

I especially appreciate those that mentioned a cinematic look, which is what I was aiming for.

In reply to some of the other comments:

The border was supposed to enhance the cinematic feel.

The whole of the car is visible in the original shot but I feel this crop has the viewer look past the car rather than at it. Also the cars proximity adds to the claustrophobic atmosphere of the street.


Details are enhanced using Nik Silver Efex.
Blur is added in some areas, sharpening in others.
Some cloning.
Dodging and burning plus an eccentric vignette.

An apology

I did the processing on this back in October and entered it here at the last minute without checking back on the original.
Big mistake!

As the positive votes and comments kept coming in I began to have nagging doubts about the validity of my picture.

But I kept putting off checking the original.

I suppose I was in a kind of denial.

It's ironic that another challenge running at the same time was titled "My Drug".

Inevitably retribution caught up with me and I was DQ'd.

Of course the real punishment for me is letting down my fellow DPCers who voted and commented in good faith. Apologies to them.

I'll be more careful in future and in the meantime, congratulations to the new award winners in this challenge.
Disqualification Details
You may not use ANY editing tool to move, remove or duplicate any element of your photograph that would change a typical viewer's description of the photograph (in this case cloning out 9 people and adding the fog), even if the tool is otherwise legal, and regardless of whether you intended the change when the photograph was taken.

Views since voting: 3424
Views during voting: 418
Comments: 68
Favorites: 34 (view)

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09/11/2012 10:38:30 AM
Pity, I threw an 8 at it :) Now show us the original! Would love to see Cuba and hope to do it justice with an image like this.
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03/28/2012 10:52:23 PM
I have just read through the DQ thread and I just can't believe some of what was said. My personal view - you have created an image with a true artist's vision and that's all that matters to me. The jury's mission was to look for the best Art, not for DPC specific technicalities. A well deserved award and you should have kept it as Don said early on in the thread. Congrats on a fine achievement, stuff the nitpickers! :)
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03/28/2012 09:02:07 PM
I'm much better off for having seen this. It's a fantastic photo, and the best I've seen in ages. Tip of the hat, buddy.
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03/27/2012 08:59:32 PM
shame, i gave this photo a 9, still a great image though... :)
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03/27/2012 07:31:17 PM
DQ or not, it does not change the fact that this is a fabulous image. Sorry it was DQ'ed but I am glad I got to see it.
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03/27/2012 05:13:03 PM
Apologies to all concerned and thanks for the messages of support.
(I've included an apology in my comments above.)
03/27/2012 01:24:59 PM
Sorry to hear about your DQ. It does however, remain a magnificent image.
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03/27/2012 09:11:25 AM
What a shame , fabulous shot all around, sorry about the DQ
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03/27/2012 12:23:52 AM
Oh, bummer about the DQ. Sounds like you pushed the envelope a bit, LOL! It's still a wonderful piece of work and it still belongs in my favourites.
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03/26/2012 10:22:09 PM
This DEFINITELY deserves the Blue.

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03/26/2012 12:46:25 PM
Wonderful and very strong image!!
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03/25/2012 12:55:18 AM
stunning, surreal, mouth hanging open.
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03/24/2012 05:23:14 PM
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03/24/2012 12:53:35 PM
Love it! Congrats!
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03/24/2012 09:25:18 AM
Nice work, shame about the DQ.

Message edited by author 2012-03-27 20:07:38.
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03/24/2012 01:37:21 AM
I keep comming back and reviewing this image.. In my book thats the sign of great art, the viewer wanting to see it time and time again!
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03/23/2012 09:32:46 PM
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03/23/2012 08:23:25 PM
the more I look, the better it gets.
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03/23/2012 11:41:49 AM
This image is exceptional. Congratulations (FAV)
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03/23/2012 09:36:27 AM
I love the frame, the crop, the whole thing. It has such an intensity of not only story, but tones. It truly compelled me. During the jury discussions, there were questions as to whether it was staged or not. I said, no, that it was pure happenstance. I hope I was right. Either way, it was one of my tops from the very beginning. Congrats on your 2nd award!
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03/22/2012 10:28:05 PM
This image has the reportage feel, but becomes art with the well constructed motif. Excellent, excellent. Congratulations on this achievement!
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03/22/2012 01:11:29 PM
Fantastic image ! Congratulations it just had to be.
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03/22/2012 12:34:52 PM
One of the best DPC has ever seen. A masterpiece. Congratulations on the achievement.
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03/22/2012 11:42:16 AM
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03/22/2012 08:54:46 AM
Beautifully composed and rendered shot. Nice job on the ribbon.
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03/22/2012 04:14:59 AM
Congratulations David. Wonderful photo.

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03/22/2012 03:44:58 AM
My favourite makes it to number 1! This has to be some sort of record for me!
Well done on a very well deserved win :)
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03/22/2012 03:11:52 AM
Truly one of the best photos I've seen in a long time. Outstanding piece of work. Very well deserved ribbon.
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03/22/2012 02:28:08 AM
Brilliant. Just beautiful and profound . Congrats on teh blue.
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03/22/2012 02:20:05 AM
Love this photo! esp. in the b/w Congrats on the ribbon!
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03/22/2012 02:20:05 AM
Love this photo! esp. in the b/w Congrats on the ribbon!
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03/22/2012 12:12:16 AM
Congrats David, awesome shot.
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03/22/2012 12:11:28 AM
This is a lovely image! Congrats!
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03/22/2012 12:08:55 AM
Congrats on the blue! So glad this won, it is a wonderful, evocative shot.
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03/22/2012 12:08:35 AM
congrats on blue.. the light is an addition also the textures..

nicely seen..!
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03/22/2012 12:06:51 AM
Whatever indeed :) Congratulations on a remarkable image.
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03/22/2012 12:02:45 AM
Wow, fantastic! Congrat's on blue!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/21/2012 11:12:37 PM
Beautifully shot. So deep and symbolic too. Excellent!
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03/21/2012 09:55:57 PM
Beautifully toned street image full of strong content. It gets a 9 from me in spite of the bars that seriously trivialize the othewise powerful visual impression. It could have been a 10.
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03/21/2012 06:50:34 PM
One of my 10s - reasons why I like this:

Fantastic everything! Great perspective, lovely light and a tremendous scene. Alexsaberi?
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03/21/2012 05:43:12 PM
Beautiful tones, love how the car cuts into the frame and the photo fades to nothingness. Amazing work!
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03/21/2012 04:58:12 PM
Just stunning isolated primary subjects and balance. Great BW PP. Mysterious and silent. Can only be Cuba.
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03/21/2012 03:52:45 PM
Sometimes I think a title does make a difference and that is the case here. This is my favorite entry in the challenge -- the tones are wonderful, the setting adds to the story, the lines are excellent, it evokes an emotional response in me. 10
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03/21/2012 10:28:50 AM
Love the processing. Very atmospheric and sad image, great details.
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03/21/2012 02:00:52 AM
Great shot, brilliantly processed. I can really see this in a gallery.
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03/20/2012 08:01:44 PM
superb. poignant. this could be a shot for a movie.
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03/20/2012 06:34:31 PM
My choice for the blue. Amazing work!
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03/20/2012 06:43:43 AM
Classic beauty, well done.
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03/19/2012 10:51:16 PM
Street photography at its finest. And yes, to me, that is most certainly art.
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03/19/2012 08:45:17 PM
What a piece of Cuba.
And what a clever title.
Excellent as for concept, capture and rendition.
Is this art? I guess one of the many species of art.
Does it matter? Not to me, you have such a memorable image here.
I would score it the same in any challenge.
10 as it doesn't go to 11
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03/19/2012 12:37:02 PM
The focal length you chose for this shot really makes a world of difference.
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03/19/2012 11:37:43 AM
I like this image the best in the whole lot of entries. Why? I like the subjects, processing, location where it was shot, composition and an emotion that it triggers on me as a viewer. I am not sure why you did not include the car completely. If I should guess, may be because you wanted the emphasis to be on the person rather than the car? The distant fog gives a sense of early morning time and adds to the moody feel.
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03/19/2012 11:14:03 AM
Oh golly. This is ... magnificent!


(commenting only)
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03/18/2012 02:07:11 PM
The textures are amazing! The man in the wheelchair just takes this image to a higher dimension. An easy 10 from me!
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03/17/2012 11:18:18 PM
border gets in the way of the impact of this. great concept. has that "havana" look. gl.
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03/17/2012 01:38:51 PM
This is one wonderful and captivating shot. Perfect processing too.
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03/17/2012 01:06:50 PM
Best in show award, congrats, has that Cuban look.
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03/17/2012 10:05:22 AM
Sometimes we have to grab our freedom where it can be found. Love this one. Challenging. Great techs, comp. Thanks.
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03/17/2012 09:25:05 AM
very beautiful black and white, and the title is perfect. great detail and sharpness. wonderfully done
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03/16/2012 11:01:26 PM
Love your style of photography...it always stands out in the crowd..hat's off to ya...
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03/16/2012 06:13:49 PM
Beautifully told :)

I keep coming back to this one, I think it's my favourite of the challenge...
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03/16/2012 05:49:08 PM
Wow...Cinematic drama!
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03/16/2012 10:23:27 AM
I really like the subject matter and processing. I really don't like the letterbox frame -- it wastes pixels.
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03/15/2012 11:00:26 AM
Voted earlier coming back to comment.

Absolutely LOVE the mood and capture of meaning in this photo. The car has always been a symbol of freedom and spirit of adventure. It is a means to get from one place to another. The juxtaposition of the car next to the man in the wheelchair speaks to me that he has the means to be free from any limitations life sets upon him and the ability to set out on an adventure wherever he sets his mind to. Where there is a strong will and a means of travel there is a way to get to your destination. I really hope to see this in the top 5. Spectacular capture and the B&W processing is just stunning (10).
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03/15/2012 09:01:11 AM
Amazing catch! Probably my favorite in the challenge and I've just started voting. The bottom crop is a little unusual but seems to work fine. Having the car touch the frame edge brings it closer to the viewer and maybe that's part of what you wanted.
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03/15/2012 07:23:50 AM
Appeals to me very much
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03/15/2012 02:19:59 AM
The processing on this is really just stellar. It feels so authentically nostalgic and cinematic. Very interesting. Love the composition.
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03/15/2012 01:46:44 AM
A wonderful and powerful image.
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