Author | Thread |
02/21/2016 03:38:14 PM |
This is very creative and extremely well done. |
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07/03/2014 06:34:42 PM |
Brilliant! Great concept and so well executed. |
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04/28/2012 12:45:22 PM |
Wonderful! you and this group of artists are inspiring! |
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04/25/2012 02:19:32 AM |
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04/23/2012 03:17:42 PM |
Wow! Stunning! I sit here looking at it, and still find it hard to comprehend all that was done to achieve this. Congratulations on a very, very well deserved blue! |
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04/22/2012 02:41:05 PM |
Congrats Johanna! Wonderful creativity in shooting and processing to give this a whirlwind feel. |
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04/22/2012 01:25:47 PM |
Congratulations Johanna! Amazing shot! Well-deserved Blue! |
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04/21/2012 10:10:41 PM |
Hehe I was right, you did ribbon...congrats mightily.
Now you'll have to give me more tips on how I can. |
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04/21/2012 09:27:43 PM |
Oh MAN, Johanna!!!! YOU are such an amazing artist!! This is beyond the superlatives I have in my vocabulary!!! Mega Congratulations!!! |
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04/21/2012 02:30:36 PM |
Go, Johanna! Excellence all 'round!
Congrats on your blue, friend!
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04/21/2012 10:58:17 AM |
Gratz on the finish - another ribbon to add to your already healthy collection :-) |
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04/21/2012 10:52:36 AM |
Congrats! This was a big fat 10 from me! You just keep getting awesomer! ;D |
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04/21/2012 10:45:28 AM |
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04/21/2012 10:19:04 AM |
Incredible image! Congratulations on a blue and 1X! |
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04/20/2012 06:45:30 PM |
Yeehaa another blue! Well done and a classic shot. |
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04/20/2012 06:44:58 PM |
I wish I could have witnessed the shooting. Would have been great for Emergency also! |
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04/20/2012 06:11:07 PM |
Certifiable chaos! Congratulations! |
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04/20/2012 05:56:26 PM |
congratulations! very deserved first place! |
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04/20/2012 05:24:12 PM |
Originally posted by Bear_Music: Is Johanna the new Christophe? Film at 11... |
I can't stay up till 11, can you make it 9?
Way to Johanna! New PB and a Blue is always a good day! And to get published elsewhere is also a very good thing! |
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04/20/2012 05:21:14 PM |
Congratulations Johanna, on a new PB, and the Blue, for this inspired image! |
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04/20/2012 04:55:34 PM |
Is Johanna the new Christophe? Film at 11... |
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04/20/2012 02:09:28 PM |
Awwww... You must be sad that the shot displaced your art roflmao shot... :P
Congrats on the PB!! |
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04/20/2012 02:02:27 PM |
Gorgeous work Johanna!! Well deserved blue!! |
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04/20/2012 01:58:42 PM |
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04/20/2012 12:23:37 PM |
WoW! Big congrats on the blue! |
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04/20/2012 12:10:56 PM |
Certified Blue and masterful. I never would have guessed. Contrats Johanna |
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04/20/2012 12:01:06 PM |
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04/20/2012 11:17:13 AM |
Blue is your BEST color! Congrats, Johanna! |
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04/20/2012 11:03:43 AM |
way to go Johanna, for beating all the heavyweights in an Expert challenge. Wait, you are now one of the heavyweights yourself (not literally, I mean :)). Congratulations! |
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04/20/2012 10:34:22 AM |
Super, Smashin' Marvellous glad this made it here,Congratulations. |
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04/20/2012 10:27:16 AM |
Ah, I am so glad this got the top spot. It was my clear choice. I absolutely love the concept and the execution is, IMO spot on. Congrats on the blue! |
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04/20/2012 08:59:54 AM |
Look at you!!!! Way to go. |
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04/20/2012 08:54:37 AM |
Congrats Johanna! Your hard work pays off! |
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04/20/2012 08:27:41 AM |
Congratulations, Johanna. Great work. |
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04/20/2012 07:47:33 AM |
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04/20/2012 07:46:41 AM |
Congrats on the blue Excellent image |
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04/20/2012 07:43:13 AM |
The colors really push this into a really unique realm of grunginess.
I also like the metaphor or story we can imagine - not just a dark or morbid scene but a representation of daily life.
Very well done and most definitely my favorite in the challenge. |
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04/20/2012 07:25:19 AM |
Congrats on the well deserved blue Johanna!!! |
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04/20/2012 06:57:58 AM |
Not surprised this got the blue. Great job! And great idea. Well deserved! |
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04/20/2012 06:25:43 AM |
From conception to final project: beautiful shot. Congrats on an incredible image. |
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04/20/2012 05:58:51 AM |
Congratulations! Sweet shot. |
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04/20/2012 05:09:31 AM |
Congratulations Johanna on both your win an PB! You're really the best at throwing yourself in the air :-) Great job with the editing, I can't believe you did it in a couple of hours, very impressive! |
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04/20/2012 04:39:39 AM |
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04/20/2012 03:54:19 AM |
well done and congrats on new pb. |
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04/20/2012 03:40:14 AM |
Excellent image johanna! congrats! |
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04/20/2012 03:31:32 AM |
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04/20/2012 03:29:18 AM |
Bravo and congrats on a new PB, Johanna! |
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04/20/2012 02:24:57 AM |
wow,,,,Congratulations,,,super grunge picture here,,,, |
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04/20/2012 02:09:30 AM |
Super. Well deserved First Place. |
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04/20/2012 02:01:34 AM |
Hooray! Ya bumped Godzilla down one! Now just keep it up! :) Congrats! It's awesome and my only 10 in the challenge. |
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04/20/2012 01:31:08 AM |
Congratulations on the ribbon J. |
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04/20/2012 01:29:47 AM |
Wow Johanna, this is amazing... huge congrats! |
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04/20/2012 01:15:28 AM |
Congratulations, Johanna! Excellent work. |
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04/20/2012 01:13:19 AM |
Wow Johanna - love the art and energy here. Congrats on the blue! |
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04/20/2012 12:44:08 AM |
Great job Johanna! Very creative. Congrats on the blue! |
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04/20/2012 12:37:58 AM |
super! glad to see you here. nice work and amazing creativity. congratulations. |
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04/20/2012 12:23:06 AM |
Congrats on the Blue and new PB Johanna! Amazing image! |
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04/20/2012 12:22:11 AM |
WTG Johanna, awesome score and finish. |
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04/20/2012 12:15:23 AM |
Congrats on the new PB, well done. |
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04/20/2012 12:15:21 AM |
Awesome shot. Congrats on the blue |
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04/20/2012 12:15:06 AM |
Remarkably grungy! Congrats. I'm impressed with this one. |
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04/20/2012 12:09:47 AM |
A big congrats! Well done. |
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04/20/2012 12:07:32 AM |
Way to go, Johanna! Proud to say I knew you when... :-) |
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04/20/2012 12:03:51 AM |
Congrats, Johanna!! Great image |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
04/19/2012 08:25:47 PM |
Great pop of colour, love the sense of motion! |
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04/19/2012 07:36:33 PM |
Fantastic image, well done. |
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04/19/2012 09:46:53 AM |
Just love looking at this,hope it blasts to the top ten. |
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04/18/2012 10:06:19 PM |
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04/18/2012 03:05:35 PM |
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04/17/2012 03:16:24 PM |
Well done!!
I wonder what picture is out side the window.. :)
Everything is placed perfectly. It'll be great if you'll share how you created it. |
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04/17/2012 11:21:21 AM |
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04/16/2012 02:14:14 PM |
This is awesome - love it - 10! |
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04/15/2012 10:54:35 PM |
Excellent control of all the elements, and I LOVE that floor. |
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04/15/2012 09:45:14 PM |
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04/15/2012 08:03:24 AM |
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04/15/2012 12:19:46 AM |
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04/14/2012 09:55:50 PM |
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04/14/2012 11:51:00 AM |
Superb - I think I recognise the room too!
Last time I saw it someone in a blue dress had their head chopped off! |
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04/13/2012 02:55:01 PM |
Awesome!!! one of my top 3! |
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04/13/2012 12:39:51 PM |
This has to be Christoph. Excellent job. |
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04/13/2012 09:44:08 AM |
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04/13/2012 09:31:32 AM |
Oh wow. Alice being sucked through a vortex by a window. This is wild. |
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04/13/2012 01:02:07 AM |
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04/13/2012 12:11:50 AM |
Gyabanesce... :D
(commenting only) |
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