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Image | Comment |  | Descent from the Cross by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 116 users (view dates): odriew, crik, armando_m, rommel, macwilyum, noraneko, Oz, fud10, hawkeyefilms, AllenP, phoozt, theraindew, SSPhotography, Cory, Zemm, chalice, robm001, HarveyG, nipell, franktheyank, guigia1, pedromen, vogue, grgkopanas, aprudhomme, simplekitty, manic35, keriboi, lenia, GIS_boy, stephan11, Hipychik, Citadel, sammorrisonz2, Gage125, Sliekas_Satanistas, DNA101, danty, Structor, Steveinnz, hesitant, SJCarter, pinetree3, Elvis_L, Palundrium, MrJ, karenk, Piratefx07, aidana, hunted, charmayne, amsmyth, tSkye, Ristyz, meo729, Di, pidge, sher, Giorgio, swankFoto, brownsm, Paul, treyvus, Nforsberg, cujee, walrus451, doctornick, Coley, MG, PleasantDreams, Retroesque, mchalmers, LVicari, DrAchoo, JamesA, sfmorris, arron_christensen, Flooder, Pipe_Dream, samanwar, colorcarnival, alanfreed, kristensen20, KincaHUN, Bebe, docjonny, Ringostarr, bassbone, Mephisto, nikolaos, shetland, CarlvanHeerden, twotkyns, fridjo, BeeCee, millsa, ace flyman, gfied, sekarmalathy, lynnesite, HeatherJ, JulieG, Ann, CorySmith, Caravela, andrewt, Ken, njsabs, ericwoo, cloudsme, nutzito, NikonJeb, BarbB, yanko, Alicia, Lonni |  | Hotter Than Hell by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 33 users (view dates): jomari, Tommy_Mac, Chandi, Crafty, tSkye, Palundrium, trailwalker, JulieG, RamblinR, keyz, Kimburlie, edmeng, Nobody, Pipe_Dream, WalesP, doctornick, pearlseyes, bcenu, dmadden, ronaldfw, pedromen, vikas, citymars, franktheyank, breadfan35, Hipychik, lostside, fridjo, docjonny, odriew, chipuc, DistantColours, Ter |  | Flying Diary by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 38 users (view dates): seethroughmylens, njsabs, Batusai, marvanzo, snapturtle, Karelfred, jbabala, djoubert, McNolia, Valdo, narang2007, danielv, RedDotCom, klorineforbrains, MeGoobie, dmadden, calla_lily, Arnoldo_costa rica, imagine74, Faye Pekas, cools98, shay455, MapleBlondie, Ragga2000, PhotoRyno, Victor10, kpieper, bluecannibal, elips, pcarpi, harchew1, rosarine, waikiki, Structor, pinetree3, ursula, dwterry, yantski |  | Bump 'n' Jump by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 132 users (view dates): seethroughmylens, meadow, curtpetguy, Alain, IAmEliKatz, sekarmalathy, franktheyank, Kimburlie, Tortsman, docjonny, Calvin, addis, char1775, Lydia, jeger, mojoflowerchick, Shaurya, msdoubletrouble, Moose408, lbradt, sandywest, BarbB, Aurel78, basssman7, brayburn, nicojo, oscarmeyer, TamaraKaulitz, steinar, Techo, nibbles, fabriciomarcal, jsnotch, Spiral, tom27, Dirgeelucidatr, hazelmay, SJCarter, Cboydrun, McNolia, booboo_goon, Reflection80, ryand, Fibre Optix, fotoz, bloopz, narang2007, VileFantom, Salo8899, ryannbaker, Ziaphra, eriking, jellyoooo, adriahno, cpanaioti, trghpu1994, davidlinder, dunamis, JustinM, dwterry, sherpet, shay455, dmadden, McFrikki, exqwizme, ustiebitz, maarstad, lynnmarie, scarbrd, coen, mattisokay, photo05, calla_lily, P_Nut, mahan92, KHolt, Lpsmudge, Ebby, Arnoldo_costa rica, harchew1, edslone, xXxscarletxXx, ups93, mommykane2001, Bebe, cathyjane36, cp5140, kpieper, HRoxas, imyourzero, zzzaba, ruzter, dsa157, megano, br o kenl o ve, tumitumi, prAEtoria, ashleigh, aidana, nance-c, Louisa, alienhelix, sailjo, Pixelstate, minu, rpwsrw, xianart, MayaM, mapauleta, scalvert, amandalore, rox_rox, persimon, reza_sakhaeian, Shiiizzzam, edmartin, jeannybeany, jales, option, Rissa, hanneke, Tim, Sunniee, Sunshine86, JeniY, davidx76, jah_luv, jfriesen, ivarg, TheStick, Snydersl, Blue Moon |  | Last Supper by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 222 users (view dates): rommel, macwilyum, Tiny, Cory, hawkeyefilms, ace flyman, daisydavid, LandzEnca, psmcn, jayzundel, bobdaveant, lawrysimm, JustCaree, gadion, bobonacus, ericwoo, kashi, smist, james_so, Kimmymac, Digit3, nipell, disassociation, franktheyank, Sioux, VivaLaAlexander, summer03, rodgers_le, pedromen, SJCarter, JohnStarkweather, bjoern, tSkye, simplekitty, pinkyvoodo, sarrobi, stephan11, holland473, ArtistGary, nzorro, boyd2000, LVicari, KincaHUN, BeeCee, jomari, smudgeSMJ, fiona, jessy_pesce, bucketforacrown, brianlh, fridjo, aKiwi, Robby, Shaka, Yomi, rasras, troy77, emorgan49, Lonni, jeger, togtog, Citadel, Applecore, JessicaBuckle, dmadden, JamesA, panderbear, Patrick_R, mchalmers, B_reflection, cathurynn, glasseye, JimiRose, bs-photos, excreto, doctornick, TygerPawz, jdannels, arron_christensen, love, shutterpuppy, pinetree3, nikolaos, merkuri2, JerseyGenie, whiteroom, darkfaery, Meda4, cintiaz, pidge, SRINI, Cboydrun, McFrikki, penguinbob13, agrimace, cheegirl, geinafets, finseeker, ryand, viajero, BlaineBuddy, Retroesque, SimplyCookie, david_c, xvix, disdatmac, ACross, pepitoid, onar, bigfella, okiesisi, suren, meo729, kelbelle, LKRowell, pwncakesauce, staticoy, vikas, messerschmitt, hanneke, Stiger, angela_packard, HollywoodHoebag, nsoroma79, steinar, Nazgul, djofi, Meoux, MadMan2k, sniper, LanndonKane, liberty, leah53, benjamin7472, njsabs, noraneko, shirokko, wanjun, Shiiizzzam, tfarrell23, robs, sklokke, sparrowsdeath, robinssong, sallycinnamon, saiphfire, McNolia, DrAchoo, mccracal, ShannonLee, Penny Lane, Seraph, Gordon, mitemouze, kje83, neilj, BarbB, cloudsme, Sam94720, frisca, Madukes, soup, Coley, crawdady, dhare, akcoffeeguy, RamblinR, JH, Elvis_L, Siggav, inanutshell, aidana, blazelle, romancillo, Ann, UrfaK, PapaBob, imyourzero, J-Me, letenele, Dani120, Hipychik, SandyP, mango, bdenny, citymars, JulieG, Currence, bassbone, timfythetoo, 777STAN, mirrormimic, Azrifel, suemack, snaeland, yanko, h2, pixi19, SaraR, tapeworm_jimmy, lovethelight, Nald, thomaspeople, librodo, arsenal, mpeters, Gringo, Agaricus, roba, lunachicken, Ivory, AP, colorcarnival, Rgarcia, Techo, daboardergirl, lynnesite, Qart, NikonJeb, wingyisleeds, annah, JeniY |  | Tangerine Dream by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 2 users (view dates): BrennanOB, Chinarosepetal |  | Love is... Flying into your arms by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 111 users (view dates): ecmguy, Tiny, tanguera, Alain, idealodds, Aarthek, photogrrl77, gadion, KristinaG, romil, robm001, ELLIPS, gomanugo, SJCarter, BBBastet, pinkyvoodo, aurora132001, snaffles, JerseyGenie, sgauria, geoffb, periaria, labolivianita, MTDreams, slo007, robs, docjonny, arati_halbe, Citadel, notaniceguytoknow, Bebe, Kel73, yjoshi, SoulMan1978, Jas, Emmagination, fridjo, halopes, Shecoya, Prash, Konador, DistantColours, sainaz, jeger, Applecore, JessicaBuckle, Chris76, TommyMoe21, JaimeVinas, pearlseyes, gfied, kevrobertson, chromeydome, Huntress, reds_g6, scalvert, ryand, vevelaprincessa, WalesP, Kwitchibo, JawnyRico, McNolia, IsabellSchatz, ChikaZAWa, Shanzl, narang2007, Sterling87, oggi, Viya_Rachel, catethrine, jales, homerbob, mahan92, levyj413, literateNstylish, Sophie, Toniann220, Peltz, Greetmir, Ken, fzwikel, ulairi24, Lobao, vikas, dwterry, Coley, Jumoon, annasense, Eaggus, dmadden, Refwhett, Valdo, buzzrock, ShannonLee, anireno, Jewels, doctornick, honikum, ButterflyGirl, pepitoid, Shaurya, smyk, Bolti, brizmama, daboardergirl, Breeee123, RomeorockeR, Camabs, JenniferDavidGA, sanna, BakerBug |  | The Final Cut (Waters departing Pink Floyd) by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 35 users (view dates): crisguz, Flash_ahah, Seraph, Tom, sabsouth, Aurel78, Reflection80, fabriciomarcal, Sam94720, McNolia, nancydrew81, VileFantom, narang2007, Kliopatra, Sbarby, aidanthetoo, rio78, nicojo, BrianR, ho0joker, ssan, harchew1, ButterflyGirl, dmadden, IreneM, Techo, hibatos, h2, Elwood, riot, sacredspirit, riversong, buzzy, Milacroft, HighNooner |  | Hydroplane by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 52 users (view dates): crisguz, Allen1634, fud10, romil, franktheyank, Moose408, raysai, SRINI, dmadden, boyd2000, fabriciomarcal, djoubert, DigiFotoBuddy, The_Itinerant, Sam94720, Fracturedstars, McNolia, tSkye, austinman, livelylizard, Sterling87, docjonny, billtvshow, jerowe, ButterflyGirl, Tom, rcpmac, Kandy Kane, rlancaster, suemack, Pixelstate, dipaulk, rmraz, boblangill, Jumoon, leah53, langdon, VileFantom, ryand, OdysseyF22, elru21, jodeeanne, Delete_Me, flavioalima, Kliopatra, dont4get_im, kenobi, sherpet, citymars, v5planet, DistantColours, Tlemetry |  | Swan Lake by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 68 users (view dates): curtpetguy, njsabs, fud10, haven, tanguera, franktheyank, VivaLaAlexander, gomanugo, SJCarter, CSzar23, Jessi, pastortimmr, Shaka, Lonni, danielcheong1974, Moose408, jhomrighaus, jeger, Seraph, enajj, Chris76, Reflection80, tSkye, diablo2097, robs, Viya_Rachel, GabrielS, fabriciomarcal, stevenov, scarbrd, Spiral, chinpaca, hazelmay, cujee, Dmyobsessions, VileFantom, cdobbs, rugman1969, jrjr, livelylizard, danderson107, GuGi, buzzrock, ursula, Currence, lidalensch, islandpaddler, kateto178, Ann, JBHale, Cyclop, giedrius, CMessineo, ryand, nicojo, bloopz, booboo_goon, adrianodj, Louisa, McNolia, davidus428, AP, leah53, msdoubletrouble, adeldegan, Techo, krnodil, lovethelight |  | Silent Tree For The Singing Birds by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 57 users (view dates): nickyb, khodge, franktheyank, Shaka, ryand, staticoy, Jet, booboo_goon, bloopz, Shanzl, nancydrew81, narang2007, dmadden, daboardergirl, Ziaphra, 99Percent, Greetmir, megano, me_too, idnic, grayo, dreamy, shamer, kawana, MeGoobie, Zemm, joshuadbooth, moolacoola, Jumoon, calla_lily, bmira, robs, mahan92, cathurynn, fstopstigmata, JeffChan, David.C, xXxscarletxXx, mandyturner, redmoon, Montague, shay455, Sunniee, BakerBug, nidia, racb, bellalily, sonshwr, phreak, Delete_Me, dsa157, dwterry, SJCarter, PeterPic, yantski, Tlemetry, JamesKW |  | The unsolved dichotomy. Which came first? by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 13 users (view dates): booboo_goon, nickyb, Kliopatra, Sam94720, msdoubletrouble, Grigolly, abhinaba, jbsmithana, Maiak, CalliopeKel, banmorn, Tannis, goala |  | PMS by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 8 users (view dates): booboo_goon, smist, odriew, Knighterrant, Mona, Erwan_B, zxaar, Zigomar |  | WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 29 users (view dates): fud10, tome, snapturtle, Lonni, Chris76, arondee, McNolia, booboo_goon, fulgent, tate, inanutshell, nancydrew81, narang2007, nikolaos, moolacoola, EBJones, riccardino, jales, mapauleta, Currence, WiT8litZ, rox_rox, hanneke, Jewels, labuds, yanko, davidus428, Techo, MacClemens |  | Devoted Pasta Lovers by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 32 users (view dates): cgino, Tygerr, gomanugo, JuhaT, Nathanael_G, JerseyGenie, TamaraKaulitz, ixilight, fabriciomarcal, Sam94720, signal2noise, UNCLEBRO, qbek, tSkye, Haukur Jo, cheegirl, yanko, Viya_Rachel, maggieddd, dannylee, buzzrock, bloopz, mattisokay, MartynM, snaffles, fzwikel, leah53, VileFantom, gsal, Anastasia, Photorico, JeniY |  | Lab Rat by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 46 users (view dates): IAmEliKatz, Groggy, Aarthek, Kel73, fridjo, arron_christensen, mojoflowerchick, soon, JessicaBuckle, GUTomek, marcia2525, danielcheong1974, Reflection80, reds_g6, fabriciomarcal, mirrormimic, FWP, Spiral, The_Itinerant, Sam94720, hazelmay, RamblinR, qbek, ryand, Grigolly, fotoz, achougoo, cpanaioti, leah53, maynerd12, Ringostarr, durhamlocal, hsiang, rufty, mapauleta, pidge, aidana, bloopz, inspir8tion, dipaulk, Sunshine86, Imagineer, annasense, krnodil, pinetree3, JeniY |  | Still Life With Lemons by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 32 users (view dates): nickyb, haven, xalkida, franktheyank, geinafets, cwyou, fmalan, jettyimages, fridjo, Hungaro, GR8GIFT, tivo, have2fish, crawdady, adeldegan, fabriciomarcal, jsnotch, McNolia, pinetree3, RainMotorsports, dmadden, RedDotCom, Greetmir, zucchini, raajaa, David1411, greslizzz, pacpinto, tate, doug61853, Man_Called_Horse, kiwinick |  | Finding Nemo by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 110 users (view dates): Tiny, nickyb, haven, Perfectlycrooked, KristinaG, Jdroullard, smist, romil, vikas, joeyz101, disassociation, BackpackR, sekarmalathy, desertsnail, pinkyvoodo, dm21384, thermwox, reemas, smudgeSMJ, phro_z, Ja-9, sparrowsdeath, enajj, skjamie25, scalvert, Applecore, Love6, rmezzo, datcat, serenety, sarber, Reflection80, reds_g6, ace flyman, Sam94720, djoubert, namastedc, arenablanca, rnbanias, lovethelight, SouthCoastOr3gon, tmichelle2, ebaldwi2, tSkye, phlick, equatic, Jennifurret, aubreyharrison, mapauleta, Viya_Rachel, aaronwave, Neil, Rob O, indecline, ihartnv9000, brizmama, Kliopatra, beefjerkey, megano, Currence, ingridblue, pcarpi, honikum, Ebby, paha_l, Snake, Blue Moon, Madukes, Shanzl, Sarah90886, talikf, Marjo, ButterflyGirl, lee-roll, 777STAN, Hoos, Elvis_L, leah53, ursula, Siggav, dmadden, Jewels, nancydrew81, kundimansabuwan, snaffles, movieman, Valdo, elizadeb, robs, bloopz, nlghttrain, geahsklz, Beetle, adeldegan, saintaugust, CalliopeKel, flavioalima, Shiiizzzam, B74A, onar, Rooster, RobotBanjo, VileFantom, photokariangel, cassilda_terry, aerogurl, dannylee, xtian, bjuicephoto, fredahenry |  | Still Life With Fruits and Sweet Wine by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 57 users (view dates): pearlseyes, haven, Spark_in_Dark, Stagolee, hawkeyefilms, keone, odriew, Contra, MistyMucky, ace flyman, fmalan, franktheyank, maxxumg, gollum_at, steini, Robby, rasras, jomari, Prash, tate, Man_Called_Horse, dmadden, Yo_Spiff, Moose408, slaakso, jellyoooo, socalsteve, basssman7, Kali, cintiaz, eschelar, fusion, amisanyal, bigfella, ptmax, arati_halbe, magnus, 3DsArcher, bgreene, ursulas, McNolia, williamjosephgallery, VileFantom, Anand, pinetree3, TommyMoe21, davepdotorg, walrus451, krnodil, Greetmir, Peltz, robs, Jumoon, surfinbird, RainMotorsports, super-dave, whiterook |  | Boss Shouting by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 11 users (view dates): haven, CorySmith, booboo_goon, narang2007, jbabala, Jewels, 777STAN, jales, FireInEyes, P_Nut, dwterry |  | Diva and the Gangsters by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 10 users (view dates): AllenP, pedromen, DNA101, danty, tSkye, Nathanael_G, Trumpeteer4, LVicari, NikonJeb, limerick |  | AA Express by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 2 users (view dates): marvanzo, xXxscarletxXx |  | She Hates To Be Betrayed by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 72 users (view dates): samanwar, Tygerr, raymo, Prash, Sugarpie, taddzilla, rmezzo, Love6, fotomann_forever, boyd2000, jeger, bigfella, Rasai, fabriciomarcal, Sam94720, framed, Spenlee, tmichelle2, RamblinR, dmadden, RainMotorsports, pinegan, ullage, dhbudnik, jsnotch, jonconley, Jas, dv_rock, alintatoc, Patmania, Jumoon, kris11, mapauleta, hibatos, Pascal, cloudsme, CynSeaSure, Kronus, Falconuruguay, D-Man, AlexSaberi, Jaded_Housewife, smyk, t_stinnett, MichaelC, Peltz, Drackemoor, jamesjamesjames, gfroese, jales, h2, paha_l, MadMordegon, aidana, sir_bazz, xvix, owen, pinetree3, kjennings, Nuno, tazza, robs, Valdo, Montague, WiT8litZ, charmayne, JeffChan, jabo, Loki, gliphix, Natator, keone |  | The Seven Year Itch by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 2 users (view dates): tibim, Prash |  | Beaucoup de Bokeh II by De Sousa
Selected as a favorite by 3 users (view dates): the99, colorcarnival, dianapf1 |
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