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2nd PlacePresto

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Birds III (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 600mm f/4.0L IS USM
Date: Jun 21, 2012
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 640
Shutter: 1/2000 sec
Date Uploaded: Jun 21, 2012

Thanks a lot everyone!

This is my first attempt at bird photography, and I couldn't have even dreamed about such result, I'm very happy about it.

As a beginner, I knew I had zero chance to capture something like that in the wild, so I went to a little park located in large woods, one hour away from home. I knew bird shows were going on there. The show occurred in a clearing in the woods, and during it, some food was thrown in a central pond of water. Birds were flying from one side to the other, catching the food pieces on their path: this is when I took the photo.

Technically, I was very glad the lens was mounted on a Wimberley head: eagles are obviously very fast, and following such a quick bird when it is filling the frame is a nightmare. No way I would have done it handheld. Keeping it in focus was also very challenging: it definitely requires experience and skill to be done properly! Two third of my shots were out of focus :-/

All in all a very interesting experience!

Place: 2 out of 110
Avg (all users): 7.6667
Avg (commenters): 8.6875
Avg (participants): 7.1957
Avg (non-participants): 7.9853
Views since voting: 5425
Views during voting: 314
Votes: 114
Comments: 67
Favorites: 15 (view)

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03/19/2013 10:22:57 PM

Message edited by author 2013-03-19 22:26:37.
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07/05/2012 12:02:12 AM
Omg dude. That's nuts. Amazing shot.
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07/04/2012 09:28:08 PM
This is so... soo... sooo. .. much better than your first bird shot!
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07/02/2012 06:18:06 PM
brilliant Christoph, truly brilliant love the detail and the capture, and the 600 whit woo hehe :) thats a nice toy :) good use of it.

great work

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07/02/2012 01:54:10 AM
Great shot. Love it.
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07/01/2012 04:24:36 PM
Insane shot. WOW!!
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07/01/2012 03:11:42 PM
I've been away for a couple of days, sorry for the late congrats but I just had to say what a spectacular shot this is! Superb as always!
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06/30/2012 06:00:49 PM
I was wondering if this was in a captive environment -- to get a shot like that in less than a week in the wild would be incredibly difficult. :)

Even so, it's still a difficult capture and I only play with 400mm. Can't imagine trying with a 600. Beautifully done!

(Was without a computer for a week, so my congrats are a bit belated.)
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06/30/2012 04:53:20 PM
Thanks for telling us how you got this because I was very curious how you got an image of a Bald Eagle in France. Great great image Christophe. Once again proving your overall excelence as a Photographer.
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06/30/2012 12:40:58 PM
Fantastic image I love it.Congrats on the ribbon.
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06/30/2012 12:20:06 PM
Originally posted by gcoulson:

Christophe, this is an outstanding image. Curious to know if the water was truly this spectacular blue, or whether this was enhance a little in PS? Just great timing on the shot, and the detail is wonderful!

Thanks a lot! It's no news: I like to process my shots extensively, and this one is no exception. Colors were all tweaked to maximize visual impact.
06/30/2012 12:03:40 PM
Christophe, this is an outstanding image. Curious to know if the water was truly this spectacular blue, or whether this was enhance a little in PS? Just great timing on the shot, and the detail is wonderful!
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06/29/2012 06:57:05 PM
I won't be renewing my membership this year.
Seems very little point now.
It is a little unfair to parade your skills so shamelessly and subtly inform us that we are perhaps best suited to another hobby.
Of course this is superb !
If I'm honest, I'm not a fan of the heavily manipulated images but there is no doubting your talent,
Well done, again.... Grrrr

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06/29/2012 06:42:53 PM
LOL welcome to the crazy world of bird and wildlife photography!! See how much fun it is with an environment and subject over which you usually have minimal, if any control? :-0

I guessed right off that this was a zoo or raptor park shot. The colour of the water, looks like jesses were cloned out and the eagle's got a chunk of raw meat in its talons, not fish. Facilities like that don't generally feed live prey, as it upsets people to see a living animal destroyed before them. But tossing meat that the bird is accustomed to, into water, gives the bird exercise and a chance to remember that it's supposed to get its food from water, not a handler wearing welding gloves.

Still, a very good shot and I can't tell you the number of times I've got a shot that would otherwise be perfect except for missed focus. Great work!
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06/29/2012 04:44:15 PM
Excellent timing and capture. I am so jelous you got that oportunity!
Well Done!
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06/29/2012 03:17:15 PM
Gorgeous color and incredible detail. I guarantee all my shots would have been out of focus. Congratulations on the ribbon.
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06/29/2012 02:33:34 PM
This is such an awesome capture, getting this kind of detail and clarity on a bird in flight takes talent. Congrats on another well deserved ribbon!
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06/29/2012 01:05:38 PM
Originally posted by jimsapp:

How does a guy in France find a bald eagle?

He just removes the hair from it ;-)
06/29/2012 12:39:55 PM
Wow! This is just a mind blowing shot!!
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06/29/2012 11:55:41 AM
How does a guy in France find a bald eagle?
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06/29/2012 09:11:02 AM
Wow!! This is stunning!
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06/29/2012 08:46:22 AM
The blue background tones and detail on the wings make this a stunning shot. Congrats.
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06/29/2012 07:58:51 AM
Amazing - congrats on the ribbon
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06/29/2012 07:17:00 AM
Once again, incredible capture. Please help us understand your process... I'd love to know how you got this result.
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06/29/2012 05:18:14 AM
brilliant vibrant shot! another amazing photo - GREAT PHOTOSHOP SKILLS! joking :-)

Message edited by author 2012-06-29 05:19:15.
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06/29/2012 04:34:27 AM
Excellent Photograph.
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06/29/2012 04:22:03 AM
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06/29/2012 03:53:39 AM
Congrats christophe this is awesome!
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06/29/2012 03:03:24 AM
Stunning shot, Christophe. Congrats on the ribbon.
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06/29/2012 02:46:43 AM
Congratulations - great capture Christophe.
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06/29/2012 01:55:37 AM
Great shot Christoph, such an elegant creature, congrats.
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06/29/2012 01:37:17 AM
Congrats - well earned
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06/29/2012 01:26:11 AM
I dream about getting a shot like this, well played
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06/29/2012 01:25:25 AM
Hmmmm...the last wings were too long (well at least one of them), and these wings are cropped rather rudely too short. Gosh....will the third set of wings be just right?! Like Goldilocks, I have faith...;-)

Congrats on your ribbon!
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06/29/2012 01:23:33 AM
You have been my hero for a long time. This image is why: you are an extraordinary photographer, not only because of your imagination in the expert skill set, but your incredible diversity and ability at all levels. Congrats on your ribbon, Christophe. Well deserved.
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06/29/2012 12:43:52 AM
No doubt constructed from 4000 individual photos of feathers, and another feather in your cap. Congrats!
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06/29/2012 12:36:59 AM
This. Is. Amazing.

This should stop those comments about you not being a photographer, huh? :D

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06/29/2012 12:32:49 AM
Originally posted by Abra:

Great shot and congrats! Have you got a ribbon in minimal yet?

Thank you. Yes I have a ribbon in minimal.
06/29/2012 12:29:19 AM
Color, clarity, and focus are superb. Congrats on a great capture and the red ribbon!
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06/29/2012 12:13:33 AM
I totally did not see that coming! Awesome capture!
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06/29/2012 12:09:40 AM
Pitty you didn't use a 400mm lens as you might have caught the whole bird - just kidding. Great shot and congrats! Have you got a ribbon in minimal yet?
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06/29/2012 12:08:44 AM
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06/29/2012 12:06:15 AM
Is there anything you can't do?
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06/29/2012 12:05:31 AM
Congrats on this shot, awesome! Christophe, is there anything your not good at!
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06/29/2012 12:03:42 AM
Wow! Gyaban does wildlife!
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06/29/2012 12:02:44 AM
Great shot Christophe
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06/29/2012 12:01:54 AM
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/28/2012 11:39:07 PM
AMAZING! Would scored higher had the wing tips been in frame, but in all, this is a ribboner I'm sure...
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06/28/2012 08:36:13 PM
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06/28/2012 05:14:49 PM
Striking image, fabulous light, color, clarity. It would have been great to seen the full wing span here, but still a 10 for me.

Already voted, just commenting today ;)
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06/28/2012 01:29:11 AM
oh yeah, magnificent!
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06/27/2012 09:52:00 AM
Magnificent. This image is breathtaking and inspiring.
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06/26/2012 10:08:30 PM
Fully expecting to see this on the front page. Great work!
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06/26/2012 04:54:31 PM
Certainly a favorite of mine in this challenge. Love the colors!
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06/23/2012 11:51:09 AM
Top 5
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06/23/2012 12:48:52 AM
Wow! I hope you say how you managed to get this shot. 10
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06/22/2012 01:23:44 PM
I'm sure you'll hear this a dozen times, but the wings clipped are a distraction. I do like the action capture and the close up of the head and talons.
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06/22/2012 01:01:34 PM
Yikes; I'd get out of his way! Beautiful feather detail on those wings.
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06/22/2012 12:22:32 PM
Love the action in this image,one of my topsters.
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06/22/2012 12:03:19 PM
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06/22/2012 11:12:46 AM
Stopped me and made me go wow!
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06/22/2012 10:51:51 AM
Incredible clarity, good composition, wonderful colors, great bokeh. A winner for sure. I would like to know how you were able to achieve this.
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06/22/2012 08:47:43 AM
Amazing!! Love the colour of the water too.
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06/22/2012 07:28:43 AM
Explosive. Magical. Wonderful focus and action. I would say this is doing rather well despite the lack of fish :) or only parts of it :) Bumped to 8.
Is this completely wild or baited site? One shot or part of a series? I look forward to roll-over to read all the tog and voter comments. VWD.
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06/22/2012 05:15:08 AM
fabulous focus and color. well done.
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06/22/2012 12:42:24 AM
Great expression on the eagle's face, and lots of evident strength in the wings. A very solid capture. Looks a bit blue, which could be expected on water. Maybe warm up the white balance just a little?
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06/22/2012 12:31:47 AM
Wow. Fabulous!!

(commenting only)
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