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Texas Convenience
Texas Convenience

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Humor (Classic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S602Z
Location: Farmersville, TX.
Date: Jan 11, 2003
Aperture: F/8
ISO: ISO-200
Shutter: 1/223 sec.
Galleries: Humorous, Advertisement
Date Uploaded: Jan 11, 2003

This is a convenience center in a town just west of Greenville Texas. We like the ability to get everything in the same place!

Place: 5 out of 53
Avg (all users): 6.5943
Avg (commenters): 7.5385
Avg (participants): 6.6429
Avg (non-participants): 6.5625
Views since voting: 4541
Votes: 106
Comments: 41
Favorites: 4 (view)

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02/02/2006 10:45:20 AM
Originally posted by Bosborne:

Sorry, but the red ''donuts'' and black ''guns'' portion of the sign looks suspiciously like it's a fake. Just doesn't look right to me. It's the lighting on those words .....

I can verify it's real. laurielblack who is a member here on DPC also had seen the sign. I did punch up the colors some before submitting it.

11/20/2005 11:48:44 PM
Sorry, but the red ''donuts'' and black ''guns'' portion of the sign looks suspiciously like it's a fake. Just doesn't look right to me. It's the lighting on those words .....

Message edited by author 2005-11-20 23:53:41.
11/17/2004 08:54:56 AM
just hysterical
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11/15/2004 09:42:18 AM
That's good. At least the parents can drop their kids off, pick up a donut and then shoot their neighbours when they get home.
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10/07/2004 04:48:05 AM
This is one of the funniest photographs I have seen for a while
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/19/2003 07:48:48 PM
Good eye! What a combination!
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01/19/2003 07:22:18 PM
that is a riot!!
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01/18/2003 11:26:05 AM
This photograph just caused two heart attacks and a foam-at-the-mouth fit in a well known East Coast city. 8
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01/17/2003 01:53:48 PM
made me laugh, you get points for that.
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01/17/2003 10:30:12 AM
This is most definitely one of my favorites in the humor challenge, and my husband couldn't stop laughing! The humor aspect is the saving grace of this photo, because other than that it would have a low impact for me. The composition is good in relation to photographing that huge sign, and I must admit I like your border - it accents rather than taking away from the shot. This sign was a stroke of genius for this challenge though !!
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01/17/2003 02:19:16 AM
If they would just add a funeral parlor you'd have ALL the basic necessities covered..
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01/16/2003 08:34:07 PM
oh man, this one made me laugh
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01/16/2003 04:45:41 PM
This was about the only shot this week that actually got a laugh from me. I like that you have the gun store showing in the background - now if only a group of little kids had been walking by at the same time...
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01/16/2003 09:58:22 AM
Says it all. Good photo. A little dark in the back, but nice and clean. Love the order of listing. Too much.
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01/15/2003 07:51:57 PM
Somehow looks like those words were pasted there with Photoshop (colour is pretty bright, and letters crisper than the rest of the picture). What do I know, Anyhow, this is pretty funny. Only to be seen in Texas :) Good eye. Jacko. 8
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01/15/2003 05:27:43 PM
Yep that's my impression of Texas.
01/15/2003 04:08:34 PM
This made me lol~then made me sad-very clever photo nice sharp focus and crop -well done
01/15/2003 12:59:14 PM
Easily the FUNNIEST submission this week, and I like the way you matched the frame color to the sign.

"Lessee, I'll take 4 glazed, 4 chocolates, 4 jelly-filled and a box of 30.06 shells..."
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01/15/2003 10:47:46 AM
Looks like an excellent road sign entry, and it is funny in a sick sort of way. I see you didn't have any sun either. 7
01/15/2003 09:33:17 AM
This shot surely made me laugh. Go pick up the kids, buy them some donuts, and then head over right next door and pick up your gun. Ha! Only in Texas!
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01/14/2003 10:30:37 PM
Funny! We see lots of things like that in Montana, too. :)
01/14/2003 09:46:35 PM
I guess that nobody is going to rob a gun store next to a doughnut shop. I guess that the cops can kill two birds with one stone. No pun intended
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01/14/2003 05:22:25 PM
nice mixture
01/14/2003 04:10:54 PM
YOu got that right. lol Good one. Good luck!!
01/14/2003 02:38:04 PM
I don't get it. Duh!
01/14/2003 11:03:01 AM
Amazing. This is just too funny. One stop shop. lol. Focus and clarity are great. angle and framing/cropping are good as well. At first, the white sky kind of bothered me, but I see it has a greenish tint, and the more I look at it, the more that slight greenish tint works.I think your green border works as well. Colors are nice and bright, not muted or dull. Very nice find. Good luck in the challenge.
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01/14/2003 08:54:28 AM
To many of us this will more frightning than amusing, good solid photojournalism shot. There is still hope, the place does not seem mobed.
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01/14/2003 03:49:37 AM
A nice peak into the texas mind!
01/14/2003 02:34:09 AM
01/14/2003 02:19:09 AM
hehe I love this state! wooo hoo! great eye to see the shot and stop and capture it... perfect settings for exposure and good work keeping the sign in the back focused enough to read as well... do you know what F-stop you used?
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01/13/2003 11:55:55 PM
That is funny. Is that how they put the holes in the donuts there?
01/13/2003 11:16:20 PM
Very funny in a dark sort of way. Great color.
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01/13/2003 10:04:31 PM
hehhehehe... very nice :) What made you decide to show the tree and just the gun store, though?
01/13/2003 08:47:10 PM
Oh man that's funny. You should have saved this one for the "Road Signs" challenge this week. Although it's not really a "road" sign but...
01/13/2003 06:47:32 PM
sad but true, one of my favorites.
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01/13/2003 04:08:35 PM
This is the winner imho.
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01/13/2003 09:13:29 AM
Oh. My. God. What has this world come to?! Your sign makes me think of the movie "Bowling for Columbine". If you haven't seen it, you must. This sign is outrageous, and such a statement about the land we inhabit.... This photo is more depressing than funny, it seems. But I'll give you an 8 just for being so thought provoking.
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01/13/2003 08:49:27 AM
Funny but worrying!
01/13/2003 01:22:46 AM
This is great, I live in Arkansas and your likely to see the same combination here. Maybe with a beer sign added in. Too bad you can't use this for next week's challenge.
01/13/2003 12:37:53 AM
01/13/2003 12:36:28 AM

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