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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Calling all Christians
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 271, (reverse)
04/21/2008 03:01:07 PM · #76
My favorite Christian music is buy:

Steven Curtis Chapman, Michael W. Smith, Phillips Craid & Dean, Mercy Me, Point of Grace, Avalon, Selah....so many others.

Funny story about the SCC (Steven Curtis Chapman) song "Cinderella"... early last summer, I was on the road touring new home listings from my real estate office. Driving to the next listing, I was listening to Christian Radio. One of my favorite stations - K-Love (you can listen to them online at klove.com) had SCC in studio as a guest. The host asked if he would play a song she had heard him perform on a Christian cruise earlier that year. She went on to talk about how the story behind the song and the song itself just started her sobbing because she was so touched by it. So, I'm listening thinking "do I really want to listne to this?" I am easily moved to tears by music and I WAS working, so I didn't want a red blotchy face, etc.

However, I couldn't tear myself away and figured I could handle it. So he tells his story about his daughters and I start to think "Uh, oh" My daughter was getting married in about 3 weeks time and I was very emotional about it. I knew this could be trouble, but now I just HAD to listen.

So he plays the song right there in the studio with just his guitar and by the end, of course I am crying like an idiot. (For those of you who haven't heard the song, it's about a dad dancing with his daughter as she's growing up - as a toddler playing princess, practicing before a prom as a teen, and of course practicing for the wedding dance when she's an adult. Talks about how one day "she'll be gone" and how he doesn't want to miss even one dance.)

I had just pulled up to the listing and parked and got tissues out trying to repair the damage to my makeup when my cell phone rang. My daughter was on the other end and she said "I've found the song!" (She had not yet picked a song to dance to with her dad at the reception. She and her dad are very close.) So she's sniffing and I'm sniffing and I said "Did you just hear it on the radio?" "Yeah...SCC on Klove?" "Yes!" And it seems we had been listening at the same time and crying together 20 miles apart :)

Well, the song wasn't out yet and we looked EVERYWHERE to try and get the song. I even contacted the radio station and tried desperately to contact SCC's people, but we were not successful. The song didn't come out until earlier this year :( So, she ended up not using it. I just thought it was interesting how music like that can really touch people and connect people.
04/21/2008 05:36:44 PM · #77
I recently finished an interesting book written to Christians.

It's called I'm Fine With God, it's Christians I Can't Stand.

I don't agree with everything in it, but the authors make some very good points.

I highly recommend it.

Now I'm reading I Became a Christian and All I Got was this Lousy T-shirt
04/21/2008 05:41:02 PM · #78
Originally posted by jpochard:

...it seems we had been listening at the same time and crying together 20 miles apart :)

That song makes me cry and I don't even HAVE daughters. ;)

04/21/2008 06:05:43 PM · #79
Originally posted by dponlyme:

We all need to stay in touch or form a group or have a forum on here just for us. What do you think?

Why would you want this? Do you feel discriminated against? Are people giving you a hard time because you are a chistian?

Do you see people who do not believe in a god calling out for a forum of their own, just for them?

Why are you attempting to split this community into two distinct groups by asking to have a forum, just for us?

I don't expect to get blasted for this because I have not said anything to make anyone angry. I am curious as to why you feel you need to segregate this community, that is all.

Thank you.
04/21/2008 06:20:23 PM · #80
Originally posted by Jac:

Originally posted by dponlyme:

We all need to stay in touch or form a group or have a forum on here just for us. What do you think?

Why would you want this? Do you feel discriminated against? Are people giving you a hard time because you are a chistian?

Do you see people who do not believe in a god calling out for a forum of their own, just for them?

Why are you attempting to split this community into two distinct groups by asking to have a forum, just for us?

I don't expect to get blasted for this because I have not said anything to make anyone angry. I am curious as to why you feel you need to segregate this community, that is all.

Thank you.

Let's stone him! ;-)
04/21/2008 08:10:49 PM · #81
I'll just say that I don't mind "getting together" with other Christians online and I don't mind spirituality or religion being discussed here & there amongst all the other topics on DPC, but I'm not in favor of creating a separate place on DPC for Christians or atheists or Hindus, etc. It's not really the appropriate venue, IMO, and even suggesting it just serves to divide the community. Plenty of Christian sites on the web.

*looks around for possible lightning strikes* ;-)

Message edited by author 2008-04-21 20:11:10.
04/21/2008 08:41:55 PM · #82
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

I'll just say that I don't mind "getting together" with other Christians online and I don't mind spirituality or religion being discussed here & there amongst all the other topics on DPC, but I'm not in favor of creating a separate place on DPC for Christians or atheists or Hindus, etc. It's not really the appropriate venue, IMO, and even suggesting it just serves to divide the community. Plenty of Christian sites on the web.

*looks around for possible lightning strikes* ;-)

Let's stone him, too! ;-)

Seriously, I tend to agree. One of my favorite quotes is from St Francis of Assisi

"Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."

Actions beats words every time.

I will strive to conduct myself in a Christian way without drawing attention to the fact that I am a Christian, here on DPC and in my other endeavors.
04/21/2008 09:56:18 PM · #83
I'm way in. Been grabbed out of hell, Graced, and Bless for a number of years. Van
04/22/2008 02:17:42 PM · #84
Originally posted by karmat:

I recently finished an interesting book written to Christians.

It's called I'm Fine With God, it's Christians I Can't Stand.

I don't agree with everything in it, but the authors make some very good points.

I highly recommend it.

Now I'm reading I Became a Christian and All I Got was this Lousy T-shirt

Has anyone else read Joan ânâ the Whale by John Duckworth ? I had it years ago and lent it out (never to be seen again sadly), but it is a very good read - entertaining and thought provoking.
04/22/2008 09:07:00 PM · #85
Originally posted by Jac:

Originally posted by dponlyme:

We all need to stay in touch or form a group or have a forum on here just for us. What do you think?

Why would you want this? Do you feel discriminated against? Are people giving you a hard time because you are a chistian?

Do you see people who do not believe in a god calling out for a forum of their own, just for them?

Why are you attempting to split this community into two distinct groups by asking to have a forum, just for us?

I don't expect to get blasted for this because I have not said anything to make anyone angry. I am curious as to why you feel you need to segregate this community, that is all.

Thank you.

I'm not angry about your inquiry at all. I think you misinterpret (as other may have also) what I was going for here was that Christians have a different outlook on the world for having the faith that they have and as such the Bible exhorts us to have fellowship with each other so that we can encourage one another. I certainly would want a forum that would be safe and not allowed to be destroyed by those who would simply look to persecute or simply cause trouble. I no more see this as segregating or splitting the community than one would see going to church on Sunday splitting or segregating the 3d community you live in or a group of car enthusiasts having their own forum for instance.

To answer your question. Yes I have received a 'hard' time for being an openly Christian person both on here and in 3d. It happens but that is not the reason I want to have a forum for Christians.

In regards to Godless people wanting a forum of their own.. maybe they don't see the need for it. If they did that would be fine with me and I wouldn't see it as them splitting up or segregating the community. Would you have a problem with that too.

Maybe I am just not using the right terminology. Maybe forum isnt the right word? Something more than just a thread though is what I was going for.

04/22/2008 09:11:22 PM · #86
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

I'll just say that I don't mind "getting together" with other Christians online and I don't mind spirituality or religion being discussed here & there amongst all the other topics on DPC, but I'm not in favor of creating a separate place on DPC for Christians or atheists or Hindus, etc. It's not really the appropriate venue, IMO, and even suggesting it just serves to divide the community. Plenty of Christian sites on the web.

*looks around for possible lightning strikes* ;-)

I think you've got a good point here but I don't see the harm to the community here either. Why would any non-Christian care if we had a Christian 'corner' on here. Do you think that would be offensive to them? You might be right but I don't know why it would be.
04/22/2008 09:22:47 PM · #87
Originally posted by scarbrd:

Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

I'll just say that I don't mind "getting together" with other Christians online and I don't mind spirituality or religion being discussed here & there amongst all the other topics on DPC, but I'm not in favor of creating a separate place on DPC for Christians or atheists or Hindus, etc. It's not really the appropriate venue, IMO, and even suggesting it just serves to divide the community. Plenty of Christian sites on the web.

*looks around for possible lightning strikes* ;-)

Let's stone him, too! ;-)

Seriously, I tend to agree. One of my favorite quotes is from St Francis of Assisi

"Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."

Actions beats words every time.

I will strive to conduct myself in a Christian way without drawing attention to the fact that I am a Christian, here on DPC and in my other endeavors.

A lot of truth to that because words without actions are kind of useless. It was my hope that by having a Christian forum that we could also be a testimony to all those who chose to drop in and see what being a Christian is all about. How we treat one another and the testimony we would hopefully share with each other would perhaps serve to open the minds of those who only see the money grubbing false prophets you see on TV all of the time (not all but quite a lot imo) that make Christianity seem like so much crap not to be taken seriously by people of intelligence. The mere fact that this thread has generated so much interest shows that people want to share their faith with each other and anyone else who may have sincere questions regarding it (not just trying to tear it down but genuinely wanting to understand the reason for our faith).

Message edited by author 2008-04-23 01:45:10.
04/22/2008 10:15:07 PM · #88
dponlyme, regarding your question referring to non-believers wanting to have a section just for them. Well, the answer is the same. I would be opposed to it.

Have a good one.
04/22/2008 10:19:05 PM · #89
Originally posted by dponlyme:

...the testimony we would hopefully share with each other would perhaps serve to open the minds of those who only see the money grubbing false prophet...

I will strive to conduct myself in a Christian way without drawing attention to the fact that I am a Christian, here on DPC and in my other endeavors.

Too late. Creating a forum for "us" to open the minds of "them" is a giant leap in the wrong direction. This is not the place to celebrate how special everyone else isn't.
04/23/2008 01:32:01 AM · #90
Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by dponlyme:

...the testimony we would hopefully share with each other would perhaps serve to open the minds of those who only see the money grubbing false prophet...

I will strive to conduct myself in a Christian way without drawing attention to the fact that I am a Christian, here on DPC and in my other endeavors.

Too late. Creating a forum for "us" to open the minds of "them" is a giant leap in the wrong direction. This is not the place to celebrate how special everyone else isn't.

Scalvert why do you suppose that I think I am better than you because I am a Christian. It's absolutely not true. Being a Christian isn't about being special at all. In fact it's about not being special at all. He who will be first in heaven will be your servant on this earth. God chose the crap of this world to be his children only because the rest considered themselves too good for him. Believe me when I say there is absolutely nothing special about me. If you knew me in 3d you would not be impressed. The truth is that my life has been a living hell by earthly standards. My wife is an abusive alcaholic. I've almost had my children taken away by the state more than once because of her. I have no job because I've had to stay home and make sure my children were taken care of and the only clothes I own were bought at a salvation army and I am always one small step away from becoming homeless. I don't know where my rent money is coming from for this next month. I get foodstamps so I can feed my children. By earthly standard then I am a leach on society. I chose keeping my family together and trusting in God that he would provide what we needed rather than divorce and chasing after what I will wear, eat, drink. That makes me a fool by your standards right. The camera I have was a gift. The computer was bought with my wifes disability back pay. No there is nothing special about me. I am about as common as they come. The difference between you and me has nothing to do with being special. It has to do with opening your heart. You seem to have chosen not to. That does not make me special. It makes you stubborn.
04/23/2008 01:35:39 AM · #91
I'd also like to add for everyone who reads the above post that my wife is finally coming around and (if I haven't already said this) we will be looking for a church to attend. God told me it would get worse before it would get better and He is true to his word. I can see the better coming and it's going to be awesome. Praise God.
04/23/2008 01:39:26 AM · #92
Originally posted by dponlyme:

Scalvert why do you suppose that I think I am better than you because I am a Christian. It's absolutely not true. Being a Christian isn't about being special at all.

Perhaps because (according to you) you will spend an eternity in Heaven while he'll be condemned to suffer fire and brimstone? I mean, surely God doesn't reward those who are "worse" ...
04/23/2008 03:27:34 AM · #93
Originally posted by GeneralE:

Originally posted by dponlyme:

Scalvert why do you suppose that I think I am better than you because I am a Christian. It's absolutely not true. Being a Christian isn't about being special at all.

Perhaps because (according to you) you will spend an eternity in Heaven while he'll be condemned to suffer fire and brimstone? I mean, surely God doesn't reward those who are "worse" ...

Actually it is the very people who you would term as worse that God has the most compassion on if they come to Him and ask for forgiveness of their sins and accept Jesus as their savior. The first shall be last and the last shall be first and in any case I have done nothing to deserve heaven. I'm still the wretched being I have always been. If their is any good in me it is not of me but the Holy Spirit who I have invited to live in me and through me. It is only through God's grace and the shed blood of Jesus that I have salvation. Jesus died for all of our sins both mine and scalverts and yours. I deserve the very same fire and brimstone that he does. Believe me when I say it is all what we deserve. How can God have mercy and show his grace to someone who outright denies his existence? The truth is that I am no better than anyone else. The truth is that scalvert and you are no better than anyone else. We are all in the same boat. The truth is that you can have an eternity in heaven with me if you will just accept the truth that Jesus is Lord but you won't. I invite you to do this but you will not accept. You have this pegged as some kind of battle of wits between me and you and that is not what this is about. God loves you and longs for you to come home to him. I love you and want you to know what I know and have the salvation that I have. Undeserved salvation-- you bet. Take God up on his offer... the offer of salvation and an eternity in Heaven is there waiting. All you need to do is ask.
04/23/2008 03:35:33 AM · #94
Although I am not in favor of a separate forum for Christians (and apparently that is not necessarily what he was asking for) - a thread for Chrisitans to communicate with each other about Christian related things doesn't bother me, but some of these responses from people who really have no reason to even look at this thread really makes me sad and sick. And by SC no less. I agree with the OP in regards to this thread really being no different than of the other hundreds of threads calling for people who have a common interest (unrelated to photography). If you have no interest in the topic, why even post in here?? If you're interested in a debate about beliefs, there are other threads for that as well.
04/23/2008 07:23:31 AM · #95
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Although I am not in favor of a separate forum for Christians (and apparently that is not necessarily what he was asking for) - a thread for Chrisitans to communicate with each other about Christian related things doesn't bother me, but some of these responses from people who really have no reason to even look at this thread really makes me sad and sick. And by SC no less. I agree with the OP in regards to this thread really being no different than of the other hundreds of threads calling for people who have a common interest (unrelated to photography). If you have no interest in the topic, why even post in here?? If you're interested in a debate about beliefs, there are other threads for that as well.

Very well said.
04/23/2008 07:42:03 AM · #96
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

If you have no interest in the topic, why even post in here?? If you're interested in a debate about beliefs, there are other threads for that as well.

I wholeheartedly agree with you in this regard, but would hasten to point out that certain comments might tend to entice people into proferring a rebuttal to what they might perceive as an assault... comments such as this one:

"The fact that some choose not to believe in the existence of the LORD for whatever reason (or illogic IMHO) causes me great grief for their eternal souls!"

As mentioned by a member of the SC in some other thread... we are not operating in a vacuum and pointing out the "Illogic" of someone's belief or lack thereof is bound to generate some form of retort.

04/23/2008 09:09:09 AM · #97
Originally posted by dponlyme:

Scalvert why do you suppose that I think I am better than you because I am a Christian. --> God chose the crap of this world to be his children only because the rest considered themselves too good for him. ...The truth is that you can have an eternity in heaven with me. ... I love you and want you to know what I know and have the salvation that I have.

You clearly believe yourself to be among the "chosen ones," with superior knowledge (including private conversations!) of an invisible deity, and have openly stated your intent to convert others. I repeat: this is not the place to divide members into "us" and "they who will burn in Hell because they don't believe as I do."
04/23/2008 09:52:05 AM · #98
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

If you have no interest in the topic, why even post in here?? If you're interested in a debate about beliefs, there are other threads for that as well.


Originally posted by dponlyme:

I invite all to read in the science and theology II thread my salvation testimony and request that you all place your testimony for all of the atheists to read. Let's all be gardeners for God and plant some seeds there. ...We all need to stay in touch or form a group or have a forum on here just for us.

Until yesterday, my only involvement in this thread was to hide anti-Christian provocations made by others. I DO have an active interest in preventing divisiveness on this site. A special forum for Nikon owners or gardening enthusiasts is one thing, but carving out an exclusive area for blacks, Jews, gays, republicans or any other socially charged group is a very different matter with no positive outcome.

Message edited by author 2008-04-23 09:54:00.
04/23/2008 10:06:51 AM · #99
To anyone concerned about christians and needing a target for whipping and crucifixion, please stop in to the Science and Theology thread and have a go at me. Just leave these folks alone. They simply want to fellowship and receive support/encouragement from other like minded believers who have personally experienced the joy of forgiveness. They aren't trying to overthrow DPC or mandate only "saved" persons can submit to challenges, they simply want to avoid the nitpicking persecution that some here feel compelled to dish out. If that is your need, then please come discuss it with me over there.


04/23/2008 10:07:01 AM · #100
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Although I am not in favor of a separate forum for Christians (and apparently that is not necessarily what he was asking for) - a thread for Chrisitans to communicate with each other about Christian related things doesn't bother me, but some of these responses from people who really have no reason to even look at this thread really makes me sad and sick. And by SC no less. I agree with the OP in regards to this thread really being no different than of the other hundreds of threads calling for people who have a common interest (unrelated to photography). If you have no interest in the topic, why even post in here?? If you're interested in a debate about beliefs, there are other threads for that as well.

Ken this dissapoints me a little!! as I non-christian are you saying that I have no reason to even look at this thread??? does this mean as a Canon user I can not look at a Nikon thread??
If christians believe they should be able to divide this community on the basis of religious beliefs then I suggest they start with the line on the left.

Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each.

âThe Life of Brianâ

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