Author | Thread |
04/11/2008 01:46:53 PM · #51 |
I find this thread to be so refreshing.
I would like to ask what are some of your favorite Christian worship or praise songs. Here are a few of mine.
Praise his name - Sherri Easter
Redeemer - Crabb Family
He knows my name - I don't know who sings this version but very good. |
04/11/2008 01:54:43 PM · #52 |
i have a degree in religion for a christian university. i'm am also a former youth pastor, former youth worker, former worship band member, former worship band leader, former bible study leader.
oh yeah. i also believe everything the bible says about who Jesus was/is/will be.
04/11/2008 02:04:41 PM · #53 |
I'm Midwestern Baptist and my wife is Catholic, so (by law) I have to make fun of her. ;p
Message edited by author 2008-04-14 10:11:32. |
04/11/2008 02:09:26 PM · #54 |
04/11/2008 02:28:57 PM · #55 |
Originally posted by SDW: I find this thread to be so refreshing.
I would like to ask what are some of your favorite Christian worship or praise songs. |
I'm a HUGE fan of contemporary Christian music, such as 33 Miles, Casting Crowns, MercyMe, Phillips Craig & Dean, Chris Tomlin, Lincoln Brewster, Jeremy Camp...the list goes on and on and on. Some of my current favorite songs are:
1. There is a God (33 Miles)
2. Savin' the World (Clay Crosse)
3. Cinderella (Steven Curtis Chapman)
4. The Word is Alive (Casting Crowns)
5. Undo (Rush of Fools)
I also am really enjoying connecting with my sons through Christian music...they are fans of Red, Kutless, Disciple, Bless the Fall, and other heavy-metal (ish) Christian bands. We saw Disciple (along with several other bands) together in concert not long ago and had a BLAST.
Christian music is a very important part of my day. I listen all the time because it lifts my spirits and lifts praise up to Him. What could be better? :)
Oh, that's another favorite song, too (What Could be Better by 33 Miles)! :)
Message edited by author 2008-04-11 14:29:21. |
04/11/2008 02:34:50 PM · #56 |
Originally posted by AndyMac24: "Believe what you want and let me believe what I want and stop mixing politics and religion!!!!" |
Friend, even though I DO believe that every man, woman, boy & girl has the moral responsibility to personally own their belief system...whatever THAT choice may be ultimately, I must respectfully point out the fallacy of believing that you can separate your beliefs about the spirit realm from any area in the physical realm.
No human has the ability to separate the effects of their bedrock, life-level, course-driving beliefs from any area of their life. (FYI - I have too much experience and precedence as well as having a heart sold-out to Jesus Christ Alone on this and ALL matters of belief for anyone to bother "wasting their breath" to try to convince me otherwise.)
I have been told that I am terribly unfriendly to opposing viewpoints. I am honored that people clearly get THAT message! I am way past tired of "playing footsies" with people who think that I should mellow out my rhetoric when they are the ones "playing with fire."
Compassion and self-sacrifice are very strong characteristics of people who believe the truth that Jesus preached in His Earthly walk (and still lives to preach today.)
Compassion is what moves people, like me, to action when we see a child running into the path of an on-coming car, when we see whole ethnic groups being slaughtered because of their differences, and when we "see" otherwise intelligent individuals "drink mental/spiritual strychnine" as though it was water from the "Fountain of Youth."
In ancient times before GPS and spy satellites, most towns were protected by a high wall (and often a moat as well.) These towns, also, required guards (or watchmen,...if you will) to be posted on the wall 24-7-365 to alert additional marksmen and to ready the towns-people at a moment's notice.
When seeing the enemy approaching, the trumpeter had but one job...Sound the Battle Alarm!
If he did this, and the people foolishly thought he was just practicing or not really serious (i.e. a mere "Boy Who Cried Wolf,") and they kept on sleeping or "took their sweet time in getting ready." The town might be sacked, but the trumpeter was free from responsibility!
If, however, he saw the approaching army and foolishly discounted the seriousness of the situation and failed to sound the battle cry, he would be guilty of a capital crime. Therefore, if he wasn't killed by the enemy, he would most certainly be killed by any surviving townspeople who could put hand to sword.
Life! Jesus! Heaven! Hell! ALL are serious matters to me! All are True and Unchangeable outside my beliefs about them! When I believe what the LORD Jesus says about Himself, I begin to align myself with Truth. He does not begin to be Truth merely because I believe Him to be Truth! He would be Truth whether I spent my eternity in Heaven or in Hell!
As a Christian my job is to be a watchman on the wall! I see the enemy of the human soul, whose name is Death, inexorably approaching. He WILL visit every human "Believe it or not!"...until Gabriel blows his trumpet.
I am sounding the alarm! You are WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will continue to sound the alarm as long as I breathe! You will continue to be warned! (I am human enough to confess that I don't like my message, ONLY because is makes me unpopular, but I can't change the message because it is not my message!)
I sound the alarm! My responsibility has been executed! Whatever you choose to do with that message is, of course, your eternal choice! Own it! Choose wisely...for the only people who really care about your eternal souls...are those of us who right now appear harsh, and socially unacceptable.
Pro-Choice? Choose LIFE! :)
04/11/2008 02:43:49 PM · #57 |
Originally posted by SDW: I find this thread to be so refreshing.
I would like to ask what are some of your favorite Christian worship or praise songs. |
Anything on this station (listener supported) RadioU |
04/11/2008 02:50:59 PM · #58 |
"I believe teenagers are God's revenge on Mankind! It's as if God Himself looked down and said, 'Hey! Let's see how they like it to create someone of their own image who denies their existence!'" Comedian Jeff Allen (This is by far my all-time favorite line said by any comedian!)
Funny! Powerful! :) Right on the Money! :)
04/11/2008 03:05:55 PM · #59 |
04/11/2008 03:24:28 PM · #60 |
My personal favs:
Jars of Clay
Rich Mullens (all time fav)
Casting Crowns
Shawn McDonald
Steven Curtis Chapman
But then again, I pretty much like any Christian music :-)
The radio station we listen to here in the Seattle area is Spirit 105.3
Originally posted by L1: Originally posted by SDW: I find this thread to be so refreshing.
I would like to ask what are some of your favorite Christian worship or praise songs. |
I'm a HUGE fan of contemporary Christian music, such as 33 Miles, Casting Crowns, MercyMe, Phillips Craig & Dean, Chris Tomlin, Lincoln Brewster, Jeremy Camp...the list goes on and on and on. Some of my current favorite songs are:
1. There is a God (33 Miles)
2. Savin' the World (Clay Crosse)
3. Cinderella (Steven Curtis Chapman)
4. The Word is Alive (Casting Crowns)
5. Undo (Rush of Fools)
I also am really enjoying connecting with my sons through Christian music...they are fans of Red, Kutless, Disciple, Bless the Fall, and other heavy-metal (ish) Christian bands. We saw Disciple (along with several other bands) together in concert not long ago and had a BLAST.
Christian music is a very important part of my day. I listen all the time because it lifts my spirits and lifts praise up to Him. What could be better? :)
Oh, that's another favorite song, too (What Could be Better by 33 Miles)! :) |
04/11/2008 05:41:45 PM · #61 |
04/11/2008 05:49:28 PM · #62 |
Originally posted by Tom: why is this in rant now? |
Please. |
04/11/2008 07:24:48 PM · #63 |
"Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation." (2 Peter 3:2-4)
"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: âI will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.â Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know Him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. (1 Corinthians 1:18-25)
"As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man."
"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the creator, who is forever praised. Amen."
* * * * *
To those who believe, keep the faith! To those who are struggling to find something to wrap your mind around, understand that it is through faith alone that you will find the truth. Stop trying to figure it all out and let God fill your heart instead, and you will be truly blessed. So hard to accept, maybe, but so wonderful to receive and to know. Had I not been saved years ago by the grace of God, I would have been long since dead. I'm not perfect, by any stretch. I'm flawed. Don't know many of the "answers" this world is desperately searching for. But I have no qualms with the coexistence of faith and science. Works for me.
I don't just believe in God. I KNOW God is real because of all He has done in my life. It's just that simple. Nothing can shake that belief once you know God. For anyone who is doubting, seeking, struggling, searching, I couldn't recommend the path to God any more highly. He is your only viable alternative in the end. There's simply no other way than the Truth. (A "rant?") Nope. Simple, unflinching Truth. Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you may think now, God loves you!
Peace. Love. Blessings. And Good Light.
04/12/2008 12:45:36 PM · #64 |
Originally posted by 777STAN: "I believe teenagers are God's revenge on Mankind! It's as if God Himself looked down and said, 'Hey! Let's see how they like it to create someone of their own image who denies their existence!'" Comedian Jeff Allen (This is by far my all-time favorite line said by any comedian!)
Funny! Powerful! :) Right on the Money! :) |
LOL! That's fantastic. |
04/13/2008 03:34:22 AM · #65 |
Originally posted by Tom: why is this in rant now? |
It's because of me, Bro.! Let me give a strong testimony of my faith in Jesus Christ as "The Way, The Truth, and The Life" (John 14:1-6) and whatever thread I am in at the time tanks and goes straight to RANT! "Do not pass GO! Do not collect $200! Do go straight to RANT!"
It's called, "Tolerance!" "Tolerance" means that "all viewpoints are accepted, except those the 'tolerant people' consider to be intolerant!" "Tolerance," also means, IMHO, saying that "all points of view have the same level of credibility, even when you know that Scripturally all points of view will equally send people to Hell, except the viewpoint that says, 'Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life'!"
Therefore, even though in eternal perspective I care more about the eternal souls of the "tolerant ones" who consider me to be intolerant, I as merely a messenger of The Gospel am consistently dismissed by poor benighted souls whose minds have been "blinded by the god of this age" and his blood-lust for their eternal carnage.
It's the old "Bait & Switch!" "'Popular is best because THAT many people can't be all wrong!' Then, when it's eternally too late, the Dude reveals himself and says, 'O, my Bad! I lied! The Broad Way leads to destruction! That guy at DPC that people loved to hate...Remember? He was actually Right! You should have listened! No man can possibly be THAT stupid to consistently knock his head against the brick wall of public opinion unless he was absolutely convinced of the Terror of God's Judgment as well as the Glory of God's Grace that required his heart to do everything possible to reach people diametrically opposed to his viewpoint with the message of salvation while they were doing everything they could to marginalize his words!' Dude! You really ARE thick!"
04/13/2008 10:28:13 AM · #66 |
1 Corinthians 4:5 Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; and then each man's praise will come to him from God.
Message edited by author 2008-04-13 17:30:11.
04/15/2008 02:51:45 PM · #67 |
'Rant' ?? I feel amazed that this is in rant - but maybe I shouldn't be . .
Perhaps whoever moved it to 'rant' could explain their thinking, and if 777STAN is right that it was just because of his post, then it sets an interesting criteria for threads - if there is a single post within a thread that is deemed to be a 'rant' then the whole thread gets moved ? even if the post isn't from the OP, Can that seem right ?
Anyway 'rant' or not count me in :- )
And again - great words by Art. |
04/15/2008 03:10:19 PM · #68 |
Since this is the Christian thread, I thought I'd put this here. I have a couple of prayer requests...if you would kindly lift them up I would appreciate it.
1. An employee of mine (her name is Mary Kay) has just been diagnosed with cancer and will be having surgery to remove a tumor under her arm next week...she will then go through 48 weeks of chemotherapy.
2. My 4 year-old great niece Rhiannon has just been diagnosed with congenital cataracts and will require surgery on both eyes soon.
Thanks and if you have any prayer requests I figure this is as good a place as any to post them.
P.S. To keep it on a photographic level, I can't seem to get out of the (very) low 5s here lately on're welcome to add that to your list. ;) |
04/15/2008 03:16:15 PM · #69 |
Are Catholics allowed? Or is this a Protestant only club?
Message edited by author 2008-04-15 15:16:46. |
04/15/2008 03:44:10 PM · #70 |
Originally posted by scarbrd: Are Catholics allowed? Or is this a Protestant only club? |
All are catholics...some are simply protesting.
L1 - prayers sent.
Message edited by author 2008-04-15 15:52:40. |
04/15/2008 03:59:51 PM · #71 |
Originally posted by Flash: Originally posted by scarbrd: Are Catholics allowed? Or is this a Protestant only club? |
All are catholics...some are simply protesting. |
But there are catholics and then there are Catholics. ;-)
Wars have been fought over the difference.
Message edited by author 2008-04-15 16:00:06. |
04/15/2008 06:40:37 PM · #72 |
04/15/2008 06:43:23 PM · #73 |
you guys must be real
and what about W?
Message edited by scalvert - Forum Rule #12- Do not bait or provoke other users.. |
04/16/2008 01:15:17 PM · #74 |
04/21/2008 01:11:01 PM · #75 |
Thanks for the wonderful response to "calling all christians"!!WOW!!! I am truly gratified to find so many wonderful Christian folks here at DPC. I honestly didn't expect to get much of a response at all. This is great!!. As far as this being in the rant thread I guess that is my fault. It didn't get moved here. I put it here mainly because I didn't know where else to put it and I had been discussing God with atheist on the religion and science thread (which is in rant). As far as music... I'm not much of a music person but I love 'DC Talk'. If you haven't heard them you gotta seek them out. They are awesome. I noticed a few of the responders do not go to a church. Neither do I but mainly because I've never felt compelled to find one... until now. I'm going to be looking into it very soon. My problem has always been that I didn't understand why there were denominations. Christians should all be one big happy family but sadly our own imperfect humanistic hardness of heart has fractured the true Church. I invite all to read in the science and theology II thread my salvation testimony and request that you all place your testimony for all of the atheists to read. Let's all be gardeners for God and plant some seeds there. Be careful not to argue with them (unlike me at times) but share the reason for your Joy. So I can make sure everyone reads this message I am going to private message it to every Christian who replied in this thread. We all need to stay in touch or form a group or have a forum on here just for us. What do you think?
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