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Puzzling Door
Puzzling Door

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Windows and Doors (Classic Editing*)
Camera: Kodak DX3900
Location: Fall School Business Center
Date: Jan 22, 2003
Aperture: F 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/181
Galleries: Abstract
Date Uploaded: Jan 25, 2003

A shot of a door at an old school near me that I then turned into a Puzzle Photo.

Place: 27 out of 86
Avg (all users): 6.2128
Avg (commenters): 7.0500
Avg (participants): 6.3182
Avg (non-participants): 5.9643
Views since voting: 1305
Votes: 94
Comments: 24
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/04/2003 10:35:23 AM
CC: I'll split this comment into two parts. The picture, and the post processing.

The picture I like, a strong, red door with good cool contrasting blue sky reflected. It could perhaps be a touch more saturated to give more punch but a well composed shot. The handles are crisp and sharp and add some good details. Slight barrel distortion on the edges, but that is to be expected. Could have been straightened up if you had wanted with a freebie tool like PanoTools or similar, but it doesn't detract too much from what is a good shot of a door.

The filter I'm less fond of. In general, I'm a bit jaded about filters that are just applied directly to a scene. I don't really feel a whole lot of connection between the underlying subject matter and the filter that has been applied - what was the motivation of using this puzzle filter ? If there was something distinctive about the 'missing piece' then perhaps it could be more integrated - as an allusion to something being disconnected or out of place, but here it just looks gratuitous.

The selection edges around the piece are a bit ragged - perhaps some feathering of the selections would have made for a cleaner extraction of the piece, although that is quite difficult to do so you've done well.

In general I've found the photoshop filters can be really effective if used either indirectly, to a mask or adjustment layer, rather than straight out of the box onto the image, or if used in a really sympathetic way that matches well with the subject matter. I don't quite think you've pulled that off with this one. NB None of this is sour grapes because your picture beat mine by one place ;)

02/03/2003 10:09:55 AM
What? 27th? This wasa my pick for #2. Drat.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/02/2003 11:38:47 PM
the effect has some basic appeal, but it has nothing to do with the shot in specific and could have been done to just about any shot with equal value. The shot itself in question seems pretty well technically executed but doesn't seem to offer much uniqueness, leaving that to the effect. Unless the effect relates to the subject in some way, I don't see that as a valid means of producing a worthwhile photo. 4
02/02/2003 05:08:58 PM
very interesting use of digital manipulation. The cut of the puzzle piece is a little rough though.. .maybe cleaning that up a tad would help a bit :) - setzler
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02/02/2003 01:32:23 PM
I like the photo, but the puzzle filter seems a bit generic. It's a fun effect, but it doesn't tie into the image in any meaningful way.
02/02/2003 01:07:07 PM
very very artful and clever picture. even if doesn't win, this could be a book jacket or something :).
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02/02/2003 09:06:43 AM
Great creativity!!
02/01/2003 06:45:59 PM
Nice, unusual way to meet the challenge.
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02/01/2003 06:22:46 AM
Very creative.
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01/31/2003 09:44:54 PM
How cool is that??! I love the whole look! Nice color, and I love the crispness of the architectural details. The only thing I'm "iffy" about is the loose puzzle piece - it seems to be floating in the air, and I would have expected to see it laying haphazardly on the ground in front of the doors.
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01/29/2003 11:55:37 PM
This is cute. So Far the one with the most special effect.
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01/29/2003 12:18:36 PM
Good idea and manipulation. (7)
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01/29/2003 09:58:32 AM
nice nice nice!! 10
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01/28/2003 05:33:58 PM
sweet!!!!!! the photograph would be cool even with out the puzzle--i really like the contrast of the red door with the surrounding neutral colors. but of course i have to know how you did the puzzle! very creative! 10
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01/28/2003 04:40:45 PM
I really like this shot. How was this done? Is it a picture of a puzzle, or is this some kind of PS effect.
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01/28/2003 01:05:20 PM
This is a great idea and I wonder how well it will do. I would have cropped some off of the top because the puzzle piece lines just stop which almost ruins the illusion.
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01/28/2003 12:49:30 PM
I have a number of comments and I hope they don't come across too harshly. First, I'm not sure if the photo itself has that much interest to it. Second, there are a number of filters that shouldn't be used except in extreme cases and usually only with a lot of other work involved -- I think maybe the puzzle filter is one of them. Finally, the selection around the puzzle piece is a little rough -- it may be that you need to spend a little more time learning how to use those selection tools. Generally speaking, humans want to see light from the top down (something we're conditioned to because of the sun) -- so while the drop shadow on the puzzle piece was a nice idea, you might want to switch it so that it's on the opposite ("bottom") side of the piece -- which it looks like would help it match the lighting on the rest of the puzzle pieces.
01/27/2003 11:28:09 PM
I am so glad somebody used the tools they could to create something cool. To me this is great. Colors are vibrant, clean lines, very creative.
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01/27/2003 09:14:23 PM
neat idea, i would like to have seen the puzzle cuts look more like cuts than lines.
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01/27/2003 05:35:42 PM
This is fantastic!
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01/27/2003 12:45:12 PM
what a great idea for the challenge! i think you did this with software rather than taking a photo of a jigsaw puzzle, right? like the colors, good photo. personally, i would've cropped just a tad tighter (less of the step at the bottom, maybe even remove it altogether), and a little more off the column on the left, compare the columns at the top of the pic, they are not symmetrical. lastly, the black where the puzzle-piece is missing looks a little uneven around the edges. not sure whether that's the software or something you have filled in manually, so it's difficult to comment what i would change. overall, i really like this shot :)
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01/27/2003 05:43:39 AM
Nice job with the puzzle thing. Its one way to spice up a relatively uneventful pic. There are some really nice colors there, just not much of note besides that. Great creativity!! - Inspzil
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01/27/2003 01:54:27 AM
very smart effect. i wish the 'photo' was a bit more realistic, it looks like a cartoon . . .
01/27/2003 12:48:46 AM
nice, its good that you took advantage of the extra rules, which for some reason not many did
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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