Author | Thread |
08/08/2004 07:02:42 AM |
This is beyond the WOW factor. An 11 for me |
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02/10/2004 09:29:58 AM |
Fantastic idea, and great execution of the shot! Your ribbon is well deserved! |
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02/09/2004 07:46:12 PM |
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02/06/2004 06:13:04 AM |
Ja. Sehr Gut. Lovely exposure shot. |
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02/06/2004 03:16:52 AM |
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02/05/2004 03:38:44 PM |
I congratulate you to this great photograph my brother! I like special lighting tricks very much and this is clever idea. I think this photo really is one of your best! |
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02/05/2004 08:08:19 AM |
Nice shot. You worked hard on this and deserve the ribbon! Congrats. |
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02/04/2004 11:37:16 PM |
one of my favorite things about your shot is the lighting on the wall, and the shading from light to dark diagonally across the shot. nice job. |
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02/04/2004 03:29:57 PM |
I think this is my first time I have said "YESS! she won" for a picture that I didn't made. ewery thing about here is perfect.... thoug she is litle shaky and dark, IMO that is what make the picture so good: Well done!
Message edited by author 2004-02-04 15:32:36. |
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02/04/2004 01:41:50 PM |
I think it's just perfect as is. The mood is fantastic, the concept wonderful and beautifully executed, the image is stellar. I personally don't like photographs to be 'fixed' too much - the spots on the wall add to the texture of the shot, why remove them? Anyway, congratulations on your blue ribbon. :) |
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02/04/2004 10:03:21 AM |
Congratulations on a very succesful blue ribbon image. |
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02/04/2004 07:50:14 AM |
fantastic win! great shot! |
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02/04/2004 07:14:08 AM |
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02/04/2004 05:07:43 AM |
Congratulation, it must be quite long attempting to get this result.
Great idea and well-deserved. |
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02/04/2004 03:08:33 AM |
Thank you!!
I’m very proud of this, because I got the last blue ribbon only by a „cheap trick“ ;-). If there are any questions left after reading the photo details, please feel free to ask me...
Regarding to your comments: Yes, you are right, this shot is techically not as perfect as it could have been. Susi is a little bit out of focus, because of the long time exposure. A flashlight probably would have minimized the blurred parts of this shot. But in this special case I prefer the warm and softer touch of a diffuse lighting by a lamp. If you want to have a look at a spot-edited version without the two distracting dots in the background, please visit my homepage.
Special thanks to my GF Susi for her incredible patience and for „setting my heart on fire“! By the way: Her zodiac sign is Leo, but this was much too difficult to paint with a bike-lamp... :-)
02/04/2004 03:08:25 AM |
Great shot, this jumped out at me immediately, well deserved! |
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02/04/2004 02:01:32 AM |
This is really great- I'd even think about *not* spot-editing those two screws in the wall. The more I look at it, the more I want to accomodate the screws into the image since it looks so enticing. They're like the moon and stars. |
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02/04/2004 01:23:08 AM |
Hot Dog I guessed right!!! Excellent photo, and thank you for sharing! |
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02/04/2004 12:49:39 AM |
Congratulations on a well planned and carefully executed photograph. It is beautiful. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
02/03/2004 03:08:15 PM |
Great composition, love the concept! Did you use a flashlight to create the bow and arrow? Love the coloring as well. This should place high. |
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02/03/2004 07:39:46 AM |
Spectacular light - was it accomplished by moving the light source? An interesting composition. |
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02/03/2004 02:16:25 AM |
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02/02/2004 02:43:26 PM |
Parts of the bg are distracting, but overall a SUPERB shot. 10 |
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02/02/2004 12:45:37 PM |
I have to know how you did this. |
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02/01/2004 12:25:51 PM |
This looks like it took a lot of effort. well done. |
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02/01/2004 11:23:44 AM |
Wow, what a nice image! The composition is great, and I like the background color and the way it shades into darkness. I think this would have done well in the "painting with light" challenge too. Very well done! |
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02/01/2004 11:07:01 AM |
This is a 10. Amazing. How did you create this image? |
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02/01/2004 07:55:31 AM |
This isn't the best taken photo of the challenge. It may however be the coolest. Your idea is incredible. Very well thought out. If only the arrow could've been straighter. Well framed and the lighting is pretty good too. Excellent creative idea. good luck 8 |
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02/01/2004 02:46:15 AM |
very cool shot! love the textured background. |
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01/31/2004 05:59:57 PM |
A nice original representation of the archer. It is a shame the subject is stood quite so close to the background - The 2 marks on the bacground are a little distracting.
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01/31/2004 02:29:59 PM |
Neat arc of light for the bow. Model has moved during the exposure though, so it loses that sense of perfection necessary for such a concept. Nice texture and lighting. |
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01/30/2004 08:36:44 PM |
Nice light painting! The only thing I would have changed is the background. I would like to see more red in it and more separation from the subject. Well done. |
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01/30/2004 07:46:11 PM |
Great picture! This would have done excellent in the painting with light challenge too! Awesome idea!!! Great colors and wall texture. Good luck! 9 |
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01/30/2004 05:59:20 PM |
WOW how it you do that.....I think it is great! ....9 |
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01/30/2004 05:21:17 PM |
Great Picture! Very creative! Awesome light effect. Could have done well in Painting with Light challenge too. My favorites in this challenge! Should win 1st Place! |
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01/30/2004 04:31:58 PM |
Wow - very creative - red lighting and that wonderful "bow and arrow" are wonderful!
One of my top 5. |
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01/30/2004 03:16:16 PM |
like the idea & the photo. |
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01/30/2004 08:30:21 AM |
Wow, this is cool! The first truely unique shot in the callenge. Nice job! |
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01/30/2004 07:51:00 AM |
Cool idea and well done... |
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01/30/2004 02:10:29 AM |
Gosh, I hop this wins, how did you do this? |
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01/29/2004 11:27:41 PM |
Thats good....I tried to do something like that with with light motion...but it did not look like
Great job. |
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01/29/2004 11:05:02 PM |
Very creative and well executed, I hope you get the blue ribbon! |
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01/29/2004 08:54:55 PM |
Very creative and well done. - 8 |
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01/29/2004 08:10:51 PM |
Excellent work - unique, stylish, fiery mood, beautiful. Those two specks on the upper background and blurred left hand might be seen as imperfections, but I wouldn't change this photo at all. If you blew it up, does it stay clear (high-res)? You should win, so I'm giving you my top score for the week. |
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01/29/2004 07:32:16 PM |
I like this photo.....could have been entered in either current challenge! I like the light movement and the background is nicely lit too.....great, creative effort....high marks from me.....10! |
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01/29/2004 06:29:51 PM |
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01/29/2004 06:11:09 PM |
Wow, beautiful model, and the picture is great too. She single? just kiddin' |
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01/29/2004 05:59:13 PM |
This is really one of my favorites, quite a lot of thought and imagination put into this. I love the background choice in contrast to the black clothing, great lighting as well. And as for the bow, well, spectacular! They way you got it to go from narrow on the ends to wider in the middle, nice touch! Too bad no spot editing allowed, I'd get rid of those two dots on the wall, doesn't that just drive you mad sometimes? :) 9 from me! |
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01/29/2004 05:35:45 PM |
wonderful use of light. I am interested to see your comments after the challenge and learn exactly how you did this. Compelling composition, lovely background. 9 |
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01/29/2004 05:00:54 PM |
Absolutely beautiful. I love the natural gradient in the background, the thickness of the arc, the perfect shape of it. All around stunning and wonderfully executed. |
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01/29/2004 12:13:53 PM |
This is really intersting. I'll be intersted to read your photographer's comments to find out how you did this one. it's really unique. I like the colours - red light, etc. |
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01/29/2004 10:41:37 AM |
very very very interesting..would like to know how this was done...7 |
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01/29/2004 06:04:45 AM |
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01/29/2004 05:10:52 AM |
I have a feeling this will be the winner...inventive, asthetically pleasing, well composed, well exposed and on topic...hard to beat. Great work! |
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01/29/2004 04:13:39 AM |
this one looks like a winner... an absolute 10 |
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01/28/2004 10:39:31 PM |
Nice work. One of my favorites. |
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01/28/2004 10:36:27 PM |
Very nice. Beautiful arc. Nice exposure. If someone gives you a low score, I hope they give a reason. |
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01/28/2004 10:14:35 PM |
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01/28/2004 07:44:28 PM |
Very neat... I'll be curious to see how you accomplished this photo. Great capture. |
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01/28/2004 06:14:31 PM |
great pose, sweet lighting on the backdrop- can't wait to find out what your moving light source was. a really striking image. |
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01/28/2004 05:03:19 PM |
How in the world did you do that? It's awesome! |
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01/28/2004 04:32:26 PM |
very cool. cant wait to see how it was done! 9 |
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01/28/2004 04:31:20 PM |
Neat idea, and cool affect. |
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01/28/2004 03:36:11 PM |
This has it. There's not a thing I don't love about this shot. Clever, and a really sweet execution. Congrats! |
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01/28/2004 03:20:17 PM |
Don't know how you did it ( Double exposure? ) but it's great! |
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01/28/2004 02:01:37 PM |
Very clever idea and well executed |
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01/28/2004 01:57:08 PM |
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01/28/2004 01:53:46 PM |
Unique and excellent photo. Nice colors, shading, and contrast. The bow hand is a little out of focus, and the string hand should be on her cheek, but those are minor. |
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01/28/2004 01:53:00 PM |
Excellent idea! Your title bugs me though since you seem to be referring to Cupid, and not Sagitarrius. Too bad about those two spots on the wall, but I understand that classical rules were in place for this shot. Too bad that the "arrow light" is so high on her face. I would have preferred it at chin level or a little lower. Love the background colour |
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01/28/2004 01:43:56 PM |
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01/28/2004 12:01:24 PM |
easily one of the best (10) |
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01/28/2004 11:36:15 AM |
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01/28/2004 11:11:26 AM |
Really nice shot. How long was the exposure for this shot. I would like to know how you did this without any of the arms looking blurry. I like it. 9 |
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01/28/2004 11:07:41 AM |
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01/28/2004 11:00:47 AM |
This is quite amazing shot but the model is a litle blurred. Think that at least the face have to be sharp for this pic to very good |
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01/28/2004 10:41:48 AM |
Great interpretation. Well executed. |
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01/28/2004 09:56:58 AM |
Beautiful shot!! One of my favorites for this challenge. I think the lighting is great and the bow and arrow effect superb. Congratulations |
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01/28/2004 08:49:50 AM |
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01/28/2004 07:01:03 AM |
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01/28/2004 05:11:43 AM |
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01/28/2004 05:04:17 AM |
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01/28/2004 04:58:29 AM |
Amazing i will be disopointed if this does not get a ribbon |
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01/28/2004 02:47:57 AM |
That is amazing. And its not JUST a neat effect - you have some very nice, dramatic lighting and interesting backdrop. Overall, the concept and execution is great. A couple of specs and what looks like oversharpening keep this from getting a 10 from me, though. A solid 9 for sure. |
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01/28/2004 01:45:29 AM |
Interestingly done... I'm curious to find out how you did this, I'm guessing that you had all the lights of set your camera on b, she drew her bow and arrow and then you popped the flas from up and above her on the right. anyway, great photo! I love the fact that it is brighter in the upper right hand corner as if there is fire there... and nice choice of her wearing black. The background really adds to this. I'm going to give it a 10. Good luck! |
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01/28/2004 12:33:09 AM |
I think we have a weener.
Whiskey |
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01/28/2004 12:17:43 AM |
this is badass! I love it! would be really good for the painting with light challenge too! |
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01/28/2004 12:16:47 AM |
It will be interesting to see the process of capturing this. Nice job! |
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01/28/2004 12:12:10 AM |
Love the forming of the bow with light. |
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