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Turkey enough for 48 days?
1st PlaceTurkey enough for 48 days?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Feast III (Advanced Editing VII*)
Collection: Challenges
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon TS-E 17mm f/4.0L MF
Location: Los Altos Hills, CA
Date: Nov 22, 2012
Aperture: f/11
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1 sec
Date Uploaded: Nov 22, 2012

This is true tilt/shift: the image would not have been possible without that lens. The lens is shifted as far as possible to favor the foreground and I still had to angle the camera down slightly; the foreground plate's literally underneath the lens.

Then I needed the tilt get DOF, from inches away in foreground to as far as you can see. on the BG tree.

Amazing lens. Thanks for all the votes. I was afraid the processing would kill me, but I wanted the Norman Rockwell thing...

Place: 1 out of 29
Avg (all users): 6.7706
Avg (commenters): 7.7895
Avg (participants): 6.6471
Avg (non-participants): 6.7935
Views since voting: 4409
Views during voting: 333
Votes: 109
Comments: 61
Favorites: 11 (view)

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07/14/2016 03:03:16 AM
Amazing work & they all held the pose for you too especially the lady on the right. What a great smile. Adding to my favorites
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07/25/2013 02:18:22 AM
Amazing no one moved in that long lone second.
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12/09/2012 04:35:40 PM
Totally awesome!
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12/06/2012 12:40:06 PM
I figured that had to be yours, but I hadn't seen you do that type of processing in a long time. :)

Beautifully done, and the processing fits it perfectly. Hadn't guessed the tilt-shift lens. Majorly cool! But where's the menu regarding the side dishes? I'd be curious as to what your thanksgiving side dishes would be. :)

Huge congrats on a blue in what I consider a difficult challenge.
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12/06/2012 12:39:53 AM
This way way under-rated ... What an unbelievable shot. congratulations my friend on the ribbon and on a beautiful photo. I trust the feast was as good.
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12/05/2012 06:25:03 PM
Amazing! Love it Robert! What a great selection of expressions
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12/05/2012 05:47:15 PM
Very Nice. Looking forward to your Christmas dinner next!
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12/05/2012 10:16:15 AM
Perfect. Exactly what I would have liked to have done. Congrats, Bear!
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12/05/2012 03:39:21 AM
Congratulations on your Blue - you succeeded in the Norman Rockwell 'thing' - I really like the light from the ceiling shining on the fixture ( at least that's what it looks like to me ) .. it's quirky and neat and kept my interest. I can never get the scene outside windows to be as well exposed as what you did. I also like that only the turkey was present as it allows the eye to take in the beautifully decorated table. A wonderful gathering in a gracious setting.

Message edited by author 2012-12-05 03:42:36.
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12/05/2012 03:36:54 AM
one of the best photos i've seen here, quite surreal, nice job!
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12/05/2012 01:37:44 AM
Congratulations on the blue for a masterful image, Bear.
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12/04/2012 09:47:15 PM
Well, duh! Easy peasy win, Sir Bear. Congrats.
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12/04/2012 09:02:34 PM
Congrats Bear!! I too was worried this shot would get hit with low scores do to the processing. It works very well....Again Congrats!
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12/04/2012 08:25:19 PM
Originally posted by smardaz:

Originally posted by smardaz:

oy vey, processing can be like frosting on a cake, the right amount is wonderful, too much can make you sick....

dang, lookin back on this now, it sounds kinda harsh, sorry bout that.

LOL, that happens!!!

The PP was perfect for the scene!! You did it well!
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12/04/2012 08:06:11 PM
Wow love that person's sense of style. Everything on the table matches! Looks like a wonderful gathering. The reflections of light on the ceiling are beautiful. Congrats on the blue!
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12/04/2012 05:18:24 PM
Way to go!!! I didn't vote this one, but can see now this is surely a winner! Love the dishes. :)
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12/04/2012 04:42:09 PM
Oh BearPerson, I was torn between thinking Norman Rockwell, recognizing Penny, and admiring the wonderful table setting. And then there is that louche turkey all by its lonesome. What a richness for first place.
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12/04/2012 02:44:11 PM
Gorgeous sir....well played.
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12/04/2012 10:19:30 AM
I recall that when I joined DPC one of the first images I ever saw on the front page was yours. It was a boat on that was anchored in the water - surrounded by fog. Your photography has continued to inspire me ever since. Congratulations on your ribbon!
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12/04/2012 08:52:00 AM
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12/04/2012 08:51:32 AM
Congrats Bear, great image.
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12/04/2012 08:43:17 AM
congrats, cool image.

neat use of tilt/shift

Message edited by author 2012-12-04 08:44:07.
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12/04/2012 08:39:42 AM
Congratulations Bear, well done.
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12/04/2012 07:56:45 AM
Very Festive! Congrats on the blue. It looks like you had a great time.
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12/04/2012 07:53:53 AM
Congrats Bear; beautiful heirloom image.
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12/04/2012 06:28:48 AM
So much to be thankful for. An image to be treasured for generations.
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12/04/2012 05:52:55 AM
Congrats on the blue sir. The Norman Rockwell feel came across as you wanted. I didn't mention it before, the table setting is/was impressive. Nice work.
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12/04/2012 04:33:31 AM
You da man, Bear! This is fantastic. I might rent a tilt-shift lens and experiment/compare with the 10-22 for interior shots. Happy Holidays!
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12/04/2012 04:05:38 AM
Well done Robert, mastermind, masterful and master chef. Intrigued with the light reflections on the ceiling as well. Congratulations again.
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12/04/2012 03:56:49 AM
Nice one! - Love the processing and the tilt-shift effect. And you managed to get most of them to pose naturally too :p
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12/04/2012 02:15:45 AM
Your processing is brillant wonderful image of a family feast you must be very proud of this shot..Congrats Robert
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12/04/2012 01:59:06 AM

Message edited by author 2012-12-04 02:02:36.
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12/04/2012 01:45:58 AM
Originally posted by smardaz:

oy vey, processing can be like frosting on a cake, the right amount is wonderful, too much can make you sick....

dang, lookin back on this now, it sounds kinda harsh, sorry bout that.
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12/04/2012 01:30:28 AM
You must have directed them to hold their poses and smiles for that 1 sec s/s though Robert. Indeed a marvellous lens but only in the right hands and on a tripod. If not you have some steady hands...
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12/04/2012 01:00:03 AM
what a great shot robert. love the perspective.
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12/04/2012 12:54:39 AM
What a beautiful inviting house your sister has, just a wonderful gathering and well deserved ribbon Rob!
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12/04/2012 12:29:42 AM
Originally posted by Melethia:

Very nice Robert! Where was this, and did you cook? :-)

My sister's house in Los Altos Hills, and yes I cooked: that's my masterpiece of a 24-lb bird.
12/04/2012 12:27:52 AM
Very nice Robert! Where was this, and did you cook? :-)
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12/04/2012 12:17:16 AM
congrats, Robert!
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12/04/2012 12:10:41 AM
YES!!!! I'm SO glad this got you the BLUE, Bear!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/03/2012 11:37:16 PM
Fancy spread.
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12/03/2012 11:36:21 PM
Amazing DOF for live subjects. HDR is hectic but in a "Last Supper" way seems to pull you through the image.
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12/03/2012 03:30:56 PM
What a beautiful table and nice to see people around it!
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12/03/2012 02:04:45 PM
I like this! Very Painterly.
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12/03/2012 12:08:53 PM
Love the HDR/Drama feel on this shot. Gives it a lot texture and flavors a standard image. Did you use TOPAZ Adjusts Drama feature or a Neutralizer on this, bewcause that is what it reminds me of. In any case, well done.
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12/02/2012 09:10:25 PM
Wow!!! Gotta get a lens like this, and the knowledge to use it!! And PS too!!
Please, oh please let us know the details on this one!! this is going in my faves.
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12/02/2012 08:09:42 AM
Terrific shot, placement of turkey perfect!
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12/02/2012 05:36:11 AM
Excellent picture of a family feast. The heavy processing works wonders on the dishes and the glasswork, but makes the people and their dresses look weird.
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12/01/2012 09:53:09 AM
I don't usually care for this much HDR-ness, but I'm really entranced by this. The coordination of all the tableware with the table cloth is positively mesmerizing.
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11/30/2012 05:43:10 PM
Like the scene/composition, like the framing. However, it's overcooked as in too much topaz... Would like to see a more natural version for comparison.

On a longer look, the HDR/Topaz treatment gives this a Norman Rockwell feel...
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11/30/2012 10:48:45 AM
Cool artistic effect.
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11/29/2012 11:47:41 PM
Though I'm not a fan of this processing style on photography, it works great here; as in a Norman Rockwell painting - the detail in the faces is the story, a story well told.
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11/29/2012 11:59:58 AM
Beautiful table- a bear sized turkey and processing to match. A ribbon for sure.
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11/28/2012 10:18:57 AM
Very Norman Rockwell feeling. I find the HDR way overdone.
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11/27/2012 11:46:03 PM
Love the PP, wish there was more food on the table but that's being picky, ribbon for sure!
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11/27/2012 09:55:09 PM
processing was a little heavy for me for this subject matter, and maybe food on the plates might have been good to see otherwise i like the composure.. :O)
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11/27/2012 08:45:32 PM
oy vey, processing can be like frosting on a cake, the right amount is wonderful, too much can make you sick....
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11/27/2012 01:18:02 PM
Best in show award, congrats
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11/27/2012 12:25:06 PM
Very nice shot. I like the awkward uncomfortable look some of the folks have.
Not everyone likes there picture taken. Haaa...
One of my top picks.
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11/27/2012 07:47:21 AM
love the wide angle and pp, just not so sure about that gaping cavity in the bird! :-) 8
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11/27/2012 12:05:05 AM
Fabulous!! I love this!

(commenting only)
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