Author | Thread |
04/23/2008 07:54:41 PM · #176 |
It was not my intention to preach at anyone on this thread. My only intention was to meet others who had a like mind. I encouraged them to go to the science and theology thread and put their two cents in (the appropriate place to do so). I don't think that was unreasonable. If they didn't want the theology end of the conversation there they should simply have a science thread. I did not invite or provoke any of this that has happened. I want this thread to have it's own place where no one would have to come to it unless they so desired but that is too much of a threat to the existence of the DPC community apparently. DPC has shown itself to be littered and in some cases ran with people who are intolerant of anything that does not fit neatly into their idea of the universe.
04/23/2008 08:26:16 PM · #177 |
hey all, my churchs youth group just got most of the video's uploaded from their current show...I posted my daughter's part earlier in the thread...if anyone is interested in seeing them they are here on youtube.
I have to share these cause I am so proud of these kids young adults, they worked hard to put these on for different churches (2 in Florida, one in Georgia, our home church in Georgetown (where these are recorded) and one coming up in Lexington, KY) and every performance got better and better and more moving than the last. Some skits are funny and some are tear jerkers (the Everything Skit, that my daughter is the lead in) but all are meant to spread the word of God's awesome gift to us.
Enjoy and go spread the light!
(dponlyme...thanks for the pm's) |
04/24/2008 09:38:14 AM · #178 |
Originally posted by sabphoto: hey all, my churchs youth group just got most of the video's uploaded from their current show...I posted my daughter's part earlier in the thread...if anyone is interested in seeing them they are here on youtube.
Enjoy and go spread the light!
(dponlyme...thanks for the pm's) |
I'm going to check out your videos-- hopefully sometime today. I see from your profile page that your heart is in KY. I live in Louisville. Whereabouts Kentucky do you live? or rather want to live as I see you are in NC with the military. Are you a Wildcat fan?
Message edited by author 2008-04-24 09:39:59.
04/24/2008 09:45:08 AM · #179 |
Originally posted by jpochard: For those who are interested, there are several Christian photography sites out there. However, I have found none that seem to carry the quality of work and variety of interests found here. I have started a Yahoo Group called "Leanring 2 See". The intent is to invite those familiar with DPC to have a non-DPC sanctioned location for fellowship and discussion of photography and DPC, as well as faith issues.
Learning 2 See group
I really enjoy DPC for the most part. I don't intend to leave here and I'm not encouraging anyone else to do that - but I do hope this new group might provide a place to share both our and God's love. |
I will check it out.
04/24/2008 11:14:37 AM · #180 |
Originally posted by dponlyme:
I'm going to check out your videos-- hopefully sometime today. I see from your profile page that your heart is in KY. I live in Louisville. Whereabouts Kentucky do you live? or rather want to live as I see you are in NC with the military. Are you a Wildcat fan? |
My wife and daughter live in Georgetown. I have about 12 months before I join them for good (insert happy dancing emotioncon here). I have never been much of a sports fan at all (well other than the occasional hockey game), but I have been informed that I am a wildcats fan lol. |
04/26/2008 02:01:00 PM · #181 |
Is it safe to come in now?
just_me and I are both Christians. Our faith has gotten us through a LOT of rough times.
That is all. See you later. |
04/26/2008 11:05:30 PM · #182 |
Originally posted by shanksware: Is it safe to come in now?
just_me and I are both Christians. Our faith has gotten us through a LOT of rough times.
That is all. See you later. |
I think it is safe to come in. Glad to hear from the both of you.
04/28/2008 10:46:44 AM · #183 |
Originally posted by levyj413: Originally posted by dponlyme: Would like to meet more people who are Christian on DPC. Any out there? I've met a lot of atheist and social liberals. Where are all the Christians? |
You think all Christians are social conservatives? Perhaps you should do a little research. |
There are always backsliding Christians who don't take their faith seriously.
05/01/2008 11:55:53 PM · #184 |
Wow this thread has really died... I guess atheism has beaten the Christians into submission. Anybody watching the atheism thread?
05/02/2008 12:03:15 AM · #185 |
Originally posted by dponlyme: Wow this thread has really died... I guess atheism has beaten the Christians into submission. Anybody watching the atheism thread? |
Not paying much attention to it though I do monitor it from time to time.... don't be discouraged about this thread, while it may not be going strong, I'm willing to bet that there are a lot of Christians that have been strengthened in their faith just knowing that there are other Christians on the site... and when the time comes they'll at least know that there are those here that they can turn to for prayer or support... and that's far more powerful and beneficial than the simple existence of this thread.
05/02/2008 07:11:35 AM · #186 |
Originally posted by dponlyme: Wow this thread has really died... I guess atheism has beaten the Christians into submission. Anybody watching the atheism thread? |
Maybe the silence is due in part to the concept that participants in this thread don't have the need to continuously post things that poke fun at others for what they believe, or repeatedly discuss how ignorant people are that don't think "rationally" or "logically." ;)
05/02/2008 11:07:47 AM · #187 |
Originally posted by L1: Originally posted by dponlyme: Wow this thread has really died... I guess atheism has beaten the Christians into submission. Anybody watching the atheism thread? |
Maybe the silence is due in part to the concept that participants in this thread don't have the need to continuously post things that poke fun at others for what they believe, or repeatedly discuss how ignorant people are that don't think "rationally" or "logically." ;) |
... and here I thought that the general consencus was that we would truly strive to be nice to each other.
Ray |
05/02/2008 06:01:32 PM · #188 |
Originally posted by RayEthier: Originally posted by L1: Originally posted by dponlyme: Wow this thread has really died... I guess atheism has beaten the Christians into submission. Anybody watching the atheism thread? |
Maybe the silence is due in part to the concept that participants in this thread don't have the need to continuously post things that poke fun at others for what they believe, or repeatedly discuss how ignorant people are that don't think "rationally" or "logically." ;) |
... and here I thought that the general consencus was that we would truly strive to be nice to each other.
Ray |
Well I can only speak for myself but being nice is what I am and have been trying to be to everyone. Not that I haven't had my moments but I have been trying to keep things peaceful and find the common ground so that all of us can coexist without (Too many) problems. There will be some from both sides of the God/No god divide that will not play nice however. I think if we all just simply DECIDE not to take offense no matter if the words appear offensive and have the understanding that we are not going to agree on our world views then everything can be NICE. |
05/04/2008 02:56:13 AM · #189 |
Originally posted by RayEthier: Originally posted by L1: Originally posted by dponlyme: Wow this thread has really died... I guess atheism has beaten the Christians into submission. Anybody watching the atheism thread? |
Maybe the silence is due in part to the concept that participants in this thread don't have the need to continuously post things that poke fun at others for what they believe, or repeatedly discuss how ignorant people are that don't think "rationally" or "logically." ;) |
... and here I thought that the general consensus was that we would truly strive to be nice to each other.
Ray |
Hey, Prophet Ray! Yes, I'm back! Just not in the same thread that I said I was leaving, "My word is still my bond!"
Thank You, Ray, for putting your finger on the pulse of what it terribly wrong with modern Christianity, the acquiescence of Christians to the world's view of what Christians are "supposed to be"...NOT! It is a heinous travesty of justice to force the "Niceness Theology" onto true classic Christianity!
Jesus was not a "bearded lady" Who was nice! Jesus was a MAN who could limit Himself to kindness when He encountered broken people who readily admitted their lives to be tragedies, but His fiercest encounters were with implacable people who thought they "had it all together."
This last category IMHO fits both theists and atheists alike! I, too, confess implacability...when I KNOW I'm RIGHT! So, He keeps right on working on me, even while I preach the Good News! Christians have never had to be perfectly holy, free from failure, nor even smart to be usable to the LORD! We need only one ability...USABILITY! When we let God work in us, even through words folks don't want to hear, He does! Pure & Simple! End of line.
The modern "seeker-sensitive," emerging church has some good points, but it will never be better than good old-fashioned Gospel preaching! It is True that Gospel means "Good News," but it is only Good News to those who receive it! It is BAD NEWS to everyone who rejects it!
Since the bulk of Humanity is still part of Addam's Family, then my Good looks BAD to those with the Addam's Family viewpoint! That's just a fact of Life!
Message edited by author 2008-05-04 03:01:52.
05/04/2008 05:06:45 AM · #190 |
Originally posted by 777STAN: Originally posted by RayEthier: Originally posted by L1: Originally posted by dponlyme: Wow this thread has really died... I guess atheism has beaten the Christians into submission. Anybody watching the atheism thread? |
Maybe the silence is due in part to the concept that participants in this thread don't have the need to continuously post things that poke fun at others for what they believe, or repeatedly discuss how ignorant people are that don't think "rationally" or "logically." ;) |
... and here I thought that the general consensus was that we would truly strive to be nice to each other.
Ray |
Hey, Prophet Ray! Yes, I'm back! Just not in the same thread that I said I was leaving, "My word is still my bond!"
Thank You, Ray, for putting your finger on the pulse of what it terribly wrong with modern Christianity, the acquiescence of Christians to the world's view of what Christians are "supposed to be"...NOT! It is a heinous travesty of justice to force the "Niceness Theology" onto true classic Christianity!
Jesus was not a "bearded lady" Who was nice! Jesus was a MAN who could limit Himself to kindness when He encountered broken people who readily admitted their lives to be tragedies, but His fiercest encounters were with implacable people who thought they "had it all together."
This last category IMHO fits both theists and atheists alike! I, too, confess implacability...when I KNOW I'm RIGHT! So, He keeps right on working on me, even while I preach the Good News! Christians have never had to be perfectly holy, free from failure, nor even smart to be usable to the LORD! We need only one ability...USABILITY! When we let God work in us, even through words folks don't want to hear, He does! Pure & Simple! End of line.
The modern "seeker-sensitive," emerging church has some good points, but it will never be better than good old-fashioned Gospel preaching! It is True that Gospel means "Good News," but it is only Good News to those who receive it! It is BAD NEWS to everyone who rejects it!
Since the bulk of Humanity is still part of Addam's Family, then my Good looks BAD to those with the Addam's Family viewpoint! That's just a fact of Life! |
Stan... Your post appears very angry and I think it is perfectly understandable why. You were pummelled pretty mercilessly on your own thread and no one likes to be pummelled. However.. your anger does not do anything for the cause of bringing anyone to Christ. If anything you are pushing them further away by doing this. The only time I can remember Jesus getting angry in the Bible is when that which was supposedly Holy was not. (i.e. He didn't have kind words for the pharisees, He got angry that the temple was being used to make money and not only that but to cheat people). The woman who was to be stoned to death for adultery did not readily admit that her life was a tragedy or really admit anything at all yet Jesus was not angry with her. He told her to go and sin no more. I think your heart is in the right place here in the fact that you want to win people to Christ but you can't force people or even persuade them if you are angry at them. God did not call us to be angry at non-believers. Would their be a church if Paul approached non-believers with anger? Anger is what he approached Christians with before his conversion on the road to Damascus. It is not the way. Christians get angry but the key is that we forgive if we want to be forgiven. I ask that you consider these things and forgive those who have attacked you and urge you to apologize for your own transgressions. This being said you may do as you please as that is your right but it will to be to no avail. You are beating your head against a brick wall. If those who are atheist come around to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ it won't be because of your anger at their not having it in the first place. |
05/04/2008 09:37:28 AM · #191 |
Sorry, Dude, but you're wrong!
I can prove that Jesus was angry at unbelievers! You said it yourself that Jesus was angry at Pharisees! Pharisees tried to get to Heaven by their own good work/niceness/keeping underlings in line by the same kind of brow-beating going on here! Do you know how many Pharisees are in Hell today who wish alleged Christians would just HUSH the feminine Christianity and start preaching again?
Anyone who tries to go to Heaven on their own merits ends up going to Hell! Pharisees were by that definition...UNBELIEVERS! Therefore, Jesus Himself was "Hell fire & brimstone" angry with unbelievers! The Bible even says that God is angry with sinners every day! Do you WANT chapter and verse?
You are repeat the same mantra that has been used to put Christians to sleep for years, "Don't be angry!" Yet the Apostle Paul specifically says to "Be ANGRY without sinning!" You can't prove that displaying anger is sin! (You fight for wrong side when you do!)
It is time for Christians to WAKE UP! BE ANGRY! It is wrong to display a peaceful aspect when millions are running headlong into HELL! The Titanic is going down! Time to stop rearranging the deck furniture! |
05/04/2008 09:52:24 AM · #192 |
Originally posted by 777STAN: Sorry, Dude, but you're wrong!
I can prove that Jesus was angry at unbelievers! You said it yourself that Jesus was angry at Pharisees! Pharisees tried to get to Heaven by their own good work/niceness/keeping underlings in line by the same kind of brow-beating going on here! Do you know how many Pharisees are in Hell today who wish alleged Christians would just HUSH the feminine Christianity and start preaching again?
Anyone who tries to go to Heaven on their own merits ends up going to Hell! Pharisees were by that definition...UNBELIEVERS! Therefore, Jesus Himself was "Hell fire & brimstone" angry with unbelievers! The Bible even says that God is angry with sinners every day! Do you WANT chapter and verse?
You are repeat the same mantra that has been used to put Christians to sleep for years, "Don't be angry!" Yet the Apostle Paul specifically says to "Be ANGRY without sinning!" You can't prove that displaying anger is sin! (You fight for wrong side when you do!)
It is time for Christians to WAKE UP! BE ANGRY! It is wrong to display a peaceful aspect when millions are running headlong into HELL! The Titanic is going down! Time to stop rearranging the deck furniture! | holy shit...glad i can swim.
Message edited by author 2008-05-04 09:55:00.
05/04/2008 03:24:16 PM · #193 |
Originally posted by 777STAN: Sorry, Dude, but you're wrong!
I can prove that Jesus was angry at unbelievers! You said it yourself that Jesus was angry at Pharisees! Pharisees tried to get to Heaven by their own good work/niceness/keeping underlings in line by the same kind of brow-beating going on here! Do you know how many Pharisees are in Hell today who wish alleged Christians would just HUSH the feminine Christianity and start preaching again?
Anyone who tries to go to Heaven on their own merits ends up going to Hell! Pharisees were by that definition...UNBELIEVERS! Therefore, Jesus Himself was "Hell fire & brimstone" angry with unbelievers! The Bible even says that God is angry with sinners every day! Do you WANT chapter and verse?
You are repeat the same mantra that has been used to put Christians to sleep for years, "Don't be angry!" Yet the Apostle Paul specifically says to "Be ANGRY without sinning!" You can't prove that displaying anger is sin! (You fight for wrong side when you do!)
It is time for Christians to WAKE UP! BE ANGRY! It is wrong to display a peaceful aspect when millions are running headlong into HELL! The Titanic is going down! Time to stop rearranging the deck furniture! |
As I said you can do as you please but you will not be successful in doing anything except making atheists that much more sure of their position. You are pushing them into hell rather than helping them from our Christian viewpoint. Atheists are not going to respond in any way but more pummeling of you if you keep this tactic up and I can't say as I would blame them. You are provoking them with your anger. Anger is most usually met with the same. Think about it. Your pharisee argument is flawed in the fact that they were the ones who were the religious leaders of the day. Jesus was angry at them because they purported to be closer to God and indeed to teach others when they themselves were not keepers of the law. In effect they were throwing stones though they were the ones committing the more grievous sins. Teachers are held to a higher standard. They perverted Gods law for their own earthly gain. Atheist do not do this. The pharisees were believers in God, make no mistake. If you would like to continue this discussion i would appreciate it if you would pm me. |
05/04/2008 04:17:30 PM · #194 |
Stan - let's take your Titanic example. It's more like the atheists are getting ready to board the unsinkable ship for its maiden voyage and there's someone running around the pier yelling and screaming "IT'S GONNA SINK!! IT'S GONNA SINK!! AND YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!" And you are telling them that they instead, should get on your (Christian) boat, full of holes, scratches, peeling paint and many of which they have seen crash and burn (in the media).
I've heard the argument for "in your face" preaching and I can tell you that as a former atheist, it is highly counterproductive and in fact can more often have the opposite affect of what is intended. My conversion was simply a result of some people praying for me and a subsequent personal experience, and then experiences that were too real to deny. Pray for people, don't beat them over the head.
My two drachmas anyway. |
05/04/2008 04:36:50 PM · #195 |
Originally posted by 777STAN: Do you know how many Pharisees are in Hell today who wish alleged Christians would just HUSH the feminine Christianity and start preaching again? |
How many? And what about the scribes? And the Sadducees? |
05/04/2008 07:26:18 PM · #196 |
Sorry, Guys! We're not called to success! we're called to faithfulness!
We have one job! Tell the world what God thinks from a Book that doesn't need to be proven in a way that will usually be rejected by unbelievers and appeasing "christians"...(the best servants of the LORD are often labelled, FAILURES, by those who assess using the standards of this world.)
Jesus told us during His Earthly ministry, "Be very afraid when unbelievers hold you in high regard...because it's obvious that you're doing something wrong!" We were born behind enemy lines! This world is not our Home! Success in terms of the number of people coming to your churches, the number of baptisms in a given year, or people who "pray the sinner's prayer" may be considered success by Joe Average-"Christian," but it is not necessarily real success according to eternal values!
To whatever degree that Popular Christianity is just as successful as many social organizations, even Wal-Mart for instance, it is because Christianity has been molded into a format of mass appeal, which deviates heavily from classic Christianity. Even my style heretofore would have been considered liberal appeasement by the churches of my youth.
Ken, I do honor you, My Friend! I understand your viewpoint, and I am glad you have been saved! It is out of respect for you and dponlyme that I have intentionally mellowed this post, therefore, I merely ask that you consider that even though your conversion was due to prayer and leaving you alone. The LORD does not change lives according to a pattern, like McDonald's makes hamburgers. Some do require "in-your-face" evangelism at the behest of the LORD Himself in order to get a soul's attention.
I AM part of an elite squad! Few are the jack-hammers, like me, but jack-hammers are needed! Remember, in road construction the foreman sends in the demolition crew first to chunk up the part of the road that no longer functions well. Then, when the mess is all piled up, he sends in the construction crew to repave a usable road. There are many excellent constructive Christians who do the very things that you all say needs to be done (you have no idea how glad I am that they exist,) but don't tell the LORD nor me that a call to a different type of ministry is not needed today. (The group-think that I have encountered here @ DPC is proof that something HAS gone hideously wrong in the Church in order for the theology of Socialism to take root...pointing to the need for a Revival of the Word of God!)
Don't ever forget that when the Prophet Balaam showed the LORD his rear end and rode his ass in the wrong direction, the LORD opened the mouth of the jackass in order to preach to a recalcitrant preacher! I have told the LORD many times that if He needs a jackass to preach to wayward preachers/"christians" today, He only needs to open my mouth and put the words in it!
05/04/2008 10:12:12 PM · #197 |
Originally posted by 777STAN: To whatever degree that Popular Christianity is just as successful as many social organizations, even Wal-Mart for instance, it is because Christianity has been molded into a format of mass appeal, which deviates heavily from classic Christianity. |
For Christianity to have achieved the same success as an organisation such as Wal-Mart is really saying something.
Originally posted by 777STAN: The LORD does not change lives according to a pattern, like McDonald's makes hamburgers. |
Christianity is as successful as Wal-mart, perhaps. But does it have the global reach of McDonalds? Probably not, since the Big Mac can be found in many non-Christian countries. There's still work to be done, Stan!
Originally posted by 777STAN: Some do require "in-your-face" evangelism at the behest of the LORD Himself in order to get a soul's attention. |
I was thinking; Bright clothes, painted face. Ronald McDonald perhaps? Now there's an attention grabber!
Originally posted by 777STAN: I AM part of an elite squad! Few are the jack-hammers, like me, but jack-hammers are needed! |
And you're certainly jack-hammering your way through to me with these posts! - Keep up the good work.
Originally posted by 777STAN: Remember, in road construction the foreman sends in the demolition crew first to chunk up the part of the road that no longer functions well. Then, when the mess is all piled up, he sends in the construction crew to repave a usable road. |
You know, some mornings I wake up feeling just like a pile of messed-up road.
Originally posted by 777STAN: I have told the LORD many times that if He needs a jackass to preach to wayward preachers/"christians" today, He only needs to open my mouth and put the words in it! |
Really, you've left me speechless! |
05/04/2008 11:14:35 PM · #198 |
What a sad, tragic waste. |
05/04/2008 11:34:46 PM · #199 |
Originally posted by Louis: What a sad, tragic waste. |
Not a total waste, I'm getting a great laugh out of it :) |
05/05/2008 12:12:16 AM · #200 |
Thank You! It is great to know that you found all the humor and important concepts I left for you. That's one reason why Jesus is such a great addition to being The Savior, He tailored His concepts to His audience as well.
Yes, What a thought so truly great,
to know that Hope is caught,
When speakers plainly demonstrate,
that advertisement taught,
Becomes two methods on one plate,
one awful, other haute!
To advertise something, someone,
upon the stage of Earth,
Insure that strong emotions come,
and you show THAT there's worth!
To love or hate a subject...'s GOOD,
for you show that there's care!
How great to know a song or word,
a jingle humming everywhere,
Is just the prayer that certainly could,
create a change somewhere! :)
There is at least the slight possibility that Ken had an irritating Christian friend years before he was saved, whose constantly, consistently, irritating "prattle", droning on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on...about "Jesus, salvation, Heaven, Hell, Jesus, salvation, Heaven, Hell, Jesus, salvation, Heaven, Hell"...was a jingle he couldn't "get out of his head" to the extent that when someone gentler came along who merely said, "I'll pray for you!", Ken was at that point more receptive.
Harvest always follows planting...months earlier, but wheat seed on hard soil can't produce a crop. Tillers that "rough up" the soil can get the seed in, so that gentler souls can come by later and reap the harvest.
Each job is so necessary to the end result!
Reaping the harvest I not my job, any more than scoring touchdowns is the job of the middle linebacker. Middle linebackers do occasionally score touchdowns, and I do occasionally have the privilege of leading someone to the LORD! However, my main job is to secure the goal line so that my Enemy does not carry precious souls to His touchdown of Hell! Tackling is what I do! Defense means "keeping the ball in play" so that the Offense can come on the field and score the touchdown!
Teams with BAD defenses cannot be improved by great offenses! Just ask Dan Marino, one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history...without a Super Bowl ring! Of course, rubbing shoulders with Fran Tarkington can't be all that bad! Blessings! :)