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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2006 (Advanced Editing V*)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
Location: Þorlákshöfn , Iceland
Date: Oct 28, 2006
Aperture: 3.2
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/400
Galleries: Sports, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Jan 7, 2007

Took this one in oct 2006. I had been surfing with my friends, my shoulder was hurting a bit so I was the first one to leave the water. I dont take many surf pictures beacause I rather be surfing than taking photographs.

The weather was wierd that day, like most days here in Iceland, and the sun was coming out of the cloudes every once in a while and this photo was taken at one of those moments.

I thought this photo was just ok, I liked it, nothing more. People that have seen it thought it was so awesome I thought why not put it in this challange.

Thanx for all the great comments :) Glad you like it.

Place: 46 out of 712
Avg (all users): 6.7652
Avg (commenters): 8.1509
Avg (participants): 6.7004
Avg (non-participants): 6.9765
Views since voting: 2286
Views during voting: 744
Votes: 362
Comments: 71
Favorites: 21 (view)

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01/17/2008 05:49:11 PM
Incredible shot, love the lighting, the idea, and the execution, great tones as well, awesome job, very nicely done, definitely adding to faves.
11/09/2007 09:42:23 PM
just fantastic
01/28/2007 07:09:53 PM
Yep, it is awesome. look alien!
01/28/2007 07:09:01 PM
A new favourite for me.
It's awesome.
01/26/2007 04:38:26 PM
Somewhat underated I think. It's an awesome shot. You guys even make surfing look cool!
01/26/2007 09:50:38 AM
yea, underrated ... i gave this a 10 !
01/26/2007 07:38:59 AM
Wow! What an intriguing photo! Very dramatic. I love it!

01/26/2007 05:00:47 AM
Should have scored higher! Great image.
01/26/2007 04:52:24 AM
I also think this shot is one of the best here. Terrific shot!
01/26/2007 02:33:41 AM
Congratulations with your personal best and an awesome shot. Really disappointed that it didn´t place higher. Öðruvísi mynd og mjög sterk, til hamingju samt með nýtt persónulegt met á DPC.
01/26/2007 01:44:37 AM
Originally posted by maguero:

silver Surfer!!!

That's the one!
01/26/2007 01:38:47 AM
I agree...this was my favorite of the group and I feel that it is vastly underrated. Fantastic job!
01/26/2007 12:31:02 AM
I just wanted to say how awesome this is...take away the surf board and you have an amazing still from a sci-fi film. This is possibly my favorite in whole challenge...
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/25/2007 09:14:07 PM
The surfer is show sharp and crisp the photo doesn't even feel real. The lighting is perfect and your conversion to black and white leaves the photos rich with tone, bumping up to ten
01/25/2007 07:45:53 PM
Wow, this looks almost surreal - I like it, great atmosphere.
01/25/2007 07:22:37 PM
Very interesting. I could almost be convinced that this is a small toy. The relative perspective is strange. Good work and BW looks like a good choice. 9
01/25/2007 03:21:46 AM
Perfect composition, and could end up on the front page, as it really does aeserve it.....
01/24/2007 11:40:53 PM
this is just bizarre, like something from an alien movie set. very enjoyable!
01/24/2007 02:03:56 PM
very crisp. love the tones. looks like a spaceman on another planet.
01/24/2007 01:16:52 PM
If it wasn't for the surfboard I would almost say this looks like an alien on another planet. Very cool effect!
01/24/2007 01:08:10 PM
this is very intersting!!! can't wait to see how and what you did! 10
01/24/2007 12:59:26 PM
Looks like another planet. Well done!
01/23/2007 10:50:11 PM
weird and magical and corny all at the same time. 8
01/23/2007 06:49:08 PM
Superb study of lighting and commend you on not only the shot, but the post-processing as well!
Had to come back for two reasons:
A bump up and to add to my favorites - very well done!
01/23/2007 05:30:44 PM
Great job highlighting the subject and balancing his mass against all those rocks!
01/22/2007 01:40:21 PM
Nice, it looks like an Alien.
01/22/2007 12:20:40 PM
Lovely - I like the vignetting treatment (either that or you have a v nice camera).
01/22/2007 10:30:35 AM
Cool - Is that some kind of action doll
01/21/2007 08:39:26 AM
01/20/2007 11:48:01 PM
Wonderful shot! I really like the lighting and you use of B&W.
01/20/2007 01:49:45 PM
Now this is cool, looks like an action figure, super contast, 10
01/19/2007 09:54:00 PM
This doesnt look right...
01/19/2007 09:29:39 PM
Very cool. The black and white processing gives this a sort of 1930's moon man look.
01/19/2007 05:30:36 PM
So cool!
This almost looks like an astronaut on another planet. An astronaut who brought his board with him. :)

01/19/2007 03:27:59 PM
He looks like an alien in another world - surreal! Nice use of a square crop.
01/19/2007 02:04:41 AM
There's an incredible sense of warped scale here, aided by the lighting and the heavy vignetting. This could be an action figurine, and those could be tiny pebbles. Great work, and good luck!
01/16/2007 03:46:52 PM
this is so neat! looks futuristic. :)
01/16/2007 01:53:17 PM
very surreal and effective, 8
01/16/2007 01:03:30 PM
Looks like an alien from mars or somethin, neat shot
01/16/2007 06:56:52 AM
I love love love this one!
01/16/2007 12:07:11 AM
My favorite Black and White in the challenge. Terrific lighting. Use of scale is amazing. Wonderful focus. It all comes together. One of my highest rated in the challenge.
01/15/2007 09:20:05 PM
This erminds me of a spaceman in an alien environment - perhaps those rocks are actually alien eggs... Nice photo. 8
01/15/2007 06:01:58 PM
Image left me breathless. Incredible composition and processing. DOF is bang on and...again, breathless. Great Job. Good Luck.
01/15/2007 04:56:38 PM
Nice composition
01/15/2007 12:57:57 PM
This is really "out of this world" image! Fascinating!
01/14/2007 10:58:47 PM
He looks like a miniature surfer walking over what appear to be giant size pebbles. While the lighting is very good it seems too bright on the surfer in relation to the rocks. He does "pop" from the scene so that's probably your intent.
01/14/2007 09:09:03 PM
i like the colors and setting
01/14/2007 09:07:49 PM
silver Surfer!!!
01/14/2007 07:55:04 PM
Lovely picture
01/14/2007 06:29:20 PM
Var einmitt að velta því fyrir mér hvenær ég sæi þessa aftur. Frábær mynd. Lítur út eins og einhverskonar ofurmenni ;) Færð fullt hús frá mér. Gangi þér vel.
01/14/2007 06:00:24 PM
Great Portait...B&W works well here.
01/14/2007 04:58:51 AM
alien! excellent toning
01/14/2007 01:28:55 AM

an intriguing image with wonderful tones.

excellent choices in b&w technique, composition & cropping.

<< 9 >>
01/14/2007 01:13:34 AM
This is most unusual! Keep up the creative work!
01/13/2007 07:27:46 PM
01/13/2007 05:59:24 PM
01/13/2007 04:13:17 PM
Silver Surfer more like it! This is absolutely superb. WOW!
01/13/2007 03:55:45 PM
Excellent ... even stronger if he is not dead center.
01/12/2007 09:56:30 PM
wow...looks amazing...he looks like an alien...the light and edit is superb and it's one of the best so far in this challenge 9
01/12/2007 09:45:06 PM
Wonderful use of dark and light here. It makes this man seem more than human. I like the centered composition too.
01/12/2007 03:11:19 PM
WTF this looks odd. BUT looks good 8
01/12/2007 02:49:00 PM
What a freaky-cool photo! It looks like a miniature man on pebbles.
01/12/2007 02:48:16 PM
he looks like a little figurine on a distant planet
01/12/2007 01:42:48 PM
nice toning
01/12/2007 12:10:28 PM
Reminds me for some reason of Flash Gordon. Great vignetting and tonal quality!
01/12/2007 11:43:39 AM
I love the metallic sense of the surfer. Great use of centering. 7
01/12/2007 07:59:23 AM
I think it's one of the best images , well done !
01/12/2007 07:30:16 AM
in she south pole after a tourism ship goes past? Looks like the silver surfer I love that comic and i like this.
01/12/2007 04:21:23 AM
holy crap ! what, where , why ? this is outstanding ... umm, speachless ... cool photo, 10.
01/12/2007 01:04:47 AM
Must be a hell of a break with all those rocks!
01/12/2007 12:48:19 AM
this is awsome. it looks so alien!

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