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In Awe
2nd PlaceIn Awe

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2014-08 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D X
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Date: Aug 18, 2014
Aperture: F10
ISO: 250
Shutter: 1/500
Date Uploaded: Aug 18, 2014

[Sep. 4th, 2014 09:32:30 AM]

I can only Thank Stephen Child (Silent Shooter Silent-Shooter Not only is he the model in frame but in many things turned out to have this shot entered rather than the one I anticipated - As inserted in this write up.

As I came down the mountain pass,I saw my shot coming closer and closer but the light horrible. When Stephen got to this point about 200m ahead of me I summoned the courage to ask him nicely to get on top of this little spire.(really Steve it was difficult to ask) Conditions were not good and the wind was gusting off and on. He got on top... and I shot a couple of frames..and he got off again. THEN as he was standing below waiting suddenly the light made it's entrance not only below in the valley but grafting rays through the Fangs at back. So what was I to do?

I did fire away but it just was not the same.. He Had to get back up there. My shouting voice had me see his shoulders drop.. and I could see he was not impressed.. no facial features needed to see that..
Again Thank you Steve.. Ill call it quits as many moons ago I did model for him (under much more pleasant conditions) with which his image did very well

Steve has become a friend I met on DPC. I could never imagine things to have developed where it stand today. A hiking partner whom I can trust 100%. I don't take to any person lightly hiking in these mountains as it is an unforgiving place and it will bite you if you don't respect it. Even on this trip we were caught a bit with our pants on our knees but it was a good conditioner for what is to come. We are standing on the verge of a huge adventure starting the 19th of September. Due to weight of backpacks and the very difficult task ahead we have decided not to taking any photo gear with us. I'm already regretting this and trying to make a plan but Steve remains the sensible one and will have none of it. He can tell you to the last milligram what it would be extra to take another AAA battery with.

Place: 2 out of 177
Avg (all users): 7.2393
Avg (commenters): 8.1818
Avg (participants): 7.2111
Avg (non-participants): 7.3333
Views since voting: 2104
Views during voting: 217
Votes: 117
Comments: 44
Favorites: 5 (view)

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09/11/2014 05:22:27 PM
So lovely! Congratulations on your adventure and your ribbon!
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09/09/2014 09:02:30 AM
Great catch! All the buzz is well deserved.
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09/09/2014 02:50:42 AM
Congratulations, Rian. Awesome scenery and light. You do indeed have a great friend there. Have fun (is that the right word?) on your next expedition.
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09/08/2014 11:53:03 PM
I am in AWE of your photo, Rian. Congrats and well done!
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09/08/2014 07:02:06 PM
It seems you can do great shots even without the 14-24 :D

Congrats on the well deserved ribbon!
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09/08/2014 05:55:37 PM
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09/08/2014 02:23:15 PM
I knew this image was going to end up here on the front page! Stunning scenery, where is it? And so glad that you have a great hiking partner who can shoot too. Congrats on a magnificent image and a well-earned red!
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09/08/2014 12:52:33 PM
Great story and image. Perfect in b/w. Congrats on the red.
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09/08/2014 11:23:30 AM
Als is reeds gese. Geluk jammer ekt nie gestem die rondte nie. Groete en geniet die GT
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09/08/2014 10:05:26 AM
Amazing capture! Congrats on your Red.

Message edited by author 2014-09-08 10:07:02.
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09/08/2014 09:59:42 AM
You and Steve make a formidable crew! Congrats Rian on a new take on the Berg series. Love the mono.(;
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09/08/2014 09:35:54 AM
Things we do, or you do. Gallant effort well rewarded on your terms. Extra points for seizing the day.
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09/08/2014 07:13:08 AM
Glad see South Africa represented on the Front Page! Awesome shot!
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09/08/2014 07:10:30 AM
WOW Rian very well done.
Congrats on the red.
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09/08/2014 06:31:34 AM
Fabulous drama. Great score in a free study. Grats on the red.
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09/08/2014 05:09:18 AM
Congratulations on the red ! i really admire this shot and actually thought you would take the blue !
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09/08/2014 04:16:07 AM
Super result. WD Rian on another Berg masterpiece.
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09/08/2014 01:37:10 AM
Genade Rian, dis darem mooi! En hier's julle toe langs mekaar, welverdiend.
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09/08/2014 01:34:36 AM
Congrats on the red! Well done
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09/08/2014 12:23:09 AM
Well done in the red ribbon Rian. It looks good next to my yellow :-)
Also well done for choosing the better (higher scoring) image. A well deserved ribbon and a sweet end end to tough hike
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09/08/2014 12:07:20 AM
Hot diggity dang!!!! You got a bright new shinny ribbon!!! Congrats to you!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/07/2014 10:56:31 PM
Fantastic image. Nicely done.
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09/07/2014 09:24:11 PM
The light could not be more spectacular. Perfect timing.
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09/07/2014 02:44:47 PM
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09/07/2014 01:46:58 PM
Voted previously: Another of the very fine B/W entries in this challenge. Just a tad crunchy for my taste, kept it from a 10. 9 from me.
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09/07/2014 12:13:03 PM
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09/07/2014 08:49:34 AM
Cracker of an image. Landscapes are just landscapes and then there are special landscapes - this is one of those. The human element adds to this shot. Remove the human and it is just a landscape with some nice sun rays in the BGâ€Â¦. but with the human element it shows the scale and reminds us somewhat of the dangers of the big mountains. Respect the mountains and you end up with great shots like this.

I remember this pinnacle on my first hike in this area. You march for hours to get to this spot and after a short climb you come over this little saddle (with the pinnacle on your right) and look up at the Mnweni pass looking where you still have to go.
It took my breath away then and it did on this occasion too. Looking back up from where we just came down on this hike: . It was a bit daunting standing on top of the pinnacle with a blustery wind blowing and a huge drop to the right but in the end I'm glad Rian forced me to do it (well asked kindly in a stern voice :-) ). Glad my weary legs held me upright.

Lovely conversion but sadly these small dimensions don't do it justice!
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09/06/2014 01:06:48 PM
Great light but a touch too theatrical
09/06/2014 12:33:20 PM
Victorious! Love the beams of light.
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09/06/2014 11:32:48 AM
great shot great use of scale and light #1 for me
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09/06/2014 07:30:37 AM
Lovely balance of light, cloud and contrast. Figure adds 'life' to the picture. Like this.
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09/05/2014 05:07:28 PM
Great title and magnificent shot!
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09/04/2014 04:31:30 PM
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09/03/2014 10:24:48 PM
as am i. as am i.
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09/03/2014 08:04:45 PM
8 from me. I'm in awe, too!
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09/03/2014 06:11:24 PM
Thank you.
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09/03/2014 10:49:26 AM
Top 3
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09/03/2014 02:11:33 AM
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09/02/2014 09:37:14 PM
I love the lighting in this shot. Spectacular.
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09/01/2014 11:01:22 PM
This is a very nice shot. I don't think I'd want to be where he/she is. The clouds coming in are so ominous looking.
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09/01/2014 08:59:47 PM
What a mighty place! Where is it? Tibet? China? truly amazing to experience this
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09/01/2014 10:37:48 AM
Really so good. Love the tonal range of grayscale. Terrific focus on the guy. :D
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09/01/2014 09:52:45 AM
What a place !

great light !
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09/01/2014 03:59:44 AM
It looks pretty precarious where the hiker is standing...which makes me wonder what you were standing on to get this fine image.
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