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Angel Flew Too Close To The Ground
1st PlaceAngel Flew Too Close To The Ground

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Oops! II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Newmarket -- Field across from the Cosco
Date: Dec 27, 2005
Aperture: F 4.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/500 sec
Galleries: Humorous, Emotive
Date Uploaded: Dec 27, 2005

My idea came from the title of an old Willie Nelson tune. We had to trapse across a snowy farmers field complete with tall ladder to hang angel wings in the tree. I got permission from the land owner who thought we were mad.

Thanks to my model and my wife for assisting with this project. I wish it was not basic editing as I had plans for the sky as well as the tree.

Hope this does well



Awesome !!!!

What a great week The comments were a joy to read, thanks everybody so much for all the views, votes and comments. What a great place to belong :)

Place: 1 out of 100
Avg (all users): 7.0346
Avg (commenters): 8.5968
Avg (participants): 6.8800
Avg (non-participants): 7.0548
Views since voting: 19589
Views during voting: 1052
Votes: 433
Comments: 132
Favorites: 119 (view)

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11/26/2012 04:32:33 AM
Looking at this for inspiration. Lovely.
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01/12/2010 07:03:32 PM
I can't believe I didn't have this already!
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12/13/2009 11:35:57 AM
i saw willie nelson last night and he sang that song. brilliant photo! i would have loved to see what plans you had for advanced editing!
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11/30/2009 04:20:07 PM
this is amazing...how ever do you come up with these ideas?
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11/30/2009 03:44:52 PM
Wonderful shot - really pleased to have had the opportunity to make its acquaintance!
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12/23/2007 09:49:38 PM
hahaha Great photo mate.
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10/10/2007 06:16:57 PM
This reminds me of the style of Tim Burton. Great shot!
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02/10/2007 07:43:13 PM
I am in love with this photograph. No other words could describe that fact better. And yes this is also on my favorites!

Message edited by author 2007-02-10 19:43:56.
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11/24/2006 03:40:28 PM
Every time I see this I smile, so I thought you should know that. :) This was one of the first images I added to my favorites list, and it still deserves that honor!
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10/25/2006 11:40:20 AM
Just ran across this again. Thought it deserved some front page exposure again so some of the newbies might see it. This is just wonderful. Glad I saw it after a few months.
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07/17/2006 12:58:17 AM
Just a gorgeous, funny, thought-provoking image. Thanks for creating it!
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04/23/2006 12:22:09 AM
Very fun to look at. great choice of color!
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01/11/2006 08:40:36 AM
Great posing and composition,,,what a lovely photograph
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01/10/2006 10:54:23 AM
Oh my! There are so many things happening in this photo. This makes me think Hell's Angel with the black and the boots! I too, love the broken branch and the composition. Although I am too late to vote, I give it a 10!
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01/07/2006 07:06:38 PM
::: Critique Club :::
Well Cole, a great image and a great result. There's nothing insightful that I can offer that hasn't been said by the commenters. Most of them probably know more than I do anyways :)

First Impression - the most important one:
I have to confess that I was looking over Kari1's shoulder when I first saw this. She was ecstatic and I didn't fully understand it. Perhaps I may be excused because I was behind her chair and saw the wings, but not as them belonging to the model. From back there the model looked like just an observer and too centred. But what do I know, everyone else loved it and that's what matters.

Balance, poise and framing, it has them all ...
- The tree forming the left border really does work so well. Some comments were made about it but I can think of no treatment better than this for it.
- The overhanging branch provides a natural and perfect border on top.
- There is a brilliant Leading Line from the bottom left to top right as well. It starts at the bottom of the tree, goes right through her head, follows her line of sight to the wings.
- The wings, according to the flow rule, then stop the eye from leaving the image.

What can you say except perfect. Funny, engaging, challenging, quirky, unexpected ... the list goes on and on. It's what has attracted so many great comments. I haven't done a count but I have the feeling that there's more comments on this Blue than on many others. It stirs a reaction in people and you can't ask for better than that.

I don't know if you guys broke the branch but hey, it just makes the image 100% complete. It's subtle and as such takes time to find. Yet another reason to keep exploring this picture. One of it's great features is that a story is told. People can engage in your story but they can also invent their own. That's one of the secrets of good novel writing, to let the reader(viewer) fill in the gaps for themselves. Sometimes less is more.

Technical (Colour, focus, and light):
Who would have thought of a black angel, yet she's the perfect foil for the superb whiteout behind her. She is the same colour as the tree and branches. Several commented positively on the monochromatic feel and it does work here without having to resort to gratuitous B&W.

Your halftones are extremely good. The detail in the snow is so easy to loose yet here it has texture, form and depth while still holding the detail in the tree bark. I don't know if people fully appreciate how difficult a balance that is.

Yes, you do need to get your sensor cleaned :)

To grow its vote?:
I hope you'll forgive me for putting this in perspective as I hope that's the purpose of the critique process. This wasn't a great DPC score. I think this was one of the lowest scoring and least inspiring challenges that I've seen but Angel was a star among the thorns (love mixing metaphors). Despite the laudatory comments, the vote of 7.0346 has room for even higher things, so why didn't it score 8+?

My only thoughts on that would be around the centering of the angel. I can't think of any other thing that you could modify without destroying its integrity. I'm very much against vote-chasing for the sake of it. Many good story-telling images have been destroyed by doing that.

Despite the fact that I wasn't inspired by it on the first look, like several commenters, it is an image that draws you back to it and every time you go back, there is something more to see. Looking at your body of work there's definitely an air-theme there in you honourable work isn't there (not a pilot are you?).

It's been fun, thanks for the giggles and the opportunity

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01/07/2006 12:23:21 PM
not sure if you know, but you have either some serious dust issues on your sensor or you need to clean your lenses (front and back) better, cause I see a ton of spots.

Cool photo.
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01/06/2006 08:55:44 AM
This is really great. Love how you've posed her, stading there in profile and looking up at the wings.
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01/06/2006 12:01:11 AM
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01/05/2006 09:27:42 PM
Wonderful finish Coley. Congratulations on your Blue
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01/05/2006 06:43:09 PM
The creativity in this shot is perfect,what more can I say, I simply love it.
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01/05/2006 05:32:13 PM
Something about this photograph reminds me very much of being like a Norman Rockwell. I think it's her body position and the simplicity of the background.
I do love it.
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01/05/2006 04:17:16 PM
Woo hoo!!!! I am so happy this one got blue! I can't imagine it being better by changing the sky and the tree. .. to me, it seems absolutely perfect just as it is! Congratulations!
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01/05/2006 03:27:16 PM
this is one of the oen i like the best because of how it looks and the topic great job onthe ribbon
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01/05/2006 02:15:13 PM
Congrats on the blue! I was impressed when I voted on this one, and even more so since I know how little changed from the original it is. Wonderful concept and great execution! The weather really played in your favor, the bleak sky, the contrast between her black clothing and the white snow, wonderful. The only thing I'd change would be the heavy boots, in favor of something more feminine...
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01/05/2006 12:23:22 PM
Congratulations on your ribbon! I knew this would be a winner the moment I saw it.
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01/05/2006 10:14:57 AM
What a fantastic image! Congratulations on a well deserved Blue and a wonderfully creative talent!
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01/05/2006 07:55:29 AM
I am always amazed when other people on DPC agree with my choices :)

This might have to be a favourite.
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01/05/2006 04:46:29 AM
In my eyes, by far the most interesting of the OOPS entries. Congrats on blue!
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01/05/2006 04:14:25 AM
Nice to see an "oldtimer" getting a ribbon:) Great shot.
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01/04/2006 11:05:17 PM
Well done. This is one of those pictures that keeps drawinf me back to look at it. The contrast, the wings, the tutu... very creative, and very well done. Congratulations
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01/04/2006 10:48:41 PM
You know what? Call me stupid..LOL..but I didn't know those were angel wings. I thought it was a shawl or a sweater, so I wasn't quite getting the concept. Sorry. Now that I know, and its always nice to read the stories aferwards, I would have bumped this up. Nice work! AND I think a lot of people think photograhers are "mad". LOL....I know they think I am, and they are probably right!
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01/04/2006 10:35:15 PM
An absolutely stunning image! I can't believe anyone could rate this below a 6, for ANY reason. Congrats on your 1st place!
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01/04/2006 10:07:18 PM
This is a great photo. I really enjoyed it. One of my favorites. Congratulations.
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01/04/2006 09:06:00 PM
Amazing photo, sounds like you had a blast doing it too! really deserving of the blue, i only wish i was around for the voting!

Edit: spelt wish wrong, lmao

Message edited by author 2006-01-04 21:06:36.
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01/04/2006 07:51:18 PM
well well, you didn't need the luck of the irish for this one ...Congrats Gspice
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01/04/2006 06:47:35 PM
Very original, well executed! Well deserved Blue!
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01/04/2006 06:07:26 PM
Congratulations on your well deserved ribbon!!!
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01/04/2006 06:03:36 PM
Congrats on another ribbon!!! An awesome shot and an instant favorite! I'm VERY honored to have placed right behind you with this image :)
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01/04/2006 02:40:16 PM
Added this to my favorites. Your work is so creative. Congrats. on another GREAT entry and ribbon.
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01/04/2006 01:39:54 PM
Outstanding! I admire your work and your creativity!
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01/04/2006 11:21:35 AM
Congratulations on entering and winning with one of the finest shots that I have seen on DPC.
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01/04/2006 09:38:16 AM
Excellent... exactly what a photo SHOULD be: well composed and exposed, with only the elements necessary to tell the visual story. A well deserved ribbon, and you didn't even have to juggle anything. ;-)

(of course, you still got the token 1 and 2 votes from the insane representatives)

Message edited by author 2006-01-04 09:40:06.
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01/04/2006 09:34:13 AM
Easily one of the most creative images I've ever seen, on dpc or anywhere. I didn't get to vote/comment during the challenge and I am so sorry that I did not get to give you another 10, so now I'm giving you a *personal* 15!

I adore this image completely!
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01/04/2006 09:29:20 AM
Congratulations! And as before...love this!
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01/04/2006 08:24:30 AM
Congrats on your ribbon!!
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01/04/2006 07:52:04 AM
nice work ! congrats.

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01/04/2006 07:27:40 AM
Congratulations, my favorite from day one. Excelent work and a well deserved blue!
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01/04/2006 07:18:57 AM
interesting composition - very well done
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01/04/2006 03:26:24 AM
Fantastic. I wasn't in this challenge but this one did stand out when I checked the entries. I am so pleased you got the blue. I cannot stop looking at this image so I am adding it to my favourites.


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01/04/2006 02:21:22 AM
Your picture was my favourite. well done and congratulations. I gave you an 8 but wish it was more like a 9 or 10.
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01/04/2006 01:14:23 AM
Congratulations. To believe that you can top yourself so handily. Well, this concept and its execution has done just that. Fantastic. This image is certain to ring and echo for quite some while. A most deserved BLUE for this stroke of genius.
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01/04/2006 12:48:34 AM
Congrats on the ribbon! I gave this one a 9.
Well, you said you had plans for the sky and the trees if this hadn't been a Basic challenge. Maybe you can do it now and show it from your portfolio? Thanks! and once again, great shot.
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01/04/2006 12:33:43 AM
beeeutiful! congrats
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01/04/2006 12:28:29 AM
Glad to see this in the top slot.
Congrats on your Cole.
A bit surprised this didn't end up around 7.6+ though.
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01/04/2006 12:25:01 AM
Hooray!!! I'm so glad you won. That is awesome. YIPPEE!!! WOO HOO!

This image is so hauntingly beautiful, that I'd I'd buy it no matter what the price. One of the most deserved blues in a long time!!! Congratulations.
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01/04/2006 12:20:11 AM
Great shot, Cole! Loved it from the moment I saw it. (except for the title which is a bit wordy for me) but that means nothing about the shot, its brilliant! :)
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01/04/2006 12:19:32 AM
awesome, just awesome
made me laugh out loud
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01/04/2006 12:17:28 AM
This shot rocks! Way to go on the blue!
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01/04/2006 12:16:00 AM
this was a very creative concept. the dull greys really complement the black attire of your angel there
good work :-)
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01/04/2006 12:15:08 AM
way to go! I love the shot.
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01/04/2006 12:14:55 AM
Congrats, I love that song too.
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01/04/2006 12:14:53 AM
heyyy good for you!
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01/04/2006 12:13:31 AM
Congrats!!! Well deserved win. Best of the bunch.
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01/04/2006 12:13:20 AM
Knew it ... congrats on the ribbon!!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/03/2006 11:31:57 PM
Very nice photo, the textures and exposure are about perfect. Composition is very good too, I like how the angle of her head matches the wings. I'll be surprised if this one doesn't ribbon - 9
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01/03/2006 11:08:04 PM
Yeah I like this one, well done, hpe you score well.
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01/03/2006 10:30:29 PM
I keep coming back to this one, something about it, perhaps the starkness of the photo keeps drawing me in. Great pic.
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01/03/2006 01:38:39 PM
too clever! one of my favs in this challenge!
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01/03/2006 01:07:51 PM
by fave my favourite and imho the best depiction of "oops" in the challenge. If you don't ribbon with this, there will be a lot of kicking needed ;)
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01/03/2006 08:11:48 AM
This is surreal; I love the pose and the black white contrast.
I was originally thinking that the tree should be cropped out but hell; you did a great job with what you had. The model is cute and goth but the tree is not aesthetically pleasing.
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01/03/2006 01:57:46 AM
I love this photo. I really like the starkness of the white behind the tree. The tutu and boots gives it an extra touch. 10
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01/03/2006 01:31:21 AM
Hells angel?
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01/03/2006 01:12:11 AM
Cool idea. Wings look to be hanging a little unnaturally.
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01/03/2006 12:19:09 AM
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01/02/2006 10:33:55 PM
very cool! sooo original! i love the black against the white. beautiful model. well done. 9
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01/02/2006 09:45:54 PM
I just love this. My vote for the blue!
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01/02/2006 08:29:07 PM
Really nice idea and well executed! Really like the simple composition. 10
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01/02/2006 06:17:43 PM
I really like this.
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01/02/2006 06:08:56 PM
You know. . .except for the dead bird in the tree. . .this picture would be one of my favorites ever. It looks so wintery and striking. I love it. But for the challenge, I guess the dead bird has to be there -- it fits well and I have to admit, it does make a perfect "oops" picture. Great job. 10
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01/02/2006 05:01:32 PM
Great shot. Nice composition and take on the challenge theme..... 8
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01/02/2006 01:00:24 PM
great concept. Like how monochromatic this image is too. Well done
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01/02/2006 10:35:04 AM
I love this shot, great imagination.I keep coming back to this photo its just so sweet. 10
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01/01/2006 10:49:07 PM
What a wonderful concept. I like the way this is framed and the use of the weather. Cheers, very enjoyable shot.
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01/01/2006 09:45:16 PM
I like this photo. The first look doesn't take take you in, the eyes just look around, taking everything in. Then you look at the model, then follow her gaze, and it leads you to the wings. Then you notice that the orientation of the wings is exactly the direction the model is looking. Then the eyes focus on the wings - and now the magic happen (at least for me): the branch leads the eyes to the tree and from the tree back to the model. Now focus on the model and all you see is dark model / dark wings - then lost in the relationship between the two. The model / tree relationship brings in great lines and interesting interaction - a beautiful "v" from the branch-tree-joint to model to wings, many many excellent triangles.

Now focus on just the dark/light - look at the model's face and take in the scene. Let your peripheral vision take over - magic magic magic.

At first glance - not a striking photo. But give it time, give it time.

The placement of all elements is perfect. I didn't like the black to begin with - but I like how it keeps the eye focused on the relationship between the model and wings and how it complements the dark tree. And the model - under the arch of the branch, perfect symmetry.

I think with some PP this is a wall hanger, you have the base of a work of art.

One PP after-challenge suggestion: clone out the minor branches leaving only the main branch. There may be others - at least I see others, but nothing major.

I see magic and monstrous, beautiful, perfection and potential in this photo.

I'm giving this a "10" for what I see as the raw materials for perfection. I don't know if that's fair but I'm doing it anyway.
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01/01/2006 08:19:28 PM
Love the simpleness of this. The way the branch is broke above her head really adds to the title and interpretation. Nicely done.
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01/01/2006 05:24:01 PM
What an awesome and creative idea!!! Who are you? You a great photographer. Hollywood would be proud to have you.
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01/01/2006 02:55:20 PM
I like this shot -- it has a certain je ne sais quoi that really captures my attention. That said, it would elevate to "I _really_ like this shot", I think, if either the left side (i.e. the tree and about 1/3 of the space between the tree and the person) were cropped off, or, perhaps if she moved back about a step -- to about where that gap in the snow seems to be. I'm giving it an 8, but it could easily be at least a 9, and possibly a 10, for me.
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01/01/2006 02:37:30 PM
WOW I love it. 10
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01/01/2006 12:44:56 PM
Nice (almost) square composition. Very cute, love the simple color palette.
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01/01/2006 02:06:51 AM
Nice layout. I think I would like to see this in B&W too.
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12/31/2005 11:29:45 PM
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12/31/2005 11:07:12 PM
My favorite entry and the only 10 I gave out in this challenge. I like the contrast, the composition, everything about it. Well done and good luck.
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12/31/2005 03:13:24 PM
not looking very natural.
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12/31/2005 01:58:24 PM
great capture nice DOF good focus and something really needs to get cleaned
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12/31/2005 01:13:05 AM
I think that this is the most interesting entry for the challenge - has me wondering about the loss of the wings, angel in black vs. white, pondering the wings, and maybe how to get them back? Great idea, execution, and composition. Love it.
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12/31/2005 12:16:16 AM
Man, I hate when that happens! ;)
Great interpretation. I like the stark whiteness, the textures of bark, feathers and that skirt.
Good job. :)
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12/30/2005 11:22:20 PM
Now that's an oops!
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12/30/2005 09:37:49 PM
Nice winter shot, good composition
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12/30/2005 09:34:36 PM
Very interesting shot - Well done 8 :)
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12/30/2005 09:14:29 PM
This is excellent, I love this shot.
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12/30/2005 07:08:22 PM
Cool set-up! Nice framing and exposure. Love the outfit! Well thought out and executed image. Good luck. (bumping up)
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12/30/2005 05:21:47 PM
I really like this one. I hope it wins! (8)
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12/30/2005 12:27:33 PM
Deserves to take the blue ribbon. My favorite, by far, of this challenge.
The look in the Angels face is priceless.
A big fat 10 from me.
Good luck.

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12/30/2005 09:50:33 AM
Great idea for the challenge
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12/30/2005 08:46:28 AM
Great shot. 10. Hope you take a blue.
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12/30/2005 08:27:03 AM
Gorgeous! And very innovative idea! Would have preferred it if she was sitting and leaning against the tree. That'd perhaps give a more dejected sentiment that echoes the environment. A wonderful job nonetheless!
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12/30/2005 02:34:13 AM
My Favorite shot!
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12/29/2005 11:46:18 PM
I really like this image, it's probably my favorite in the entire challenge. One tiny suggestion of cropping the top just a teeny tiny bit to remove that speck on the border on the right side - it's a bit distracting to me when I'm looking at the wings, my eye keeps wandering up to it. Even so, I love the composition, the entire layout - it's a great image - nice work :)
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12/29/2005 07:14:26 PM
very interesting because the branch looks to have broken, perhaps under the weight of the "winged one." Accomplishes the subject quite nicely and done well
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12/29/2005 05:35:58 PM
Very interesting. Minimalist, but not "bare."
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12/29/2005 04:31:18 PM
great idea, bet she loved you for it, crop is a little wide for me, maybe shooting so the branch is facing more away from/toward you so the wings, angel, and trunk are closer together visually? great creative though
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12/29/2005 03:23:31 PM
Far & away my favorite. Well done!
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12/29/2005 03:02:00 PM
Love the concept and the execution! I can sense the irritation of the 'angel.' NIce work.
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12/29/2005 02:25:42 PM
Love this!
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12/29/2005 12:25:29 PM
a black angel? hmm... ok! great shot!
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12/29/2005 08:23:37 AM
There's something strange going on here ;)
If not for the tree I would have put this down to one of the loony Icelanders ... so instead I'll just have to settle for giving it a 9. Great composition, enough of a sense of mystery to make me keep coming back to look at it.
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12/29/2005 02:03:46 AM
the colors are bea-u-ti-ful in this! great job!
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12/29/2005 01:22:18 AM
Wow factor here, I luv this fun image with serious undertones, so well done..........
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12/29/2005 01:06:35 AM
This is the type of picture that tells a story. I love that! 9
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12/28/2005 10:31:43 PM
Great hard choice...I feel the silence love it
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12/28/2005 09:26:54 PM
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12/28/2005 09:20:24 PM
Oh this is wonderful. I love that song to which it refers as well. Really striking and stark. Lovely. On second review and seeing the other entries, this is the best by far, hands down. I'm upping to a perfect 10~
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12/28/2005 09:11:50 PM
Love it!!
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12/28/2005 08:51:34 PM
Exceptional image here. A story told all on it's own.
Well done and hope to see this in the top 5! (9)
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12/28/2005 12:59:12 PM
Best of the bunch! Excellent idea. Adding to my favs. 10.

Good Luck!
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12/28/2005 12:18:52 PM
Cute idea, but arn't angle wings white :)
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12/28/2005 11:51:28 AM
very nice!
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12/28/2005 11:09:13 AM
great shot, the idea is very original
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12/28/2005 11:08:01 AM
I really like this shot, it's different and well composed/captured. You've got a bit of sensor dust, though :P 10
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12/28/2005 10:42:52 AM
Amazing image, I really like this! 9
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12/28/2005 09:28:04 AM
Even the brach seems to be broken. Love it, grats!
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12/28/2005 09:24:54 AM
There are a couple of spots in the lower right of the picture but I love the capture. 7
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