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The Diligent Plumber
2nd PlaceThe Diligent Plumber

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: My Left Foot (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS
Location: Home Studio
Date: Jan 16, 2013
Aperture: f/16
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Humorous, Interior
Date Uploaded: Jan 16, 2013

This image © 2013 by Oliver Hoffmann. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is a violation of applicable laws and will be prosecuted.

Too much leg probably...

I knew this would garner a lot of DNMC votes - and you have all the rights to do so. Actually, it is my left foot, not the one attached to my limb, though, but since I am in possession of this mannequins leg, I thought I could say so and sacrificed literality for creativity.

@ Katie: I'm the one who keeps the bathroom clean. Actually, I tried to add some grunge with NikViveza because it looked too clean and I didn't want to have to submit proof :)

Someone asked for validation, anyway - did you really think it was my real leg and I had cloned out the rest of my body or what was it? Just out of curiosity...

Place: 2 out of 52
Avg (all users): 6.4530
Avg (commenters): 7.0714
Avg (participants): 5.2424
Avg (non-participants): 6.9286
Views since voting: 2759
Views during voting: 333
Votes: 117
Comments: 44
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/16/2013 07:36:12 AM
A little late... but better late than never, right?
01/29/2013 09:22:05 PM
Congratulations! Very well done.
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01/28/2013 12:14:14 AM
Cute. However every time I see the thumbnail I think it's a chocolate bunny about to dive in!!!
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01/26/2013 12:31:02 PM
I love it when creativity and humor merge with technical know how. Immensely clever and well done, Oliver. Congrats.
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01/26/2013 11:34:31 AM
I too was trying to figure out how you could have gotten someone in the toilet. Great job
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01/26/2013 09:52:58 AM
I really thought you were in the toilet and you had shot with an underwater remote control! :D

Great idea!! 9 from me!
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01/25/2013 09:53:52 PM
Will you come clean my bathrooms?

Oh yeah... congrats on your ribbon!
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01/25/2013 09:03:19 PM
I thought you had a toilet-shaped wood chipper and that was a former DNMC voter.
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01/25/2013 08:42:01 PM
Got a 10 from me my friend....this is just awesome!!! Congrats!!
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01/25/2013 06:47:51 PM
Quality of image is high. Score is scandalously low.
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01/25/2013 12:40:40 PM
My brother was out for a visit while I was viewing these "foot" images. He was just casually looking over my shoulder but soon found himself sitting next to me and laughing along at some of the more creative entries in this challenge. I think he laughed the hardest at this one, so did I (we also had a few ewwww moments lol). Great job, and congratulations! Now I gotta go clean the tub....
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01/25/2013 10:30:57 AM
Originally posted by h2:

Must that really be discussed here? I was aware of being DNMCed as I already stated in the comments section.

Regarding basic editing and lighting: Where's the difficulty here? One flash bounced of the ceiling, slightly underexposed; basically only WB correction and exposure/contrast adjustments in LR.

I've never been successful at bouncing, and there were no hot spots, and the whites were so clean... anyway, maybe I just need to shoot in a bathroom to get basic right. Whenever I have a white background and a darker subject, I always seem to need advanced editing to get it to work. White bathrooms, here I come!!
01/25/2013 10:14:55 AM
I gave you an extra point for the cleanliness of your bathroom, nice one Oliver.
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01/25/2013 09:40:48 AM
Beautifully rendered, Oliver. Congrats!
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01/25/2013 08:44:24 AM
Regarding basic editing and lighting: Where's the difficulty here? One flash bounced of the ceiling, slightly underexposed; basically only WB correction and exposure/contrast adjustments in LR.

Message edited by author 2013-01-25 10:36:57.
01/25/2013 08:20:09 AM
Truly awesome shot, Oliver!! How in the heck did you get this so awesome in basic? You need to teach me lighting...

Message edited by author 2013-01-25 10:27:17.
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01/25/2013 07:51:01 AM
I laughed when I saw this one, I had just told my wife during the submission period that I wanted to take a photo of my foot in the toilet and title it "Red Neck Plunger" but she pooh pooh the idea so I was glad to see someone had a similar idea. Congratulations, fun shot and glad to hear it technically is your foot......haha
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01/25/2013 06:48:09 AM
So this is what happens when a person goes in after their dropped Iphone:-):-) (You laugh but I know a friend who accidently flushed his phone). Grats on the red- very well done shot and the humor aspect helps catapult this to the top.
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01/25/2013 06:06:46 AM
Great shot Oliver. Probably the one picture in the challenge I would ever want to see again after voting...
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01/25/2013 05:36:59 AM
Holy cow, look at all those 'literal challenge' DNMC'er votes. Witch Hunters! No matter how they defend themselves there's no justification for those holier than though votes. It's against the rules to vote this way even if one thinks the image is DQ/DNMC. Submit a ticket but vote as if it's DMC. Photographically it's worth way above average 5 especially for Basic Editing.

"Challenge Rules
You may not:
give an entry a lower score because you believe it violates the Challenge Rules."

WD Oliver. If it wasn't for OOB thinkers we'd still be clubbing each other to death in Pangea over the Thag's.

Best of all you came in 2nd despite all these trolls.

Originally posted by adriano74:

...The challenge never said that a prosthesis couldn't be included. And a prosthesis is just as good as any leg. Great job and imagination...

Message edited by author 2013-02-04 01:37:22.
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01/25/2013 03:09:13 AM
Great work oliver, one of my top two picks of the challenge. I was SERIOUSLY hoping you'd drilled a big hole in the toilet and stuck your leg through. You'd have had the option to get a 12! :) congrats
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01/25/2013 02:45:09 AM
As I said before the beginning of the challenge, it doesn't matter if it was your foot or not. Therefore it deserved the ribbon... it's a great shot, my favorite in this challenge!
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01/25/2013 02:44:38 AM
Yeah ok, this is good. Period. Congrats.
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01/25/2013 02:40:59 AM
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01/25/2013 01:34:39 AM
Originally posted by h2:

Originally posted by Neat:

I recognized the bathroom!

How's that? It's the first photo I have taken there...

I thought it was where this was taken but I guess I was wrong!
01/25/2013 01:19:03 AM
Originally posted by Neat:

I recognized the bathroom!

How's that? It's the first photo I have taken there...
01/25/2013 12:24:51 AM
I recognized the bathroom:

This was interesting
Avg (all users): 6.4530
Avg (commenters): 7.0714
Avg (participants): 5.2424
Avg (non-participants): 6.9286

But they were similar on all the ribbon shots!

Still better than what I could do!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/24/2013 09:37:16 PM
More like the immaculate bathroom. geez, look at those sparkling tiles!
01/24/2013 09:29:49 PM
LOL! Well done. Top pick.
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01/24/2013 07:02:35 PM
so i was thinking through this and noted it was validated, first thought was long exposure with lens cap on and off for the two exposures, then i thought about a display bathroom in a shop but still the toilet opening wouldn't be wide enough for a leg, so then i thought maybe manaquin/prosthetic leg, intrigued to find out how it was done, 8
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01/24/2013 01:18:42 PM
Oops, slipped
01/24/2013 11:04:39 AM
Don't know what to do with this one... It's a great shot, and it's awesome for basic editing. But how can it be your left foot? Not voting right now, because I don't want to DNMC if I'm missing something.
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01/24/2013 04:36:34 AM
Ha, funny, drop your mobile did you?
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01/20/2013 03:41:44 PM
Although the rules say left foot no other parts... this is Brillant! I keep going back and laughing my backside off at this!!! I think if you had cut the leg off and just stuck the ankle foot up this would have WON hands down!! Not votieng because I have one in here, but If I was this would be my pick for #1 leg or no!!! I hate you for the prestine white Super clean bathroom.... (or your wife) LOL
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01/19/2013 12:46:22 PM
ok...I don't even want to guess how you actually got the shot but great work, should be a top 3!
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01/18/2013 07:44:19 PM
Oh golly! I love this! LOL!

(commenting only)
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01/18/2013 06:27:18 PM
Confusing picture. Is that really your own left foot in the shoe? Nicely lit!
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01/18/2013 03:35:20 PM
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01/18/2013 11:50:18 AM
Would that be your left foot?
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01/18/2013 11:45:19 AM
Not sure this meets the challenge.
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01/18/2013 08:47:53 AM
Probably the best shot in the challenge, but I'm not exectly convinced this is your left foot... unless you have a prosthetic leg... which is entirely possible of course, so I can't really declare this as DNMC. So therefore, 10!
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01/18/2013 05:11:00 AM
I have to say that this is one the favorites. The challenge never said that a prosthesis couldn't be included. And a prosthesis is just as good as any leg. Great job and imagination.
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01/18/2013 01:28:59 AM
Very comic. Particularly like the odd pants with knee patch. Where the hell is his right leg or he is the one legged Plumber? Glad there's no plumbers crack to go with the shot. Major pro lighting/PP for basic.
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01/18/2013 01:16:02 AM
Lol, we all know that can't be your foot your ankles look too skinny, still good for a laugh!
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