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Cosmic Brume
2nd PlaceCosmic Brume

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2012-10 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Carl Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 Distagon T for Canon EF mount
Location: Guenella Pass, CO
Date: Oct 21, 2012
Aperture: f/2.0
ISO: 1000
Shutter: 17 sec
Date Uploaded: Oct 23, 2012

I am involved in a personal competition with alexkc in the 2012 Free Study Marathon. I did not sign up for it last year, but this year I did and decided I would give it my best effort. The first half of the year, I wasn't as motivated as I am now. Currently, Alessandro is in 6th place and I am in 10th place in the marathon. As you all may know, we were team mates in the last WPL and we have helped each other along with advice on photos. So, counting this month, I only have 3 months left to try to beat his overall score and finish ahead of him. A daunting task.

This month, I learned about the meteor showers that were taking place. So, I headed up to the high country and spent the night shooting "stars" and "shooting stars". Turns out, shooting "shooting stars" are harder to shoot than lightning. I went out earlier in the day and bought a 2nd remote/timer shutter release so I could set up two cameras for the event. I had each one taking 15 to 19 second exposures one after the other for about 4 hours. This was from 2AM until about 7AM on Sat night at around 10,000 feet in the mountains. The keep rate on shooting stars was not very high and the ones I did capture were underwhelming at best. I learned that for some of them, it takes over a minute for them to cross the sky. Which means with 18 second exposures, they are captured in about 5 to 8 frames, each frame showing the advancement of the shooting star. I tried to combine some of those images, but not with any good results so far. I'll keep trying though.

So, this shot does not have any comets, but it does have awesome elements which I captured that night. What you are viewing is Mt. Bierstadt that tops out at 14,065 feet, and the Sawtooth ridge which leads over to another very tall peak. These mountains are all part of the Mt Evans massif. The light on the clouds is coming from Denver even though I was around 50 miles from Denver.

Some outtakes.

[Nov. 1st, 2012 01:19:53 PM]

Nov 1:
14 votes-7.82
24 votes-7.50

[Nov. 1st, 2012 02:15:08 PM]

29 votes-7.27 Interesting.

[Nov. 1st, 2012 02:35:19 PM]

31 votes-7.09. This by far the largest drop of any score since I have been on this site. I guess folks are really sick of star shots.

[Nov. 1st, 2012 05:35:32 PM]

36 votes-7.19 Hopefully, the fast voters have finished and life on DPC can resume as normal. Funny how voting goes sometimes, will never figure it out. Maybe my high scores this morning were not accurate either. It seems to always work out at the end of the day.

[Nov. 5th, 2012 03:35:00 PM]

83 votes-7.36 today, been on a roller coaster this week. Been surging to mid 7's only to drop to low 7's almost immediately! Almost too much to take sometimes. Turned the scores off, that didn't last long. My addiction.

[Nov. 7th, 2012 03:40:55 PM]

Final voting day.
106 votes-7.28
Lots of great comments! Thank you so much!
I was on the fence with adding the border.
Here is my reasoning...I think the entry viewing pages should have the black background surround button so the viewer can decide to view the image as is, or with a black surround. This is one image that would benefit with a black surround background in my opinion. So, I decided to add the border. I know I like it one some images and I don't on others.

Place: 2 out of 225
Avg (all users): 7.2750
Avg (commenters): 8.6842
Avg (participants): 7.2000
Avg (non-participants): 7.4571
Views since voting: 3117
Views during voting: 260
Votes: 120
Comments: 41
Favorites: 3 (view)

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09/25/2015 04:17:35 PM
Coming back to this since it's been in the back of my mind as a standout shot of the night stars from a totally dark area. I'm thinking of taking a drive, late evening, up to Haleakala in Nov to get some star shots during truly dark, high elevation skies. Something I've never done before. You game?
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11/14/2012 12:27:43 PM
FYI, those minute+ long "shooting stars" are really satellites, and they fade to darkness as they enter Earth's shadow (especially the ones in polar orbits). In your outtakes, "Sawtooth venus meteor" looks like a satellite (although it may not be).

In years of observing, shooting stars are very brief, 1-2 seconds max, and have 'tails'- growing brighter, then dimmer. Sometimes they have color (green, pink, orange, yellow).

That said, your image here is lovely. The clouds add to the result.
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11/09/2012 10:45:59 PM
Congrats. super image and result
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11/08/2012 09:37:56 PM
Congrats Dennis -- very cool night shot and looks great next to the Icelandic version of night!
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11/08/2012 04:15:34 PM
Wonderful shot, congrats !
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11/08/2012 01:20:29 PM
Great image Dennis, way to go.
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11/08/2012 11:47:35 AM
Superb! Must admit I am one who is a little weary of sky shots as you note in one of your score tracking comments. A little weary of sunrise and sunset landscapes, too. And of slow shutter seascapes. And gorgeous drop macros. And beautifully lit, dramatic studio portraits. I could go on. But the truth is I cannot resist any of these when they are truly well done and this certainly is. Beautiful and worthy. Congratulations on the red, Dennis.
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11/08/2012 11:20:54 AM
beautiful composition and colors! congrats on the Red!
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11/08/2012 10:23:54 AM
this is beautifully composed..congratulations
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11/08/2012 07:29:27 AM
Woooooo! Congrats on the ribbon and great score for this awesome picture! Plus, I'm loving the competition between you and Alessandro!! Two months left boys...what is in store for this Month?!?! A trip to the mountains? A morning spent by the ocean???? Hmmmmm... :-)
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11/08/2012 07:09:50 AM
Such a fantastic shot Dennis, I knew this was going to do really well the moment I saw it. A big congrats on the Ribbon!
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11/08/2012 06:35:14 AM
Congrats on the red ribbon!
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11/08/2012 05:30:32 AM
great coopetition you have with Alessandro.
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11/08/2012 04:39:48 AM
Certainly takes me up there, thanks for the background info, congrats on your ribbon.
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11/08/2012 03:57:36 AM
Dennis, fighting against you is great :)

This time you pushed the level so far and I'm watching this wonder from behind, but this is only one battle and not the end of the war :p

Congrats on the FS ribbon, always an amazing achievment!
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11/08/2012 02:22:52 AM
Remarkable. Congrats on the ribbon, and on your dedication.
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11/08/2012 01:45:50 AM
congrats! amazing image!
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11/08/2012 01:34:45 AM
Congratulations on the red ribbon. Stunning image!!!
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11/08/2012 12:39:47 AM
Congratulations on the red ribbon. It's a wonderful shot.
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11/08/2012 12:23:12 AM
Congrats on your FS ribbon. I always enjoy a look behind the scenes too, thanks!
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11/08/2012 12:10:06 AM
Originally posted by mitalapo:

not too bad!

I agree... ;-P
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/07/2012 08:59:39 PM
Beautiful night sky. That's a lovely golden glow. Top ten for me. Voted earlier.
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11/07/2012 06:06:32 PM
the only thing my eyes go to are the vivid borders. too bad because the shot is reminiscent of a Goya painting
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11/07/2012 05:33:50 PM
Great capture.
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11/07/2012 01:50:38 PM
Breathtaking image. 10.
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11/07/2012 11:56:06 AM
Beautiful tones and composition.
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11/07/2012 01:52:41 AM
This is easily my favourite of this month's free study, and the only 10 I've given. This has to be a ribbon winner... there is NOTHING about it that isn't great. Splendid effort!!!
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11/06/2012 11:37:19 PM
Wonderful combination of elements.
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11/06/2012 02:50:15 AM
oh! nice shot! love the colors and this amazing sky! 10
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11/04/2012 06:43:17 PM
Amazingly beautiful.
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11/04/2012 10:58:14 AM
Rather soothing; I think it's the harmony of the blues and golds.
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11/04/2012 06:04:37 AM
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11/03/2012 09:39:16 PM
Great photo - distracting border.
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11/03/2012 11:31:56 AM
wow...this is beautiful
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11/03/2012 11:30:02 AM
Looks other worldly. Well done.
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11/03/2012 02:29:35 AM
Love the title here and much more to it than just stars. Very little land in this shot and it's hard to build an interesting enough shot mainly having the sky contribute to the viewing. Asking allot from it but I think you have pulled it off. Had the land been more dramatic..this would have been even better and surely a ribbon contender. Great work
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11/02/2012 08:41:19 AM
Really lovely. Poster worthy!
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11/02/2012 12:40:40 AM
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11/01/2012 04:52:12 PM
not too bad!
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11/01/2012 08:02:41 AM
Beautiful sky, this is great work. 9.
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11/01/2012 01:55:21 AM

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