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Tomorrow's child
2nd PlaceTomorrow's child

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Ray Bradbury (Basic Editing)
Collection: Challenges
Camera: Pentax K-x
Lens: Sigma 50mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM Autofocus Lens
Location: North Beach-Perth
Date: Jun 10, 2012
Aperture: 8.0
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/2500
Galleries: Emotive, Candid
Date Uploaded: Jun 14, 2012

If it does well, I'll tell you all about it.

[Jun. 16th, 2012 10:19:00 AM]

Well it did well, so here it goes;

I woke up this morning, the day I took this photo, grey clouds lurked in the sky, and the forecast was gloomy, another possible storm with powerful winds was forecast, 'fantastic' I thought, it's going to be my lucky day.

So off to the beach I went for an adventure, an adventure to try to capture the perfect photo for this challenge. There was one problem though, when I arrived at the beach I couldn't even hardly open the car door. By then the storm had fully set in, and the strong force of the winds had made it unbearable to be outside for even 10 secs, I rushed inside again, and sat for a while. The winds still had not abated after 10 mins, so I decided to drive a kilometre or 2 up the road. I parked along the beach side once again, got out of the car, but could only stand being outside for about 30 secs. The sand along the shore was pulsating through my face, and it was painful, also the Antartic like winds were freezing my aching body, and not to say the least what damage my camera was going through with the lens being blasted with all sorts of matter on it. So I just decided to wait it out and headed back to the warmth and comfort of my car.
In the meantime whilst I was enjoying the sway and motion of my car being rocked to and thro' by the wind, a lady and her little girl had rocked up beside me in the parking lot and were brave enough to venture outside. This little girl was such a delight to watch, she had a lot of courage and just kept jumping up and down from the fence and was having the time of her life enjoying the breeze blowing her back and forth, so I pulled my camera out and started snapping away.
I was quite exited about the images I took, but this one, in particular b.c of the position of her body, like James commented on, it looks like she is about to jump, or almost like she's entering a new dimension. I wanted to use Ray's short story, "The Time of Going Away" but Yo-spiff and Wendy told me that it didn't quite fit. So I really didn't want to ditch this photo, I had to try to incorporate this photo somehow into one of "Bradbury's" novels or short stories.

I actually thought it would be a shoehorn, so I'm delighted to see after all it's doing well ATM with 40 votes 6.67.

[Jun. 21st, 2012 08:11:31 PM]

Well kind of on edge ATM with 4 hrs to go before rollover score is looking amazingly like ribbon territory, but this has happened before. When I went to bed it was on 6.79, and I thought that was good. Looks like all the good voters are coming out just before rollover-Thanks Guys!!

Votes: 90
Views: 200
Avg Vote: 6.9111
Comments: 14
Favorites: 3

[Jun. 21st, 2012 10:01:13 PM]

2hrs to go 6.95.

I want to send out a big THANKYOU to all those kind voters who got me this far, sweet as!!

[Jun. 21st, 2012 10:48:18 PM]

[Jun. 21st, 2012 10:51:48 PM]

WELL WELL WELL my first ribbon with an image true to my style - can't believe it, - THANKS SO MUCH IT'S SO NICE TO SEE MY PIC ON THE FRONT PAGE. I guess the moral of the story would be even if the weather looks disastrous there's always something wonderful to photograph. This is proof of that!!

THANKS FOR ALL THE GREAT COMMENTS, and votes!! And to think I nearly didn't enter this.

Place: 2 out of 60
Avg (all users): 6.9583
Avg (commenters): 8.8667
Avg (participants): 6.8718
Avg (non-participants): 7.0175
Views since voting: 4043
Views during voting: 214
Votes: 96
Comments: 91
Favorites: 16 (view)

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07/02/2012 12:17:27 AM
Hi Anita, congrats on your first ribbon! An image that evokes curiosity and wonder! =)
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06/28/2012 03:13:33 AM
Wonderfully evocative image. :)
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06/26/2012 10:04:35 PM
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06/26/2012 02:55:27 AM
YAY for you!!!! We all knew it was coming. Don't forget to do a screen shoot of you on the front page.
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06/25/2012 07:16:17 PM
Congrats on your first Ribbon Anita! :)
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06/25/2012 10:30:10 AM
Congratz Anita. Good on yah :)
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06/24/2012 06:24:43 PM
That's quite a story, you're a brave lady! I would probably have gone home with all that sandblasting. Congrats on your very well deserved ribbon Anita.
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06/24/2012 01:39:19 PM
Love this. GREAT work, Anita. Love your outtakes too.
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06/24/2012 03:28:22 AM
Congrats Anita, nice shot and a ribbon! :)
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06/24/2012 12:16:02 AM
Well now there you go!!! WOOT for you, my dear.
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06/23/2012 02:01:49 PM
I LOGGED IN TODAY AND SCREEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAMED!!!!!! I SCREAMED when I saw your name on the front page!!!!! AGGGAHGHHHG!!!! I'm so happy for you!! :D And what a gorgeous shot. You couldn't have timed that better. Wowee wow! I feel lIke I just won a ribbon, ha! :P
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06/23/2012 07:08:03 AM
Congrats! Gorgeous image.
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06/22/2012 09:59:21 PM
FINALLY!!!!! Congratulations, Anita, for finally getting your ribbon. What a great story too.
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06/22/2012 08:03:10 PM
I congratulate you for this picture and others who did not get ribbons but get my sincere admiration.

Have to add that I congratulate the public for the choice of the ribbons in this challenge

Message edited by author 2012-06-22 20:05:44.
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06/22/2012 06:49:34 PM
Anita, congratulations on your first ribbon and new pb! Fantastic image, wonderfully done!
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06/22/2012 06:24:56 PM
Congrats on your first ribbon. You must be thrilled!

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06/22/2012 04:45:06 PM
congrats Anita, lovely image deserving the accolades!
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06/22/2012 02:59:14 PM
I've been at the Telluride Bluegrass festival with a dead phone and no electricity, I found an outlet this morning to charge my phone and I find this awesome surprise. Congrats Anita, I am so thrilled for you.

On to the image, it's beautiful and deserves all the praise it has received. Excellent job!
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06/22/2012 02:01:24 PM
uh oh you're beating me now.
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06/22/2012 01:12:25 PM
First ribbon and some bling! Huge congrats Anita, this is a very thought provoking image. Like the child is being drawn towards an unknown dark force. well done.
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06/22/2012 01:10:08 PM
Can't believe you've had to wait this long for your first ribbon. This definitely makes you Today's child. Congrats.
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06/22/2012 01:09:38 PM
Congratulations on a very well deserved ribbon Anita. Great photograph.
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06/22/2012 12:50:38 PM
Congrats on your first, Anita! Beautiful image.
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06/22/2012 11:54:01 AM
For me, this image was an instant 10. Coming back to Fav! Congrats on your ribbon!
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06/22/2012 11:13:31 AM
Congratulations,it was a long time coming but what a wonderful image to get your first ribbon with.
May there be many more coming your way in the future.
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06/22/2012 09:24:11 AM
Huge congrats on your first ever ribbon, Anita! What a terrific capture, love the spontaneity of the little girl. Well done on a wonderful image :-)
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06/22/2012 09:21:10 AM
Congratulations on the ribbon. Fantastic shot.
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06/22/2012 09:13:46 AM
'Tomorrow' not only has only one 'm', but it also has two 'r's. :) SC Bad :)

Anita good! Congrats on your ribbon girl, true to your style.
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06/22/2012 08:59:22 AM
Congrats Anita, mind blowing picture. Well deserved
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06/22/2012 08:54:17 AM
Congrats on your ribbon, this image is delightful!
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06/22/2012 08:49:33 AM
Great image; ribbon worthy. Congrats Anita!
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06/22/2012 08:46:13 AM
Congratulations on your personal best and first ribbon. Long overdue!
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06/22/2012 08:13:54 AM
Congratulations Anita, great job.
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06/22/2012 08:08:57 AM
This shot is absolutely amazing. Congrats on the ribbon.
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06/22/2012 07:46:35 AM
big congrats..!
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06/22/2012 07:01:39 AM
This is your first ribbon?! I don't believe it! Fantastic image, one of many delightful Neat gems. Congrats!!!
PH gallery too, I love when it happens...
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06/22/2012 06:45:53 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon Anita! Awesome shot! And what a story!
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06/22/2012 06:37:26 AM
Congratulations on a beautiful image and long overdue ribbon. Great job. It is especially nice to see you ribbon on an image that is true to your wonderful style.

Message edited by author 2012-06-22 08:46:13.
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06/22/2012 06:06:19 AM
Glad to see that a quality image can win the masses.

Message edited by author 2012-06-22 09:14:39.
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06/22/2012 05:51:09 AM
About time :) Congrats on your first ribbon.
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06/22/2012 04:40:34 AM
Congratulations! It's about time this place woke up! Absolutely beautiful image.
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06/22/2012 03:51:51 AM
YAY! I'm so happy for you Anita.
Such an incredible image and story. Congrats on the first of many.
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06/22/2012 03:39:36 AM
Congratulations Anita. Hard work pays off. So glad you got your reward with a poignant image. Blurry grainy goodness. Also had to get a Posthumous.
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06/22/2012 03:21:08 AM
Congratulations Neat, you have your very own style and I like it. It is great to see that this has been finally honored.
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06/22/2012 03:13:13 AM
Big congratulations on your sweet sweet ribbon!
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06/22/2012 02:28:31 AM
Brilliant. What a ribbon. What a story.
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06/22/2012 01:58:29 AM
Well done you cracked it, now you can go on and become a ribbon hawg!
Lovely shot.
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06/22/2012 01:52:00 AM
Congrats on the HM, ribbon and a great composition. Well deserved Anita!
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06/22/2012 01:43:08 AM
Congrats Anita. Very glad for you and especially for as your first ribbon. Image really one that speaks a thousand words and you did not capture only a little being/moment in time but a spirit in eternity.
Great work
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06/22/2012 01:32:30 AM
PH Bling and your first ribbon. Way to go Anita. So pleased for you
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06/22/2012 01:20:28 AM
Congratulations, Anita! Wonderful shot, and back story. About time you collected a ribbon! I'm sure many will follow.
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06/22/2012 12:56:45 AM
The ribbon is well deserved. Congratulations.
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06/22/2012 12:50:07 AM
Very special and woohoo u dunit!
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06/22/2012 12:49:27 AM
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06/22/2012 12:44:23 AM
Awesome! congrats on your first!
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06/22/2012 12:29:27 AM
Sorry, Anita. My condolences on your ribbon. Now you have to stay around DPC.


Huge congrats on the red and the PB!!
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06/22/2012 12:26:50 AM
Congrats on the ribbon. First of many.
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06/22/2012 12:22:32 AM
Wow Anita. This is so fascinating! Congrats on your red ribbon!
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06/22/2012 12:22:31 AM
First ribbon!!!! Woo-hooo!!!!
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06/22/2012 12:17:24 AM
Nicely done. Congratulations!
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06/22/2012 12:16:24 AM
Congratulations on the ribbon Anita. A wonderful image and story.
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06/22/2012 12:14:44 AM
Hooray! You got your ribbon. Now no more threats about leaving. This is such a fabulous image, I'm so glad it was recognized.
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06/22/2012 12:14:02 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon. What a feeling! This is a wonderful image and very deserving of the ribbon!
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06/22/2012 12:13:41 AM
Alright... congrats! Nice job!
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06/22/2012 12:13:03 AM
Congrats on getting your ribbon with this excellent shot, hope to see more soon.
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06/22/2012 12:12:20 AM
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06/22/2012 12:09:06 AM
This is a beautiful picture Anita!!!
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06/22/2012 12:08:50 AM
Full of emotion! Congrats on the red!!
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06/22/2012 12:07:35 AM
The image is a wonderful story. Congrats on the ribbon.
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06/22/2012 12:07:02 AM
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06/22/2012 12:06:22 AM
Yowza! Great image and great processing! Congratulations!
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06/22/2012 12:05:13 AM
This was my favourite photo. It's amazing! Congrats!
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06/22/2012 12:03:37 AM

Well done and what a lovely photo. And some bling from Don as well! I'm so glad you got your first ribbon. May there be many more.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/21/2012 11:06:51 PM
full of wonder 10
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06/21/2012 10:24:05 PM
Aside from the fact the tomorrow has only one m, the picture is better than all past, present future... love it.
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06/21/2012 09:40:05 PM

I'm hanging you in my Speculative Art Gallery

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06/21/2012 08:56:23 PM
very good!
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06/21/2012 07:16:30 PM
Love the way he's leaning into the wind, embracing it as it were. I also like the tones of the background and the crispness of the silhouette. Voted earlier 8
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06/21/2012 05:00:29 PM
I love this. A great split moment captured. 10
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06/21/2012 11:52:16 AM
Lookin' good I see this in the top ten,hope so anyway.
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06/21/2012 09:08:17 AM
Love the hair, reach
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06/20/2012 11:23:15 PM
Timeless. 8
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06/19/2012 10:55:20 PM
ravishing stillness of the picture broken by the movement of the hair
bump up
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06/19/2012 08:31:19 PM
suspended animation at its best
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06/19/2012 01:49:11 PM
Hold on little one, tomorrow's only a stones throw away, splendid.
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06/19/2012 06:46:25 AM
Beautiful - really beautiful - there's so much life to it, and yet it's so simplistic. Which is just like a child, no?
Absolutely loved it. Thank you for sharing.
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06/17/2012 06:25:05 AM
Great silhouette 7
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06/16/2012 09:23:03 PM
Outstanding image. 10
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06/15/2012 11:35:39 PM
This one makes me gasp. I love the eerie appearance, and the precarious posture of the child. Not being able to see what is beyond the "fog" makes this a work of art, in my opinion.
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06/15/2012 01:00:45 PM
is getting a hiding today if she survived the fall.

Like very much.
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06/15/2012 12:53:08 PM
My first thought was, no, don't jump. But now it looks more like the child is enjoying a nice breeze. Playing in the eddies, she feels the air flow through her hair, feeling free.
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