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Stetson Silhouette
Stetson Silhouette

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Windows and Doors (Classic Editing*)
Camera: Canon EOS-D60
Location: Austin, Tx
Date: Jan 25, 2003
Aperture: f4.5
ISO: 1000
Shutter: 1/250 sec
Galleries: Candid, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jan 25, 2003

Texas State Capitol Building, good timing, long lens.

Place: 28 out of 86
Avg (all users): 6.1895
Avg (commenters): 7.1875
Avg (participants): 6.2500
Avg (non-participants): 6.0645
Views since voting: 1438
Votes: 95
Comments: 17
Favorites: 2 (view)

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02/03/2003 09:12:44 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club :)

Hi Gordon...

Gordon, this is a great shot... The silhouette is very strong and sharp. It stands out nicely against the background. Your long lens and focal length choice really makes this photo pop. For some reason that I can't really explain, I like the blue hue on this image. It just seems to work really well with the silhouette.

I can't really offer much suggestion for improvement without significantly changing what you have in this image. I understand that the window/door concept of this shot is strengthened by the window in the top portion of the image, but, toss the challenge conecept aside for a moment... I like that part cut out completely. Making a square shaped image from the bottom portion of the frame seems to be equally strong. Cutting off the top third or so of this image really makes the 'cowboy' become a much stronger part of the image.

I like your alternative view of this challenge as well. This was probalby my favorite shot of the week where a window/door was not the subject of the photo.

Great shot and keep up the good work :)

John Setzler
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/02/2003 10:21:30 PM
great shot! love the depth of focus!
02/02/2003 08:30:19 PM
Love the border, the colors, and the composition a lot. Looks like he has a brillo pad on his chin though!
02/02/2003 02:26:26 PM
WOW! This is just.... amazing. If you set this up, your feeling for lighting and composition is amazing, but if you just got it by chance.... No, I can't believe that. Great work. 10!
02/02/2003 01:13:04 PM
love the multilayered feel of this shot.
01/31/2003 11:30:13 AM
This is a nice silhoutte that should have been cropped too right above the window he is in front of. If you look closely it is a little off center so I would have cropped a little off the right side to even things out a bit. I like the border aournd this one. Nice work.
01/30/2003 12:22:33 PM
not the strongest way of meeting the challenge, but it is met. i think the sillhouette of the guy is the subject rather than the door in the background. your title indicates that, too. but ... i really like your photo. i like how the sillhouette is sharp and distinguishable, and how the glass panels in the door are blurry around the edges. i especially like the blue edge to them. i think this photo would be even more powerful if the window behind the guy didn't have the panel in the middle, and i would also consider cropping out the top panel (at least for outside of this challenge, when this really can become a photo about the sillhouette) and turning this into more of a square photo. the frame you put around it works very well. good work! :)
01/29/2003 10:55:23 PM
Just awsome. I'm picking this one as the winner. Great job.
01/29/2003 10:40:21 PM
The sharp contrast of the Stetson vs the hazyness of the door just doesn't work for me. Also the centering of the person lacks the creativity that was available. JG
01/29/2003 05:06:03 AM
First - I think that the windows and doors were generally supposed to be the subjects in this challenge more than backgrounds. Secondly - This is an outstanding photograph, even if the challenge was only partially met. I don't think the top window needs to be here. It's more distracting than anything else. The silhouette is very well done though. Great capture - Inspzil
01/28/2003 06:19:31 PM
01/28/2003 04:09:25 PM
That's a cool shot. I think I understand why you left the top window in, but I think I would have liked it as well, or better, with it cropped out. Love the silhouette.
01/28/2003 11:00:19 AM
Very nice. Neat idea.
01/28/2003 01:10:43 AM
the hat and man are super strong in this shot. that power makes us forget about the windows, which is what the contest is about
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/27/2003 10:09:27 PM
neat idea, i would have liked to see this image as a square without the top part.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/27/2003 10:37:39 AM
I would have preffered the crop to center the windows not the silhouette.
01/27/2003 02:45:53 AM
very nice shot. great clarity, nice blues. haunting a bit, but also strong. i like it a lot.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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