Author | Thread |
01/17/2010 07:08:59 AM |
Eat your heart out, Walt Disney.
This is utterly beautiful, thanks. |
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04/11/2008 06:59:59 AM |
Just been going through your portfolio and you have some great wildlife shots.. this is my favourite of the bunch.. |
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01/21/2008 07:33:42 PM |
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01/15/2008 02:29:57 PM |
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10/17/2007 12:24:56 AM |
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07/06/2007 07:37:32 PM |
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06/17/2007 08:03:24 PM |
I think this is just the cutest deer pic I've ver seen. What a technically splendid image as well! Great job and perfect timing! :) |
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01/27/2007 06:22:57 PM |
so lovely, wonderful focus |
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01/26/2007 11:20:18 PM |
yeah.. this needs to be a print :)
gentle, soft, sweet and i'd also shop it around to conservation / environmental groups.. its gorgeous. |
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01/26/2007 10:56:39 PM |
oh, sweet fuzzy baby... i would like a print of this too!! congrats on 24th! |
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01/26/2007 07:46:20 PM |
Well this is just dandy. Excellent capture |
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01/26/2007 12:16:15 PM |
This looks like an artwork illustration from a childrens book. Just lovely. Great finish too! |
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01/26/2007 11:20:09 AM |
this is one of the most breathtaking photos I've seen. I need a print of it:) |
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01/26/2007 07:32:51 AM |
I adore this photo! Congratulations on such an amazing finish in this challenge!
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01/26/2007 04:46:33 AM |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
01/25/2007 09:23:06 PM |
A great capture, and I love all the fawn's hair. I only wish that the background was alittle bit darker to make the deer pop even more.
Message edited by author 2007-01-26 04:58:22. |
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01/25/2007 11:31:22 AM |
Lovely shot! This gives you such a warm, fuzzy feeling - I love it! |
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01/25/2007 10:22:04 AM |
Beautiful pastels and lovely pose by the subject. Like the first time I saw this I wished there was some way to deal with the object in the left foreground. But the rest is so fine it hardly detracts. Is this
kuku? |
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01/25/2007 04:20:14 AM |
Brilliant exposure and DOF. |
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01/25/2007 03:11:48 AM |
Another awesome shot from you as you are the master of these wonderful deer images.....The light is breathtaking, and you have capture a picture of pure beauty.
Bumping up to a "10" from me..... |
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01/24/2007 11:44:24 PM |
extraordinary! a marvelous capture. hope you enter this in some nature mag contests, as i know it will do well. and i hope it isn't overlooked in this monster-sized challenge. |
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01/24/2007 09:41:21 PM |
Beautiful lighting and green tones! Great catch and focus, nicely done! |
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01/24/2007 02:24:23 PM |
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01/23/2007 02:52:57 PM |
I've seen this shot before on the forums though I can't remember who it was who put it up there. I thought it was a superb shot then and still do. A great find. 10 |
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01/23/2007 02:27:33 AM |
Ooh yes! I remember this one and loved then as I do now.
Amazing capture and adding to my favorites! |
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01/22/2007 11:13:01 PM |
I remember seeing this and thought it was quite special then...Excellent choice for a "Best of" entry...beautiful work. |
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01/22/2007 12:18:25 PM |
Superb. Great light and capture. My only minor niggle is the slight overexposure on the neck. I love the colour tone adpted. |
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01/21/2007 02:01:35 AM |
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01/20/2007 11:16:26 PM |
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01/20/2007 11:11:00 PM |
Alain (I think I remember that it is you),
Congrats on a wonderful capture. I forget which challenge it was that you should have entered this, but I'm glad you finally got the chance and you are rightfully rewarded. |
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01/20/2007 01:44:01 PM |
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01/20/2007 10:27:49 AM |
Nice catch... Great DOF and composition. |
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01/19/2007 11:02:03 PM |
Very nice shot will do well 9 |
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01/19/2007 09:49:41 PM |
Awwwwwwwww! This is adorable and beautiful. What a nice capture. The focus is fabulous with that perfect DOF. I hope this does well. Making it a favorite. |
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01/19/2007 06:00:30 PM |
Lovely sharpness, I love those hairs along it's neck/ body. Fantastic composition. Excellent DOF - love the softness of the background against the sharpness of the foreground. Oh and colours too - the foreground ones are just perfect over the background ones. An absolutely wonderful wildlife shot. |
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01/19/2007 05:28:51 PM |
I wonder what lens and at what focal lenght this was shot at. Sometimes extreme focal lenghts compress the scene so much that it creates a kind of macro effect. Like this deer almost looks four times the size of grass.... Well, that's just my mind playing tricks with me.
Cool shot, perfect isolation, colors work good together and the lack of (over)saturation is a bonus.
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01/18/2007 07:20:57 PM |
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01/18/2007 01:42:07 AM |
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01/18/2007 01:34:40 AM |
Fantastic shot! Great focus, great bokeh and the subject looks amazingly captivated by... you :) Good luck! |
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01/16/2007 04:32:34 PM |
Sweet! I like the comp too. |
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01/16/2007 01:49:36 PM |
awwww...this should be in the wildlife II challenge - 8 |
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01/16/2007 06:48:39 AM |
So soft & light - feels like a fairy tale. Beautiful. Back to bump you up to 9. |
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01/16/2007 12:07:04 AM |
You get my vote for best Animal shot. I like this picture alot. The reason, the scale. The thing just seems microsopic for some reason. Not sure if that was the intention, but it just works! One of my highest rated in this challenge. |
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01/15/2007 11:20:02 PM |
Seems as though he might be more curious than surprised. Some awesome shallow DOF here, and a very beautiful photograph. Great job, 8! |
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01/15/2007 06:31:01 PM |
Beautifully captured and executed image. The end result has left the fawn bleached in some areas, but still a very nice image. Good Luck. |
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01/15/2007 10:39:18 AM |
Awwww, isn't that just the sweetest thing? Excellent colors, bokeh and focus. 10 |
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01/14/2007 06:01:12 PM |
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01/14/2007 12:38:32 PM |
Awwwwwwwwwwww, how sweet! |
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01/14/2007 10:47:51 AM |
great photo, overblown highlights are smaller distraction then frame which i consider not needed at all, in case of this photo it only distracts from the subject with it's wideness and color scheme ... without frame i would give this 9, now 7 |
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01/14/2007 12:50:31 AM |
Beautiful colors, great dof, a little overexposed but otherwise a great image! |
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01/13/2007 07:09:53 PM |
I love this! Great subject, seperation of foreground and background - 10! |
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01/13/2007 01:16:00 PM |
the dof is perfect to highlight the subject. Excellent timing. POV excellent for subject. colors work very well - as gentle as she is. |
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01/13/2007 10:25:14 AM |
Absolutely adorable - I have never seen a fuzzy deer! One of my favorites of this competition. |
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01/12/2007 09:28:37 PM |
Wow. This is a really cool shot. Love the depth of feel as well as the intent look on the deer's face. Nice focus as well on the subject and good composition (8) |
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01/12/2007 08:38:02 PM |
awesome! great colour and crisp focus where it matters...this is a stunning image...perhaps my only neg is the blown highlights on the face 9 |
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01/12/2007 07:23:05 PM |
The little deer is adorable, but the image is a bit overexposed, unfortunately. |
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01/12/2007 05:07:23 PM |
Yeah, this works for me! Good luck!! |
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01/12/2007 02:55:08 PM |
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01/12/2007 11:15:03 AM |
Nice composition and DOF. Good Shot. |
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01/12/2007 08:48:17 AM |
Beautiful DOF and sharpness. I like the composition very much. I think more contrast, specifically bringing down the midtones in curves, would really make this image pop. It seems just a little bit flat in the midtones. |
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01/12/2007 08:40:22 AM |
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01/12/2007 08:26:22 AM |
SWEET SWEET. I remember this from earlier in the year but I can't recall the photog. Awesome capture. Not positive about the aqua band in the frame, but no points deducted for that. |
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01/12/2007 08:14:58 AM |
so sweet, deserves to do well. |
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01/12/2007 07:50:08 AM |
Just beautiful ! I love it =8 |
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01/12/2007 01:18:18 AM |
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01/12/2007 12:16:58 AM |
Best: Unique subject...this looks vaguely familiar...muted tones
Worst: Blown out white hair...I love square crop, but not in this case... |
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